
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Kendall County Zoning Platting and Advisory Committee met Aug. 6

Webp 8

Brooke Shanley, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County

Brooke Shanley, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County

Kendall County Zoning Platting and Advisory Committee met Aug. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PBZ Chairman Seth Wormley called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Matt Asselmeier – PBZ Department

Lauren Belville – Health Department

Meagan Briganti – GIS Department

Brian Holdiman – PBZ Department

Fran Klaas – Highway Department

Alyse Olson – Soil and Water Conservation District

Antoinette White – Forest Preserve

Seth Wormley – PBZ Committee Chair


Greg Chismark – WBK Engineering, LLC

Commander Jason Langston – Sheriff’s Department


Dan Kramer, Steve Grebner, and Matt Toftoy


Mr. Klaas made a motion, seconded by Mr. Asselmeier, to approve the agenda as presented. With a voice vote of eight (8) ayes, the motion carried.


Mr. Klaas made a motion, seconded by Mr. Asselmeier, to approve the July 2, 2024, meeting minutes. With a voice vote of eight (8) ayes, the motion carried.


Petition 24-21 Scott L. and Cheryl A. Hill on Behalf of the Hill Living Trust

Mr. Asselmeier summarized the request.

The Petitioners would like a map amendment rezoning approximately thirteen point nine more or less (13.9 +/-) acres located on north side of Miller Road between 15715 and 15609 Miller Road from A-1 Agricultural District to R-1 One Family Residential District in order to build two (2) houses at the property.

In addition to the map amendment, the Petitioners were seeking a variance to Section 8:02.D.1 which requires properties zoned R-1 to be a minimum two hundred feet (200’) in width at the building line. The Petitioners were not involved in the division of the property from the larger farm or the annexation of a portion of the larger farm to the City of Plano, which caused the flag lot. The parcel is approximately forty feet (40’) wide at the building line.

The application materials and zoning plat were provided.

The property was located between 15715 and 15609 Miller Road on the north side of Miller Road. The existing land use is Agricultural.

The County’s Land Resource Management Plan calls for the property to Countryside Residential. Plano’s Future Land Use Map calls for the property to be Estate Residential.

Miller Road is a Township maintained Minor Collector.

Plano has a trail planned along Miller Road.

There is a wetland (freshwater pond) on the property.

The adjacent land uses are Agricultural and Single-Family Residential.

The adjacent properties are zoned A-1 and R-3 in the County and AG-1 inside Plano.

The County’s Future Land Use Map calls for the area to be Countryside Residential (Max 0.33 DU/Acre). Plano’s Future Land Use Map calls for the area to be Estate Residential (Max 0.8 DU/Acre) and Low Density Residential (Max 2.25 DU/Acre).

Properties within one half (1/2) mile are zoned A-1, A-1 SU, R-1, R-2, and R-3 in the County and AG-1 inside Plano. The A-1 special use permits to the east is for a campground (Boy Scout camp).

EcoCAT Report submitted and consultation was terminated; there were protected resources in the area, but adverse impacts were unlikely.

The application for NRI was submitted on July 22, 2024.

Petition information was sent to Little Rock Township on July 30, 2024. No comments were received. Petition information was sent to the City of Plano on July 30, 2024. No comments were received. Petition information was sent to the Little Rock-Fox Fire Protection District on July 30, 2024. No comments were received.

The Petitioners would like to rezone the property in order to build a maximum of two (2) houses on the property. Since an access easement already exists on the west side of the property, a Plat Act Exemption may be used instead of doing a subdivision.

The site is currently farmed. Any future buildings would have to meet applicable building codes.

There is electricity on the southeast corner of the property. No information was provided regarding wells or septic systems on the property

The property fronts Miller Road. Little Rock Township has permitting authority over access at the property. A gravel driveway connects the property to Miller Road and serves the adjoining two (2) parcels. Based on the proposed uses, no new odors are foreseen.

Lighting would be for residential purposes and would have to follow applicable ordinances.

