
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission met May 7

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Oswego Village Hall | LinkedIn

Village of Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission met May 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Pajor called the Oswego Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Present: Lisa Hillman, Rick Kuhn, Andrew McCallum, Charlie Pajor, Justin Sather Absent: Kim Bradshaw, Thomas Collins, Donald Marrone, Brian Thomas

There was a quorum.

Oswego community representatives in attendance were:

Present: Rod Zenner, Director; Rachel Riemenschneider, Planner; Mary Ellen Bliss, Recording Secretary


Motion: Commissioner McCallum, second Commissioner Hillman to accept the minutes of the April 4, 2024 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting and Ad Hoc Zoning Commission Meeting.

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried


Rezoning, Subdivision, Final PUD


Applicant: Raj Patel

Project #1216.24

Project Manager: Rod Zenner

Motion: Commissioner McCallum, second Commissioner Sather to open the Public Hearing at 7:01 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried

Director Zenner stated the applicant is requesting approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for the development of a drive-thru coffee kiosk at the property located at 4490

Route 71/262 Washington Street. Director Zenner stated the property was previously brought before the Planning and Zoning Commission in 2023 for review for a similar project with a different petitioner.

Director Zenner stated the property at the corner of Route 71 and Plainfield Road, known as 262 Washington Street, was acquired by the Village from IDOT as part of the Route 71 widening project. Director Zenner stated if approved, the petitioner intends to acquire the property from the Village to construct their proposed Dunkin facility as part of the neighboring property located at 4490 Route 71, with the consolidation of the two lots into a single lot. Director Zenner stated as of May 1, 2024, the property is zoned B-1.

Director Zenner stated the proposed landscape plan exceeds the minimum landscaping requirements, but staff believes that the landscaping is necessary to provide buffers to the nearby single-family residential homes. Director Zenner stated though the residential homes are zoned commercial and identified with a commercial future land use designation, they remain single-family residents and the additional landscaping will help to mitigate the two different types of land uses. Director Zenner stated the plan also provides for a fence along the north property line between this property and the single-family residence to the north.

Director Zenner reviewed proposed signage and stated staff understands that the 1 foot per liner frontage Code requirement may be more restricting on the proposed building due to its small size. Director Zenner stated staff would recommend that the wall signage be reduced in size to be more consistent with the Code. Director Zenner stated with the amount of landscaping proposed and the relatively small size of the walls of the structure, staff would consider signs that may exceed the Code requirements.

Director Zenner stated the site will provide a stormwater basin along the west side of the site along Plainfield Road. Director Zenner stated staff recommends a cross access easement to the southern property to accommodate an access point when the neighboring properties redevelop as commercial properties.

Zachary Blair was sworn in

Naperville, IL

Mr. Blair, the petitioner’s attorney, stated the proposed plan calls for an 800 square foot kiosk structure, with access provided by a right-in/right out access point along Route 71 and a right in/right-out access along Plainfield Road. Mr. Blair stated the site provides seven parking spaces intended for employees only as the building does not have indoor seating nor will it have a walk-up window. Mr. Blair stated drive-thru stacking wraps around the building along the east, south, and west sides of the building and a bypass lane is provided for the drive thru. Mr. Blair stated the petitioner will work with Village staff regarding the signage requirements.

The Commission and Mr. Blair discussed the proposed circulation plan and location of the building.

Emma Albers was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Ms. Albers of Kimley-Horn Engineering provided information on stacking, traffic flow throughout the site, building location, and access points.

Jeff Fowler was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Mr. Fowler stated he owns property next to the site, and requested cross access be provided to the south for future commercial development of his property, and a fence be added along the south side to buffer his property.

Jeff Lestina was sworn in

Oswego, IL

Mr. Lestina stated he lives next to the site, and stated his concerns about noise, lights, and privacy in his backyard.

No additional audience members wished to speak at the public hearing.

Motion: Commissioner McCallum, second Commissioner Hillman to close the Public Hearing at 7:36 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried

The Commission discussed the traffic flow of the site, pavement marking to prevent cut-thru traffic, building location, noise, signage, and fence specifications. Chairman Pajor recommended that the fence material and size be provided for the Village Board meeting.


