
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board of Education met June 24

Webp 23

Dr. Andalib Khelghati, Superintendent of Schools | Evanston/Skokie School District 65 / Facebook

Dr. Andalib Khelghati, Superintendent of Schools | Evanston/Skokie School District 65 / Facebook

Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board of Education met June 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District 308, Kendall, Kane and Will Counties, Illinois, met in a regular session in the Community Room at Oswego East High School.

Note for file: All roll call votes are shown in alphabetical order in these minutes; however, during the Board Meeting votes are called out in accordance with Board Policy 2:220

1. Call to Order – Executive Session (5:30 p.m.)

The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President LaTonya Simelton

1.1 Roll Call:

Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:

Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Jared Ploger, LaTonya Simelton, Mary Jo Wenmouth

Members Absent (at roll call):

Dominick Cirone

2. Closed Session

2.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s) 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of certain employees and individuals; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth, to enter Closed Session under statute(s) 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of certain employees and individuals; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Jared Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

The Board of Education entered closed session 5:33 p.m.

2.2 Return to Open Session

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to return to Open session

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

The Board of Education returned to open session at 7:10 p.m.

3. Call to Order – Public Session (7:00 pm)

The meeting was called to order at 7:14 p.m. by President LaTonya Simelton

3.1 Roll Call:

Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:

Dominick Cirone, Eugene Gatewood, Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Jared Ploger, LaTonya Simelton, Mary Jo Wenmouth

Members Absent (at roll call):


Administration Present:

Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Heather Kincaid

Executive Director of Student Services, Jeremy Bell

Others Present:

Attorney Brian Crowley of Franczek P.C., as well as employees of the District and members of the community.

Recording Secretary:

Ursula Studer

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President LaTonya Simelton

4. Public Comment

4.1 Opportunity for the Public to address the Board of Education

Tina Gentile – presented some questions to the Board regarding policies/rules for foster parents/students. President Simelton informed Ms. Gentile that the Board is not able to answer questions during public comment. Someone from the District will follow up with you.

Mr. Bell, Executive Director of Student Services, was present at the meeting. He discussed the questions with Ms. Gentile in private after the public comment portion of the meeting.

Wayne Harshberger – commented regarding the extra money that was spent on the tennis courts/track. The spreadsheet provided was hard to understand. Mr. Harshberger shared that none of his emails on this topic were answered. When will we receive a project summary of what was the timeline and a full accounting of what was budgeted and what was spent in the end.

Mr. Harshberger also commented on the quotes of the for the three new vehicles. He questioned why there wasn’t an RFP or an RFQ.

5. Comments/Reports

5.1 Superintendent Report

Dr. Kincaid provided the report on Dr. Khelghati’s behalf.

Tonight's agenda is relatively short, as we added this meeting to address some immediate needs for Board consideration and action.

Across the district, our operations and janitorial teams are working hard to construct, paint, clean, and move things around to best address student and staff needs for the upcoming school year. We appreciate their extra time and commitment!

We are so excited that many student artworks will be revealed at two new outdoor public art displays courtesy of the Oswego Cultural Arts Commission. This Thursday, June 27, at 6 p.m. on the northeast corner of Main and Van Buren Streets in downtown Oswego, a small event will formally introduce the Look Up Oswego Banner Project! Thanks to the students and staff who worked with the commission to make this idea a reality! Light refreshments will be served at the reception- no RSVP is required. Please note that our district offices and school buildings will be closed on July 3rd and July 4th next week in honor of the Independence Day holiday.

Board Shout Outs

Ms. Wenmouth - several students, parents, and staff joined together to march in the Aurora Pride Parade earlier this month. Boasting a theme that we’re Stronger Together, the volunteers passed out bubbles and greeted attendees. We hope to have an even bigger presence next year!

Mrs. Johnson - Parent University Registration is Now Open. Plan to join in on this interactive day of learning on Saturday, July 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Plank Junior High. The event is free and open to all area parents. Pre-registration is required. Parents can choose two of four learning opportunities. Childcare and food are provided, along with information on community resources to assist families and giveaways and raffle prizes! Learn more and register on the district website!

Mr. Cirone - our district had an incredible presence in the Prairie Fest Parade on Father’s Day. Over 200 students, parents, and staff participated, sharing giveaways with parade-goers. Vehicles from transportation and operations, along with the high school bands and cheerleaders, also took part in the parade.

Dr. Murillo - tomorrow, Tuesday, June 25th, from 5-6:30pm, Northern Illinois Food Bank will host a mobile pantry drive-thru at Lakewood Creek Elementary School. The pantry is open to all area families who can use additional food. No ID, address, or proof of income is required. This is a first come, first served event, while supplies last.

Mr. Ploger

If you haven’t grabbed dinner yet or want to stop by for a late-evening snack, the EPEC (Exceptional Parents of Exceptional Children) group would appreciate you stopping by Riverside Pizza until 11 p.m. tonight. Funds raised from dine-in and carry-out orders will help support Special Needs Programs at SD 308!