Landscaping would be for residential uses.

No non-residential signage is planned.

The owners of the property would have to follow applicable noise control regulations based on residential uses. Stormwater control would be evaluated as part of the building permit.

The proposed Findings of Fact for the Map Amendment were as follows:

Existing uses of property within the general area of the property in question. The surrounding properties are used for agricultural purposes and single-family residential purposes.

The Zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question. The surrounding properties are zoned agricultural in the unincorporated area and in the City of Plano. There are also R-1, R-2, and R-3 zoned properties in the vicinity.

The suitability of the property in question for the uses permitted under the existing zoning classification. The property consists of marginal farmland and, due to its size, it is not eligible for residential uses without a map amendment.

The trend of development, if any, in the general area of the property in question, including changes, if any, which may have taken place since the day the property in question was in its present zoning classification. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall not recommend the adoption of a proposed amendment unless it finds that the adoption of such an amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the interest of the applicant. The Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend the adoption of an amendment changing the zoning classification of the property in question to any higher classification than that requested by the applicant. For the purpose of this paragraph the R-1 District shall be considered the highest classification and the M-2 District shall be considered the lowest classification. The trend of development in the area is a mix of agricultural and single family residential.

Consistency with the purpose and objectives of the Land Resource Management Plan and other adopted County or municipal plans and policies. The subject property is classified as Countryside Residential on the Future Land Use Map and the R-1 Zoning District is consistent with this land classification.

The proposed Findings of Fact for the variance were as follows:

The particular physical surroundings, shape, or topographical condition of the specific property involved would result in a particular hardship or practical difficulty upon the owner if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out. The subject property was part of a larger farm, which has been divided and a portion of this farm was annexed to the City of Plano, causing the flag shape of the lot.

The conditions upon which the requested variation is based would not be applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. Other R-1 zoned properties that were parts of larger farms, whereby part of the larger farm was annexed to a municipality by a previous owner, could request a similar variance.

The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property. The difficulty was created by a previous owner when they divided the larger farm and annexed a portion of the larger farm to Plano.

The granting of the variation will not materially be detrimental to the public welfare or substantially injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located. Granting the variance would not be detrimental to the public or substantially injurious to other properties.

That the proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the congestion in the public streets or increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. The proposed variance would not impair light or air on adjacent property, cause congestion, increase the danger of fire, or negatively impact property values.

Staff recommended approval of the proposed map amendment and variance.

Dan Kramer, Attorney for the Petitioner, said that the property to the north was part of a large annexation to the City of Plano that comprised approximately two thousand (2,000) acres as a planned residential development that never developed. Mr. Kramer explained that the grandfather of the Petitioner owned the larger farm, which was divided among the heirs. There is no well or septic on the property. The son might build one (1) home on the property, but the Petitioner’s definitively will build one (1) home on the property. Mr. Kramer said that the City of Plano will provide a letter of support and Little Rock Township will review the proposal later this month.

Mr. Holdiman made a motion, seconded by Mr. Klaas, to recommend approval of the map amendment and variance.

The votes were follows:

Ayes (8): Asselmeier, Belville, Briganti, Holdiman, Klaas, Olson, White, and Wormley

Nays (0): None

Abstain (0): None

Absent (2): Chismark and Langston

The motion passed.

The proposal goes to the Kendall County Regional Planning Commission on August 28, 2024.

Petition 24-22 Leo M. Phillipp

Mr. Asselmeier summarized the request.

The Petitioners would like a map amendment rezoning approximately eleven point six more or less (11.6 +/-) acres of the approximately fifteen (15) acres located at the northeast corner of Legion and East Highpoint Roads in order to construct approximately three (3) houses.

The application materials and zoning plat were provided.

The property is located at 10835 Legion Road.

In 1984, through Ordinance 84-06, the southwest corner of the property was rezoned to R-1.

In 1987, through Ordinance 87-27, the southwest corner of the property was rezoned back to A-1 and approximately three point three more or less (3.3 +/-) acres, where the current house, is placed was rezoned to R-1.

