
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met May 21

Webp 20

Craig Soling, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

Craig Soling, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met May 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members

Chairman Ken Koch Alderman Rusty Corneils

Alderman Craig Soling (via Zoom) Alderman Matt Marek

Other City Officials

Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett

Public Works Director Eric Dhuse

Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI Alderman Chris Funkhouser (arr. 6:09pm)

Other Guests:

David Petesch, Kendall County Record (via Zoom at 6:03pm)

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Ken Koch.

Citizen Comments: None

Previous Meeting Minutes: April 16, 2024

The minutes were approved as presented.

New Business:

1. PW 2024-41 2024 Local Road Program – Contract Award

Mr. Sanderson said bids were taken for extra subdivision roadway work approved by City Council and 3 bids were received. Builders Paving was the low bidder at $3,000,162.08 and they are being recommended for the work, with the committee approving. This will move to the regular agenda.

2. PW 2024-42 2024 Local Road Program – Construction Engineering Agreement

Mr. Dhuse said this agreement pertains to the above contract for the roadwork. The agreement is with EEI at their hourly rate and in the amount of $239,982. The work is expected to start after July 4th and finish by winter. Staff recommends approval of this agreement and with committee approval, it will move forward to the regular agenda.

3. PW 2024-43 2025 Water Main Replacement – Design Engineering Agreement

This work is for next year to meet the Lake Michigan deadline, said Mr. Dhuse. It is for 7,700 linear feet at a cost of $318,720 for EEI to do the field work, prepare the plans and bid the project. The funds come from the water main replacement program already approved in the budget. Staff recommends this contract. Chairman Koch requested a running total for all elected officials. It was noted that significant expenditures began last FY. Alderman Soling asked if the city is meeting the 10% water loss. The replacement should be helping with that loss and the city is being aggressive in water main replacement. This moves to the regular agenda.

4. PW 2024-44 Bluestem Water Main Replacement – Design Engineering Agreement

This project is slated for next FY construction and the design will be done this year. A 6-inch water main will be used for a better flow. The contract is for $56,985 and is budgeted. This will move to the consent agenda.

5. PW 2024-45 Water Rate Study – Professional Services Agreement

This rate analysis is required for the WIFIA loan application, said Mr. Dhuse,. It will demonstrate that the city can repay the money that will be borrowed and the money will come from water rate increases. The contract is for $88,900 with EEI and will move forward to the consent agenda with staff and committee approval.

6. PW 2024-46 Downtown Riverwalk Options

Engineer Sanderson reported on this item and said several options were prepared for a proposed crossing of Rt. 47 in the downtown area. The 2 options discussed were to build a bridge over Rt. 47 or to build a walkway under the Rt. 47 bridge.

Option #1: A pedestrian bridge over Rt. 47 must have minimum clearance of 16 feet along with building the pathway and be ADA accessible. The bridge sets the grade. Various locations were considered. Building the path adjacent to the river would be difficult and cofferdams and other methods would be used for construction. There are several drainage structures to contend with on the east side of the bridge. On the west side the grade drops off significantly and due to the grade, the parking lot would be needed for the path. The height of the bridge over Rt. 47 and the grades make it difficult. They are also concerned about the railroad vision with new structures. The cost would be more than $8 million.

Option #2: This option would be to build a pathway under the Rt. 47 bridge. Mr. Sanderson said there are already negative factors for this option. A minimum 9-foot clearance would be required under the bridge, but the beams already hang down. On the west side, cofferdams would be needed. The location would put it in the floodway. On the east side, there are three 36” culverts and they discharge near the existing parking lot above grade of the proposed path and would place it underwater when it rains. Underneath the bridge the path would have to be set at a 10-year flood elevation and the path would often be under water a significant part of the year. The estimated cost is $3 million.

Mr. Sanderson said EEI also looked at building a path on the east side of Rt. 47 to connect the parking lot with the existing path. Just the east side would cost more than $1 million. A cost on the west side would be $2.9 million. It was noted that the brewery on the west side has given an easement to the city.

Alderman Koch asked about a trail along Hydraulic. Mr. Dhuse said a signalized crossing would be required or pedestrians would need to be transported to Van Emmon. A tunnel under Hydraulic was ruled out due to thick bedrock. Another factor is the potential for a commuter train in the downtown area in the future. Ms. Willrett noted that to obtain grants for trails, they must be ADA compliant.

Alderman Corneils asked about the cost to build a bridge to the canoe chute. There was a pre-fab bridge and it was an IDNR project, built by D Construction. Alderman Soling asked if the proposal to remove dams along the Fox River, would help or hinder this project by widening or deepening the river. Montgomery is doing a study and it was suggested information be obtained from them.

Alderman Koch asked that the other Aldermen be given this information and he asked that Director of Parks and Recreation Tim Evans discuss this matter with the Park Board members.

Old Business: None

Additional Business: None

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:40pm.
