
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kendall County Board of Health met June 18

Webp 15

Matt Kellogg, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County, IL Website

Matt Kellogg, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County, IL Website

Kendall County Board of Health met June 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Ms. Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.


A quorum was declared by roll call.

Members present: Dr. Julie Conlin, Lynn Cullick, Jordan Gash, Dr. John Gleason, Dr. Karin Gustafson, Karen Kelly, Andrea Mann, Bobby Richardson, Gabriella Shanahan, and Brooke Shanley

Members absent: Jay DeMarco,

Staff present: RaeAnn VanGundy, Executive Director/Public Health Administrator; Arissa Hunt, Executive Assistant; Katy Williams, Fiscal Director.

Guests: Julia Holt, Emergency Response Specialist


Dr.Gustafson moved to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Shanahan seconded the motion. The motion approved unanimously by voice vote.


Ms. Kelly moved to approve the May 21, 2024 regular minutes as presented. Ms. Cullick seconded the motion. The motion approved unanimously by voice vote.


Julia Holt, Emergency Response Specialist for KCHD


Ms. VanGundy shared a social media post about a recent intern presentation from our Community Health Unit. Ms. VanGundy stated the Hannah, a Registered Dietitian student from Benedictine University recently hosted a lunch and learn for the staff on obesity and using alternatives, such as coconut flour or honey, to make your favorite foods healthier. Hannah was will us for 3 shorts weeks and spent all her time with the WIC nutritional program.

Ms. VanGundy shared with the board an image of the “posters and coasters” related to Naloxone that have been placed at restaurants/bars in Kendall County through our Opioid Campaign. A handout was shared that shows the current locations where they are posted. Dr. Conlin asked about the acceptance by restaurants and Ms. VanGundy reported that some have refused, but we just must move on to the next one. Ms. Shanahan asked about the campaign reaching the southeast corner of the county and Ms. VanGundy will inquire with staff.

Ms. VanGundy shared that the Weatherization Team was recently awarded the “Exceptional Performance Award” by DCEO at a recent conference in Springfield. They have exceeded their program plan and have almost doubled the number of homes served this program year. They are scheduled to weatherize 17 homes and as of May they have completed over 27 with additional funding from the state. Congratulations to our Weatherization Team!

Ms. VanGundy stated that Steve Curatti recently celebrated 25 years of service at the Health Department in May. Marlin Hartman also celebrated 25 years of service in Kendall County in May as the part-time Solid Waste Coordinator. Thank you to both wonderful gentlemen for their dedication and loyalty to our communities.

Ms. VanGundy shared that Arissa will be on leave of absence starting July through October to spend time with her new arrival, her second baby boy. All Board correspondence will be coming from Ms. VanGundy during her leave of absence.


A. Finance Committee

Ms. Shanahan reviewed the minutes for the Finance Committee. Discussed the budget will reflect 5% salary increases for eligible staff in FY 2025. Ms. Shanahan shared the updates on the increase in Homeless Prevention. Ms. VanGundy discussed LHPG funding and the lack of restoration of the additional 5M from the State of IL. Mack and Assoc. will be our County Auditors for the next 3 years (FY24-FY26).

Mr. Gash moved to approve May vouchers totaling $329,426.73. Ms. Cullick seconded the motion. The motion approved unanimously by roll call vote.

B. Approve Finance Committee 06/12/24 Minutes

Dr. Gustafson moved to approve the Finance Committee 06/12/24 Minutes as presented. Ms. Mann seconded the motion. The motion approved unanimously by voice vote.


A. Emergency Response Presentation

Ms. Holt shared information related to her position as Emergency Response Specialist for the Health Department. Julia explained that her responsibilities include: works under both PHEP and CRI grants, conducts call-downs with staff and colleagues, work s with Regional Health Care Coalitions to, conducts Just-in-time trainings with all new staff, FEMA training coordination, and also conducts outreach and shares File of Life with the community, assists with outbreaks at schools or LTCF, and internally she conducts all of our drills. She has also been part of the Hazards Mitigation Team for Kendall County and participates in Nuclear Drills. Julia stated they she enjoys working with the Health Departments and learning about what they are doing to help their communities in the event of an emergency. Julia is also the host/author of our Health Department’s Emergency Operations Plan.