The total size of the property is approximately fifteen (15) acres.

The existing land use for the proposed rezoned portion of the property is Wooded.

The County’s Land Resource Management Plan calls for the property to be Suburban Residential and Yorkville’s Plan calls for the property to be Estate/Conservation Residential.

East Highpoint Road and Legion Road are Township maintained Minor Collectors.

Yorkville has a trail planned along East Highpoint Road.

There are no floodplains or wetlands on the property.

The current land uses of the adjacent properties are Agricultural and Single-Family Residential. The adjacent properties are zoned A-1, A-1 SU, and R-1.

The County’s Future Land Use Map calls for the area to be Suburban Residential (Max 1.0 DU/Acre) and Rural Residential (Max 0.65 DU/Acre). Yorkville’s Future Land Use Map calls for the area to be Estate/Conservation Residential.

The properties within one half (1/2) mile are zoned A-1, A-1 SU, R-1, R-2, R-3, RPD-2, RPD-3, and B-4. The A-1 special use permits to the east are for communication towers.

The A-1 special use permit to the west is for boarding horses.

EcoCAT Report submitted and consultation was terminated.

The application for NRI was submitted on July 19, 2024.

Petition information was sent to Kendall Township on July 30, 2024. No comments were received. Petition information was sent to the United City of Yorkville on July 30, 2024. No comments were received. Petition information was sent to the Bristol-Kendall Fire Protection District on July 30, 2024. No comments were received.

The Petitioners would like to rezone the property in order to build a maximum of three (3) houses on the rezoned portion of the property. Since the property already has frontage along East Highpoint and Legion Roads, a Plat Act Exemption may be used instead of doing a subdivision.

The site is currently mostly wooded with one (1) single-family home. Any future buildings would have to meet applicable building codes.

The wooded area is not presently served by utilities.

The property fronts East Highpoint and Legion Roads. Kendall Township has permitting authority over access at the property.

No information was provided regarding parking.

Based on the proposed uses, no new odors are foreseen.

Lighting would be for residential purposes and would have to follow applicable ordinances.

Landscaping would be for residential uses.

No non-residential signage is planned.

The owners of the property would have to follow applicable noise control regulations based on residential uses.

Stormwater control would be evaluated as part of the building permit.

The proposed Findings of Fact were as follows:

Existing uses of property within the general area of the property in question. The surrounding properties are used for agricultural purposes and single-family residential purposes.

The Zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question. The surrounding properties are zoned agricultural and some form of single-family residential.

The suitability of the property in question for the uses permitted under the existing zoning classification. The property consists of a large wooded area and, due to its size, it is not eligible for residential uses without a map amendment.

The trend of development, if any, in the general area of the property in question, including changes, if any, which may have taken place since the day the property in question was in its present zoning classification. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall not recommend the adoption of a proposed amendment unless it finds that the adoption of such an amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the interest of the applicant. The Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend the adoption of an amendment changing the zoning classification of the property in question to any higher classification than that requested by the applicant. For the purpose of this paragraph the R-1 District shall be considered the highest classification and the M-2 District shall be considered the lowest classification. The trend of development in the area is a mix of agricultural and single family residential.

Consistency with the purpose and objectives of the Land Resource Management Plan and other adopted County or municipal plans and policies. The subject property is classified as Suburban Residential on the Future Land Use Map and the R-1 Zoning District is consistent with this land classification.

Staff recommended approval of the proposed map amendment.

Mr. Klaas asked if a plat of subdivision would be required. Mr. Asselmeier discussed the Plat Act exemptions that could be used to develop multiple lots without going through the subdivision process.

Mr. Klaas requested forty foot (40’) rights-of-way dedications on East Highpoint and Legion Roads because of fatal accidents in that area. Dan Kramer, Attorney for the Petitioner was agreeable to the request and would prepare a letter of dedication.

Mr. Kramer said three (3) houses would be the maximum, but the Petitioner would sell to one (1) buyer. Mr. Klaas made a motion, seconded by Mr. Holdiman, to recommend approval of the map amendment.

