Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Dec. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order: In the absence of Mayor Latham, Attorney Gottschalk called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM, and requested a motion after roll call to appoint a Mayor Pro Tem for the remainder of the meeting.
2. Roll Call
Present: City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton
Also present: City Administration Penman, Police Chief Senne SEMA Director Eberle, and EEI Engineer Curt Dettman
Absent: Mayor Latham and Alderman Arnett
Alderman Fritsch moved to appoint Alderman Whitecotton as Mayor Pro Tem. Motion was seconded by Alderwoman Erickson. Aye: Aldermen Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0
3. Mayor’s Report: Absent
4. Attorney’s Report: Attorney Gottschalk reported she is working on a lot of FOIA requests. She updated the Council on the NRE/Helmet Renewable Energy in that their staff thought the city did not want to move forward. The City Attorney advised them otherwise, and is considering a demand letter.
5. City Clerk Ii: No report
6. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy
7. City Administrator Penman: No report
8. City Department’s Reports:
A. SEMA Report – Tony Eberle: No report
B. Police Chief Senne shared highlights of the police department since the last council meeting:
• Events attended: Explorer meeting, DeKalb County Chief’s meeting, 911 Board Meeting
• The Christmas / New Year’s campaign will start on 12/13 – 1/2/2025. PD will have 105 hours of enforcement time to be focusing on speed, seatbelts, cell phones, and DUI
• Cadets will become Explorers is still targeted for the end of February / March start up
• Christmas event overall went well
• Sgt. Whitecotton graduated from Staff and Command last Friday.
• Ofc. Lundsteen graduates Thursday, December 19th, from Academy , and will start field training with Ofc, Rominksi on Saturday, December 21st.
• Ofc. Vega anticipated to be back on the street on January 8, 2025
• Sgt. Eisenberg will be starting Staff and Command on January 13, 2025
• PD will be looking to hire a new officer at the end of January/beginning of February
• Reminder of website and community dashboard: www.sandwichilpolice.com and Sandwich PD Public Dashboard
C. EEI Engineer Dettmann updated the Council on projects:
• The 2024 Pavement Management Program is completed
• On the Main Street improvements, estimate submittals are being reviewed
• Regarding the downtown street lighting project, the City is waiting for final results on the grant application
• On Johnson Floral, the sidewalk is complete and the plaque has been placed 10. Council Reports:
Alderwoman Johnson has inquired constituents on the “sandwich” statue, and has not received a positive response. She likes the idea but questioning the location in the historic part of town. She also requested that the Pledge of Allegiance start every meeting. Lastly, she thanked the Chamber of Commerce for hosting a great Christmas extravaganza.
Alderman Kreinbrink thanked the City staff for this year. The City has made positive improvements in the community, and it has been an active year with projects. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Alderman Robinson asked the Council to consider the Latham Street ditches come budget time. He noted the City was not pleased with the ditches, nor were residents, and he feels a storm management solution should be investigate rather than city workers mowing the ditches. On the “sandwich” statue, tourism money can be used to promote and encourage tourism; however, he does not feel the business district is an appropriate location.
11. Old Business: None
12. New Business: None
13. Announcements: None
14. Audience Comments:
Tristan Widloe, frustrated with the wedding venue on Sandy Bluff Road, shared texts from Mr. Shomer proposing single family homes or townhomes to be erected on the property if the neighbors do not come to some sort of resolution. A wedding was held on November 30th, after a stop-work order had been in place for months. There are violations cited by FEMA and IDNR on flood plain issues He asked when the City will address the continuing violations.
15. Adjournment: Alderman Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 PM. Alderwoman Erickson seconded. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.