
Kendall County Times

Sunday, January 26, 2025

City of Yorkville City Council met Oct. 8

Webp 18

John Purcell, City Mayor | City of Yorkville, IL Website

John Purcell, City Mayor | City of Yorkville, IL Website

City of Yorkville City Council met Oct. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Purcell called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Deputy Clerk Cisija called the roll.

Ward I Koch Present

Transier Present

Ward II Plocher Present

Soling Present

Ward III Funkhouser Present

Marek Present (electronic attendance)

Ward IV Tarulis Present

Corneils Present

Staff in attendance at City Hall: City Administrator Olson, Deputy Clerk Cisija, Chief of Police Jensen, Attorney Orr, Public Works Director Dhuse, Community Development Director Barksdale-Noble, Finance Director Fredrickson, Parks and Recreation Director Evans, Assistant City Administrator Willrett, and EEI Engineer Sanderson.

Members of the public were able to attend this meeting in person as well as being able to access the meeting remotely via Zoom which allowed for video, audio, and telephonic participation.

A meeting notice was posted on the City's website on the agenda, minutes, and packets webpage with instructions regarding remote meeting access and a link was included for the public to participate in the meeting remotely:


The Zoom meeting ID was 850 6449 8855.


A quorum was established.


Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to table Planning and Zoning Commission #1, Yorkville Renewables Solar, until the October 22, 2024, City Council meeting. So moved by Alderman Plocher; seconded by Alderman Corneils.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye


Introduction of New Yorkville Police Department Officer - Cameron Bonner

Chief of Police Jensen introduced Cameron Bonner as a new police officer with the Yorkville Police Department. He graduated from Minooka High School in 2016. Cameron attended Joliet Junior College and has an Associate's Degree in Law Enforcement. He attended Illinois State University where he obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Sciences. In April of 2024, Cameron was hired and sworn in and immediately went to the police academy for 16 weeks. He graduated in August. He brings the Yorkville Police Department's staffing to 33 officers. Cameron was previously a campus safety officer at North Central College. He is joined at tonight's meeting by his dad, mom, brothers, and his wife.

Introduction of New Yorkville Police Department Community Service Officer - Naily Vargas

Chief of Police Jensen introduced Naily Vargas as a new Community Service Officer with the Yorkville Police Department. Naily is a 2024 graduate of Plano High School. She is currently attending Aurora University and is majoring in psychology and minoring in criminal justice. She is joined at tonight's meeting by her dad, mom, and brother. Naily is currently in the field training program and will be assigned to the field operations division upon completion. Some of the comments made, by those who know Naily, include that she is a fantastic student, and she will make a fantastic police officer one day.

Introduction of New Yorkville Police Department Community Service Officer - Tyler Madsen

Chief of Police Jensen introduced Tyler Madsen as a new Community Service Officer with the Yorkville Police Department. Tyler is a 2023 graduate of Yorkville High School. He is currently attending Waubonsee Community College and is majoring in Criminal Justice. He is joined at tonight's meeting by his dad and mom. Tyler is currently assigned to the field operations division and is an acting Community Service Officer training officer. Some of the comments made, by those who know Tyler, include that he is extremely dependable, eager, super friendly, and will make a fantastic police officer with the Yorkville Police Department.

Introduction of New Parks and Recreation Employee - Cayla Pruitt

Parks and Recreation Director Evans introduced Cayla Pruitt as a new Parks and Recreation employee. She worked part-time throughout the summer but was officially hired on September 30, 2024. Cayla has over 11 years of experience in the Parks and Recreation field as she was a former coordinator with the Winfield Park District. She graduated from Louis University with a degree in Sports Management. Director Evans stated Cayla has outstanding energy and passion for the Parks and Recreation field, and has been a great addition. He looks forward to having Cayla work with Parks and Recreation for many years to come.






1. Minutes of the Regular City Council - September 24, 2024

2. Bill Payments for Approval

$ 871,416.78 (vendors)

$ 422,827.63 (payroll period ending 09/27/24)

$ 1,294,244.41 (total)

3. Konica Minolta - approve the Konica Minolta change order in the amount of $34,582.69 and authorize the Mayor to execute (EDC 2024-71)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda. So moved by Alderman Soling; seconded by Alderman Koch.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye



Fiscal Year 2025 Computer Purchase Order (CC 2024-78)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2025 Computer Purchase Order through Paragon Quotes in an amount not to exceed $30,648.42. So moved by Alderman Transier; seconded by Alderman Tarulis.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye

Ordinance 2024-51

Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Easements for the Construction of Water Mains (SOO Green and Yorkville Nexus, LLC) (CC 2024-79)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Easements for the Construction of Water Mains (SOO Green and Yorkville Nexus, LLC) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Koch; seconded by Alderman Plocher.