The votes were follows:

Ayes (8): Asselmeier, Belville, Briganti, Holdiman, Klaas, Olson, White, and Wormley

Nays (0): None

Abstain (0): None

Absent (2): Chismark and Langston

The motion passed.

The proposal goes to the Kendall County Regional Planning Commission on August 28, 2024. PBZ Chairman Wormley recused himself at this time (9:15 a.m.).

Petition 24-23 Seth Wormley on Behalf of the Richard Budd Wormley Revocable Living Trust (Owner) and Matthew D. Toftoy on Behalf of Finer Finish Grounds Care, LLC (Tenant)

Mr. Asselmeier summarized the request.

The Petitioners are seeking a special use permit for a landscaping business, including allowing outdoor storage of equipment.

The application materials, site plan, and pictures of the property were provided.

The property is located at 6891 Fox River Drive, Yorkville, inside the Village of Millbrook.

The proposed special use area of the property was approximately three point two (3.2) acres in size. The existing land use of the property is Agricultural.

The property is zoned A-1 by the Village of Millbrook.

Millbrook Plan calls for the property to be Low Density Residential (Max 0.65 DU/Acre).

Fox River Drive is a Major Collector maintained by Kendall County.

The County has a trail planned along Fox River Drive.

There are no floodplains or wetlands on the portion of the parcels where the special use is proposed.

The adjacent properties are Agricultural and Single-Family Residential. The Fox River is located west of the subject property.

The adjacent properties are zoned A-1 in the County and A-1 inside the Village of Millbrook.

The County’s Land Resource Management Plan calls for the area to be Countryside Residential (Max 0.33 DU/Acre) and Open Space. Millbrook’s Future Land Use Map calls for the area to be Low Density Residential, Open Space, and Forest Preserve.

The properties within one half (1/2) of a mile are zoned A-1 and A-1 BP in the County and A-1 inside Millbrook. Approximately eight (8) houses are located within a half mile (0.5) miles of the subject property.

The Millbrook North Forest Preserve is located within a half mile (0.5) miles of the subject property.

EcoCAT Report was submitted on July 18, 2024, and while some protected resources were in the area, the opinion was that adverse impacts were unlikely.

The NRI application was submitted on July 19, 2024.

Petition information was sent to Fox Township on July 30, 2024. No comments were received. Petition information was sent to the Village of Millbrook on July 30, 2024. No comments were received. Petition information was sent to the Little Rock-Fox Fire Protection District on July 30, 2024. No comments were received.

Per Section 7:01.D.32 of the Kendall County Zoning Ordinance, landscaping businesses can be special uses on A-1 zoned property subject to the following conditions:

1. All vehicles, equipment and materials associated with a landscaping business shall be stored entirely within an enclosed structure, unless otherwise permitted under the terms of this Special Use Permit.

2. The business shall be located on, and have direct access to, a State, County or Collector Highway as identified in the County’s LRMP, having an all-weather surface, designed to accommodate loads of at least 73,280 lbs, unless otherwise approved in writing by the agency having jurisdiction over said Highway. Such approvals shall establish limitations as to the number of employees and types of vehicles coming to and from the site that are engaged in the operation of the use (including delivery vehicles). These restrictions shall be included as controlling conditions of the Special Use.

3. No landscape waste generated off the property can be burned on this site.

If the Millbrook Village Board approves the outdoor storage of equipment, the above conditions have been met.

As noted in the project narrative, the Petitioners would like to operate Finer Finish Ground Care, LLC at the subject property. The landscaping business would lease the property from the property owner.

They would use the site for storage equipment. Employees would visit the site to get equipment. The business’ main office is located offsite. The site would not be open to customers.

The business would be open from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. daily and daily for twenty-four hours (24) during snow events in the winter. The business has a maximum of ten (10) employees.