Motion: Commissioner McCallum, second Commissioner Sather to accept the Findings of Fact and recommend approval of the Preliminary/Final PUD and Subdivision Plat to allow for a Dunkin at 4490 Route 71/262 Washington Street subject to the following:

• Work with staff to revise the signage plans to more closely meet the Code requirements

• Pavement marking to prevent cut-thru traffic

• Addition of a fence along the south side

• Cross access to the south

• Subject to final engineering approval

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried

Preliminary/Final PUD

Flexible Spaces – Kendall Point Lot 7, Unit 3

Applicant: Hazel House Holdings

Project #1214.24

Project Manager: Rachel Riemenschneider

Motion: Commissioner McCallum, second Commissioner Hillman to open the Public Hearing at 7:52 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried

Ms. Riemenschneider stated the applicant is requesting approval of a Preliminary and Final PUD for a development known as Flexible Spaces, located on the east side of Kirkland Circle in the Kendall Point Business Center. Ms. Riemenschneider stated this project was submitted prior to May 1, 2024, and is therefore being reviewed under the 2015 zoning code. Ms. Riemenschneider stated the property is zoned M-1 General Manufacturing District under the Unified Development Ordinance.

Ms. Riemenschneider stated the proposed project consists of three multi-tenant buildings, with a total of 28 tenants for individual users in a total of over 50 thousand square feet, and 73 parking spaces (2.6 spaces per unit).

Ms. Riemenschneider stated the applicant is proposing two monument signs: a smaller sign on Kirkland Circle and a larger one on Route 30; and three wall signs identifying the development, one on Kirkland and two on Route 30. Ms. Riemenschneider stated staff would recommend reducing the total number of wall signs to two. Ms. Riemenschneider stated individual tenants would have small window signage and a panel in the monument signs, but no wall signs.

Ms. Riemenschneider stated the proposed landscaping plan is generally in conformance with the zoning code, except for the southern buffer yard. Ms. Riemenschneider stated the buffer yard on the northeast property line is compliant in terms of number of plantings, but it is located on land owned and managed by the Property Owner's Association. Ms. Riemenschneider stated the applicant has provided staff with an agreement allowing them to install and maintain that landscaping.

No audience members wished to speak at the public hearing.

Motion: Commissioner McCallum, second Commissioner Sather to close the Public Hearing at 7:55 p.m.

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried

The Commission asked what types of businesses could occupy the space. Scott Goldstein, the property owner and developer, stated businesses listed as M-1 permitted uses, such as a contractor’s office/warehouse, a fitness gym, or an online retailer’s warehouse. Mr. Goldstein stated the building will be more aesthetically pleasing than the average metal building, with a “storefront” look. The Commission asked if three spaces could be consolidated into one larger space, and Mr. Goldstein replied that could be a possibility. The Commission and staff discussed the improvements being made on and adjacent to the stormwater management area, including the retaining wall and buffer yard landscaping.


Motion: Commissioner Kuhn, second Commissioner McCallum to recommend approval of the Preliminary and Final PUD, subject to the following conditions:

• Final engineering approval

• Compliance with the following parking requirements:

o Parking spaces must be 20 feet by 9 feet

o Provide 7 bicycle parking spaces

• Provide proof of permission from POA to install landscaping, including maintenance agreement, on stormwater management area parcel

• Compliance with maximum height and wattage for light poles in the parking lot

• Reduce the total number of wall signs to two wall signs (one facing Route 30 and one facing Kirkland Circle)

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried












No report.


No report.




No report.

14. NEXT MEETING - June 6, 2024


Motion: Commissioner McCallum, second Commissioner Kuhn to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.

Ayes: Commissioners Hillman, Kuhn, McCallum, Pajor, Sather

Nays: None

Absent: Commissioners Bradshaw, Collins, Marrone, Thomas

Motion carried

Chairman Pajor adjourned the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting at 8:05 p.m.