City Administrator Olson stated both the SOO Green and Yorkville Nexus, LLC easements are being acquired at no additional cost. However, the SOO Green document has a crop damage calculation estimated to be less than $3,000.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye

Water Supply Agreements with the DuPage Water Commission (CC 2024-80)

Resolution 2024-45

a. Authorizing the Execution of a Water Purchase and Sale Contract Between the DuPage Water Commission and the United City of Yorkville for the United City of Yorkville Unit System

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Water Purchase and Sale Contract Between the DuPage Water Commission and the United City of Yorkville for the United City of Yorkville Unit System and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Soling; seconded by Alderman Funkhouser.

City Administrator Olson explained each agreement:

City Administrator Olson explained that the Water Purchase and Sale Contract is the general contract. The City will get a seat on the Board and will purchase water from the DuPage Water Commission. The agreement contains all the terms and conditions, including how the City will pay. City Administrator Olson explained that there are amendments to the agreement. The amendments are on page 50, sections 10A and 10C, of the Water Purchase and Sale Contract. The estimates for the weeks are tight estimates that were put in but never amended. He explained that the DuPage Water Commission is okay with the changes. With respect to deadlines for the project to be completed, file paperwork, and others, the changes to the number of weeks on page 50 are as follows: the "one week" referenced in section 10A will be changed to 20 weeks, the "32 weeks" referenced in section 10C will be changed to 52 weeks, and the "30 weeks" referenced in section 10C will be changed to 104 weeks. City Administrator Olson explained that other amendments to the Water Purchase and Sale Contract include the scriveners' errors in Exhibit F. Oswego is referenced however, it should read "Yorkville".

City Administrator Olson explained the WaterLink Project Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement governs how and when the City will pay the funds for the construction of the watermain that will extend from southern Naperville to Yorkville. The agreement states that the City will pay when the DuPage Water Commission tells the City to pay and if the escrow balance drops below $30 million for all three communities, it will be replenished whether there are invoices due or not. He explained that this agreement is fluid, the project will be bid out over the next several months, and the City's escrow payments will be tailored to this. The blank lines in the agreement will be filled in later, by agreement, by the City and the DuPage Water Commission as the contract bids are awarded.

City Administrator Olson explained that the Development Intergovernmental Agreement defines and governs what is included in the costs of the project, including land acquisition, construction, engineering, and the DuPage Water Commission's staff time.

City Administrator Olson explained that the Capital Cost Recovery Intergovernmental Agreement is the City's cost to join the DuPage Water Commission based on everyone else joining prior, and the City reimbursing for money that was outlaid over time. The City's connection fee is $8 million. There is a contemplation of a zero percent loan, over 30 years, for the City to pay off, or an oversizing of a section of pipe that will be changed from a 48-inch pipe to a 52-inch pipe. This will allow future communities to tie onto the pipe later. This can be paid by either the DuPage Water Commission and the City will pay the connection fee over time from revenues, or the City can obtain a WIFIA loan and pay for the cost. The DuPage Water Commission loan is at zero percent interest, whereas the WIFIA loan is not. A calculation will be provided at a later date.

Alderman Koch asked if there are recapture payments if other communities tie on to the pipe. City Administrator Olson stated there would not be direct recapture payments to us, but the other communities would pay a connection fee, and the City would receive a share of the connection fee. Alderman Koch also asked if the escrow is equal for Montgomery, Oswego, and Yorkville. City Administrator Olson explained that it will be a percentage, based on a cost share intergovernmental agreement that was agreed upon several months ago. The City of Yorkville's share is 40.22% of the entire project.

Alderman Funkhouser asked if the City pays for the pipe oversizing if the City is receiving a benefit on the interest. City Administrator Olson stated it would be a dollar-for-dollar swap.