The site plan shows one (1) approximately three thousand two hundred twenty-eight (3,228) square foot metal barn, one (1) approximately one thousand one hundred fifty (1,150) square foot frame barn, one (1) approximately one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square foot metal barn, and one (1) approximately six hundred ten (610) square foot frame barn. There would be no outdoor storage of landscape materials; equipment would be stored outdoors.

Equipment consists of pickup trucks, trailers, side-by-sides, mowers, water tanks, small utility tractors, riding mowers, and skid steers. These items would be stored outdoors, when the business is closed.

Many of the buildings on the subject property appear on the 1939 and subsequent year aerials. No new buildings are planned as part of the special use permit.

Any structures related to the landscaping business would be required to obtain applicable building permits.

The property is served by a well on an adjoining property. There is no septic system on the property and a septic system is not planned. Electricity is on site.

One (1) dumpster area is proposed on the “concrete pad” area labeled on the site plan.

The property drains towards southwest.

Because the Petitioners are not proposing outdoor storage and because the buildings and impervious areas appear on the 1939 aerial, no stormwater permit is required.

Per the site plan, the property has a gravel driveway.

According to the site plan, the Petitioners proposes a gravel parking lot with twelve (12) parking spaces, including one (1) ADA accessible parking space.

No new lighting was planned for the property. There are wall pack lights that light the driveway and building entrances. No signage was proposed.

The property presently has cameras on the main buildings.

No landscaping besides the existing mature plantings and pines that are visible in several of the pictures is planned. No information was provided regarding noise control.

No information was provided regarding odor control.

If approved, this would be the first (1st) special use permit for a landscaping business in the Village of Millbrook.

The proposed Findings of Fact were as follows:

The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the special use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare. Numerous landscaping businesses have been approved throughout unincorporated Kendall County. The proposed use is along Fox River Drive, which is classified as a major collector. Reasonable restrictions can be placed in the special use permit to ensure the health, safety, and general welfare of the area are protected.

The special use will not be substantially injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood. The Zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question shall be considered in determining consistency with this standard. The proposed use makes adequate provisions for appropriate buffers, landscaping, fencing, lighting, building materials, open space and other improvements necessary to insure that the proposed use does not adversely impact adjacent uses and is compatible with the surrounding area and/or the County as a whole. The subject property is in a large A-1 Agricultural District. The use will not impede farms or residential uses on the adjoining properties. Reasonable restrictions may be placed on the special use permit to address hours of operation, noise, landscaping, and site layout to prevent neighboring property owners are not negatively impacted by the proposed use.

Adequate utilities, access roads and points of ingress and egress, drainage, and/or other necessary facilities have been or are being provided. The proposal states that customers will not come to the property. Given the limited number of employees reporting to the property, adequate utilities, access roads, and ingress/egress exists. The proposal does not call for outdoor storage of materials.

The special use shall in all other respects conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located, except as such regulations may in each instance be modified by the County Board pursuant to the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals. This is true.

The special use is consistent with the purpose and objectives of the Land Resource Management Plan and other adopted County or municipal plans and policies. The proposal is also consistent with a goal and objective found on page 7-26 of the Land Resource Management Plan, “A strong base of agriculture, commercial and industrial uses that provide a broad range of job opportunities, a healthy tax base, and improved quality of services to County residents.”

Staff recommended approval of the requested special use permit subject to the following conditions and restrictions. To date, the Petitioners have not agreed to these conditions and restrictions:

1. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with the site plan.

2. Equipment and vehicles related to the business allowed by the special use permit may not be stored outdoors at the subject property when the business is closed.

3. None of the vehicles or equipment parked or stored on the subject property related to the business allowed by the special use permit shall be considered agricultural vehicles or agricultural equipment.

4. All of the vehicles and equipment stored on the subject property related to the business allowed by the special use permit shall be maintained in good condition with no deflated tires and shall be licensed if required by law.

5. The owners of the businesses allowed by this special use permit shall diligently monitor the property for leaks from equipment and vehicles parked and stored and items stored on the subject property and shall promptly clean up the site if leaks occur.