B. Review and Approval of FY2025 Budget

Ms. Williams shared a draft version of the FY2025 Budget. It is due to the county before the August Board of Health Meeting, so one more version will be reviewed in July.

Notable changes for Revenue include: Line 31 – Miscellaneous Income – decreased, refunds are being moved to the original GL. Line 50 – Local Health Protection – increased, due to a new grant for respiratory. Line 60 – Behavioral Health Outpatient – increased, due to increased revenues from reimbursement. Line 74 – Mental Health Juvenile Justice – new, have now received notice of award. Line 160 – West Nile – increased, due to the previous year allocation. Line 220 – DHS FCM/HRIF – decreased, due to the state not moving forward with “new” grant. Line 230 – DHS WIC – increased, received increased funding. Line 282 – Employment Barrier Reduction Program – decreased, narrowing focus of program funding to only vehicle repairs. Line 291, 292 – LIHEAP HHS, LIHEAP STATE – changed in equal amounts. Line 293 – LIHEAP Cares – program ended. Lines 294-296 – Weatherization – increased, increased funding. Line 299 – CSBG – expecting an increase. Line 321 – Child Care Mental Health Consultation – program ended in April of 2024.

Mr. Richardson stated that the revenues look good considering the economic environment we are currently in.

Ms. VanGundy stated that revenues are always a moving target depending on what grant allocations change/stay the same and writing for additional funding opportunities.

Notable changes for Expenditures include: Line 500 – All Unit Salaries – increased, includes 5% raise and room for a paid intern for each department. Line 550 – Milage – decreased, less milage with removal of Caregiver Connections program. Line 567 – Operational Agreements – increased, due to Sage Intact. Line 660 – Employee Health Benefits – increased based on salary increase. Line 691-693 – LIHEAP – changed based on allocations. Line 695-698 – Weatherization – changed based on allocations. Line 700 – Employment Barrier Reduction Program – decreased, due to only vehicle repairs. Line 800 – Refunds – decreased, will go into original line. Line 810 – IPLAN – increased, due to planning year. Line 820 – CARF – increased, will be a site visit year.

The board will have another opportunity to review this budget in July with the final one to be uploaded in August to the County portal.

Dr. Conlin moved to approve the FY2025 Budget as presented. Ms. Shanahan seconded the motion. The motion approved unanimously by roll call vote.

C. Public Health Workforce Interest and Needs Survey (PH WINS)

Ms. VanGundy stated that the Health Department will be participating in a national workforce survey in September. This is aligned with our Strategic Plan and will reveal some useful data to assist with decision making related to workforce. The results will be available in Summer of 2025 reviewed a Public Health Workforce Survey.

Ms VanGundy presented an example of the survey results from another Health Department from the 2021 survey to help the board better understand the type of questions that will be asked. Ms. VanGundy stated that the survey answers go directly to the de Beaumont Company, and we will only receive aggregate data. That ensure that we do not know how any one person answered a question. Ms. VanGundy wants staff to be honest and answer all questions without concerns over their answers. This is a free survey that will compare our workforce to the national public health workforce. We need 89% compliance in order for us to receive a report.

D. Surveillance Report – Environmental Health Systems

Ms. VanGundy reviewed the infographic related to permits issued over the past three years for wells/septic systems, the number of new well/septic inspections and site evaluations. Site evaluations increase from 126 in 2022 to 153 in 2023.




A. Leadership Minutes 05/17/24






Ms.Cullick moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Ms. Shanahan seconded the motion. The motion approved unanimously by voice vote. The next meeting is July 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