Alderman Transier asked for clarification of the line of credit for the DuPage Water Commission. City Administrator Olson stated that we can opt-in to use the credit. If the City misses a payment, the DuPage Water Commission will charge the line of credit and send the City a bill.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye

Resolution 2024-46

b. Authorizing the Execution of WaterLink Project Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Montgomery, the Village of Oswego, the United City of Yorkville, and the DuPage Water Commission

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of WaterLink Project Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Montgomery, the Village of Oswego, the United City of Yorkville, and the DuPage Water Commission and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Soling; seconded by Alderman Plocher.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye

Resolution 2024-47

c. Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement

Concerning Development of Connection Facilities to Implement Water Service By and Between the Village of Montgomery, the Village of Oswego, the United City of Yorkville, and the DuPage Water Commission

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of WaterLink Project Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Montgomery, the Village of Oswego, the United City of Yorkville, and the DuPage Water Commission and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Soling; seconded by Alderman Transier.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye

Resolution 2024-48

d. Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement

Concerning Capital Cost Recovery Charge Between the United City of Yorkville and the DuPage Water Commission Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning Capital Cost Recovery Charge Between the United City of Yorkville and the DuPage Water Commission and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Tarulis; seconded by Alderman Funkhouser.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Marek-aye, Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye


No report.


Resolution 2024-49

Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Consulting Services with DLK, LLC (EDC 2024-70)

Alderman Plocher made a motion to approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Consulting Services with DLK, LLC and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Transier.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Corneils-aye, Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye


No report.


2024 Tax Levy Estimate (ADM 2024-35)

Alderman Marek made a motion to approve a tax levy estimate for 2024, to be used for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the tax levy in the amount of $5,433,780; seconded by Alderman Plocher.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-8 Nays-0 Koch-aye, Plocher-aye, Funkhouser-aye, Tarulis-aye, Transier-aye, Soling-aye, Marek-aye, Corneils-aye


Halloween Events and Flags of Valor

Parks and Recreation Director Evans reminded the Council that the United City of Yorkville Scarecrow Walk is open and goes through October 31st at Riverfront Park. He also stated the Halloween Costume Contest will take place on Friday, October 18th at Town Square, starting at 6:30 p.m. On Saturday, October 19th, the Biz Boo! Community Trick-or-Treat will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. As a reminder, Trick-or-Treat hours in the City of Yorkville on Thursday, October 31st, are 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Finally, if anyone has not sponsored a flag yet, they are still taking sponsorships.


Alderman Funkhouser reported that Yorktoberfest had a great turnout and weather on both Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th. The net revenues go back into the community and supporting the kids through scholarships, endowment funds, and tuition. There were special t-shirts for the volunteers.


Yorkville Renewables Solar (Nexamp) (PZC 2024-01 & EDC 2024-53)

a. Ordinance Approving the Rezoning to the A-1 Agricultural Zoning District of Certain Territory Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of Galena Road and Route 47

b. Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit Allowing Freestanding Solar Systems on Certain Territory Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of Galena Road and Route 47

c. Ordinance Granting a Property Line Setback Variance for Certain Territory Generally Located at the Southwest Corner of Galena Road and Route 47

See Amendments to Agenda. This agenda item was tabled to the October 22nd City Council meeting.


No report.


No report.


No report.


No report.


City Buildings Updates (CC 2021-04)

City Administrator Olson stated interviews were conducted for the new Public Works and Parks and Recreation facility construction manager firm. There is a unanimous number one pick for the firm; however it is not being announced just yet. City Administrator Olson asked for input from the City Council. The aldermen all suggested moving forward with negotiating the contract now, and placing this item on the October 22nd City Council agenda for a vote.

Water Study Update (CC 2021-38)

No report.


Alderman Funkhouser asked for an update on the Kendall Marketplace 8 Acres. City Administrator Olson responded that a residential plan was submitted and it is being presented to the Plan Council on October 10th. It will then go to the Economic Development Committee, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and finally to City Council in either November or December.


Molly Krempski, a Yorkville resident, spoke in regards to Consume Cannabis. She stated she has always been in favor, and is still in favor, of ordinances put in place to protect children. Ms. Krempski read a section of the Preamble. She stated Illinois was established to provide for people by honoring God, and placing kids at risk by nullifying ordinances does not honor God.




Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting. So moved by Alderman Koch; seconded by Alderman Plocher.

Motion unanimously approved by a viva voce vote.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.




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