6. Except for the purposes of loading and unloading, all landscape related materials shall be stored indoors.

7. A maximum of ten (10) employees of the business allowed by this special use permit, including the owners of the business allowed by this special use permit, may report to this site for work.

8. No customers of the business allowed by the special use permit shall be invited onto the subject property for matters related to the business allowed by the special use permit.

9. The hours of operation of the business allowed by this special use permit shall be daily from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and the business shall be open twenty-four (24) hours to address snow events. The owners of the business allowed by this special use permit may reduce these hours of operation.

10. Any structures constructed, installed, or used related to the business allowed by this special use permit on the property shall not be considered for agricultural purposes and must secure applicable building permits. This restriction does not apply to greenhouses.

11. No signs are shown on the site plan. The owner of the business allowed by the special use permit may request a sign in the future using the minor amendment process, provided that the proposed sign meets the requirements of the Kendall County Zoning Ordinance.

12. Only lighting related to security may be installed outdoors at the subject property.

13. No landscape waste generated off the property can be burned on the subject property.

14. The noise regulations are as follows:

Day Hours: No person shall cause or allow the emission of sound during daytime hours (7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.) from any noise source to any receiving residential land which exceeds sixty-five (65) dBA when measured at any point within such receiving residential land, provided; however, that point of measurement shall be on the property line of the complainant.

Night Hours: No person shall cause or allow the emission of sound during nighttime hours (10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M.) from any noise source to any receiving residential land which exceeds fifty-five (55) dBA when measured at any point within such receiving residential land provided; however, that point of measurement shall be on the property line of the complainant.

EXEMPTION: Powered Equipment: Powered equipment, such as lawn mowers, small lawn and garden tools, riding tractors, and snow removal equipment which is necessary for the maintenance of property is exempted from the noise regulations between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) P.M.

Only homes permitted prior to the date of the issuance of the special use permit shall have standing to file noise complaints.

15. At least one (1) functioning fire extinguisher and one (1) first aid kit shall be on the subject property. Applicable signage stating the location of the fire extinguisher and first aid kit shall be placed on the subject property.

16. The owners of the business allowed by this special use permit acknowledge and agree to follow Kendall County’s Right to Farm Clause.

17. The property owner and operator of the business allowed by this special use permit shall follow all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws related to the operation of this type of business.

18. Failure to comply with one or more of the above conditions or restrictions could result in the amendment or revocation of the special use permit.

19. If one or more of the above conditions is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining conditions shall remain valid.

20. This special use permit shall be treated as a covenant running with the land and is binding on the successors, heirs, and assigns as to the same special use conducted on the property.

Dan Kramer, Attorney for the Petitioners, requested that the condition pertaining to the maximum number of employees be removed to encourage business growth. Mr. Kramer was agreeable to the other conditions.

Ms. Belville offered to help the Petitioners obtain a septic system in the future, if they wanted a septic system in the future.

Mr. Holdiman made a motion, seconded by Mr. Klaas, to recommend approval of the special use permit with the conditions proposed by Staff correcting the conditions to allow outdoor storage, removing the maximum number of employee recommendation, and correcting the reference to greenhouses in the condition requiring buildings to obtain permits.

The votes were follows:

Ayes (7): Asselmeier, Belville, Briganti, Holdiman, Klaas, Langston, Olson, and White

Nays (0): None

Abstain (1): Wormley

Absent (2): Chismark and Langston

The motion passed.

The proposal goes to the Kendall County Regional Planning Commission on August 28, 2024. PBZ Chairman Wormley returned at this time (9:25 a.m.).


Mr. Asselmeier reported that Petitions 24-10 and 24-11 were approved by the County Board. Mr. Asselmeier reported that the Filotto Roofing site plan will likely be on the September ZPAC agenda.








Mr. Klaas made a motion, seconded by Mr. Asselmeier, to adjourn.

With a voice vote of eight (8) ayes, the motion carried.

The ZPAC, at 9:26 a.m., adjourned.



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