Mr. Gatewood - we’d like to thank the many community leaders, business owners, elected officials, and district leaders who joined for our first annual District Dialogue Business Breakfast on June 11. The morning included great networking opportunities and a chance for attendees to hear from our students, principals, and district leaders about the amazing things happening in our district. Collaborative events like this one are important for expanding opportunities for our students throughout our community.

President Simelton - our Human Resources team is hosting open interviews specially tailored for those looking to make an impact in our operations/maintenance and transportation departments. If you’re interested in a career as a custodian, bus driver, crossing guard, or bus monitor, secure your interview spot for Saturday, July 6th. 30-minute interview slots can be booked online—visit the calendar on the district website for more details!

Our school food provider, Aramark, is also hosting a hiring event for food service positions across the district. Visit Oswego High School this Thursday, from 10:30 to 3:30 or Friday, from 8 to 1. Check the district website announcements for more details.

5.2 Board Member Comments

Jennifer Johnson – commented that we can do a better job explaining to our community how we are utilizing our Board Advisory Committees. The issue brought up during public comment have all been taken care of through the Finance & Facilities committee. We have a good working process with our committees. Perhaps going forward, the dates for future committee meetings can be added during the committee updates.

Jared Ploger – shared that Chicago Public school is now moving to Tier 2 for EBF. If other districts have to funnel funds to CPS, it will definitely affect us. It would be best to start the conversations soon.

6. Consent Agenda

6.1 Approval of Minutes from previous Meetings

6.2 Acknowledgement of Freedom of Information (FOIA) Requests

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth, to approve all items under consent including 6.1 Minutes from the Board of Education Workshop on May 25, 2024, open and closed session, the Board of Education meeting on June 3, 2024, open and closed session and 6.2 to acknowledge the FOIA requests received by the District

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

7. Information

7.1 RFP for Painting Maintenance

Mr. Ploger commented that a company from Oswego added a bid, but it is not the lowest bid. Have we had any experience with any of the companies. The Board will always prefer to give our work to local businesses.

8. Action Items

8.1 Approval of Bills for Payment

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Eugene Gatewood, to authorize the payment of bills in the amount of two million, seven hundred sixty-one thousand, nine hundred forty-eight dollars and seven cents ($2,761,948.07) as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.2 Approval of District Administrator Contracts

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth, to approve the District Administrator contracts as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.3 Approval of Building Administrator Contracts

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the Building Administrator contracts as discussed in closed session

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.4 Approval of Personnel Report

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the Personnel report as discussed in closed session

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.5 Approval of Network Switch Refresh (E-Rate)

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the purchase of the Data Network Edge Switch Replacements as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.6 Approval of Fleet Refresh

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth, to approve the purchase of three trucks for our Operations Department from River View Ford in the amount of $145,000.00

Ms. Wenmouth mentioned that this was an informational item at the June 3, 2024 Board of Education meeting. The reason we solicited an additional quote is because the Board members asked to see a local business if at all possible.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.7 Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Community Cares

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Community Cares

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0-1

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo Mr. Jared Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton

Abstain: Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.8 Approval of Intergovernmental Agreements with our Municipalities

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the following Municipalities as presented; Aurora PD, Kendall County, Montgomery PD and Oswego Fire

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.9 Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Oswego – RRA

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Oswego - Reciprocal Reporting Agreement (RRA) as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.10 Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Village of Oswego - SRO

A motion was made Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Oswego - School Resource Officers (SRO) as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-1

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Mr. Jared Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

Nay: Dr. Amy Murillo

8.11 Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Plainfield – RRA and SRO

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Plainfield (RRA and SRO) as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-1

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

Nay: Dr. Amy Murillo

8.12 Approval of Intergovernmental Agreements with Neighboring School Districts for Special Education Services

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Dominick Cirone, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreements for our Special Education services with the following neighboring districts; Minooka, DeKalb, Sandwich, Coal City, West Aurora, East Aurora and Morris Community High School District 101

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

8.13 Approval of Title I Schoolwide Plans: Boulder Hill and Long Beach Elementary, and Plank Junior High School

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth, to approve the Title I Schoolwide Plans for Boulder Hill and Long Beach Elementary, and for Plank Junior High School

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo Mr. Jared Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

9. Closed Session

9.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s); 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Eugene Gatewood, to enter Closed Session under statute(s); 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Jared Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

The Board of Education entered closed session 7:55 p.m.

9.2 Return to Open Session

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth, to return to Open session

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

The Board of Education returned to open session at 8:23 p.m.

10. Adjournment

10.1 Adjourn

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Eugene Gatewood, to adjourn. All were in favor unanimously to adjourn.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0

Aye: Mr. Dominick Cirone, Mr. Eugene Gatewood, Ms. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Amy Murillo, Mr. Jared Ploger, Ms. LaTonya Simelton, Ms. Mary Jo Wenmouth

Meeting Adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
