
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Nov. 4

Webp 6

Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Nov. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order: Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Also present: City Attorney Gottschalk, City Administration Penman, Police Chief Senne, EMA Director Eberle & Wes Levy from Lauterbach & Amen

Absent: EEI Engineer, Curt Dettmann

Quorum established

4. Mayor’s Report: A letter was received from the Girl Scouts of Illinois advising that there cookie sale will be held in January, 2025.

5. Attorney’s Report: Attorney Gottschalk had emailed the council her report for review.

6. City Clerk Ii reported that she had reached out to neighboring communities regarding their water billing and late charges. Except for Plano, who bills bi-monthly, those communities that were polled charge a 10% late charge (including Plano) and bill monthly. She also reminded the Council that Monday, November 11th, is a holiday for city staff (Veterans Day). Regarding nominating petitions for the April 1, 2025, consolidated election, the Clerk will start accepting documents on Tuesday, November 12th at 8:30 PM.

Clerk Ii shared highlights of her hosting the monthly meeting for Northwestern Municipal Clerks Association on October 23rd. Anticipating around 15 attendees, there were 22 clerks present including the Clerk from Galena who faced a 2-hour drive. After the presentation of the Opera House, and a sampling of Star Restaurant’s winning sandwich from the Taste of Sandwich event, two attendees were returning for the weekend paranormal performance at the Opera House, one attendee was returning this weekend with her family to experience the salted caramel cheesecake Monte Cristo sandwich, and cities of Rochelle and Sycamore inquired about vendor contact information on the “Sandwich” lapel pin that the City Clerk had purchased.

7. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy

8. City Administrator Penman provided Council with copies of his report dated November 4th. He pointed out that the road program is coming to an end, and punch list items are being addressed. Final payout for Triggi (sidewalk program) will be presented at the next meeting for payment approval. Regarding the Illinois Municipal Insurance Cooperative, the City Administrator will be attending a meeting on November 14th concerning annual renewal. New claim adjusters will be Gallagher & Basset effective December 1st. The City has been insured the change in adjusters will not impact current insurance claims.

9. City Department’s Reports:

A. EMA Report – Tony Eberle reminded Council that tomorrow will be the monthly siren testing at 10 AM.

B. Police Chief Senne shared highlights of the police department since the last council meeting:

• Events attended: Johnny K’s Cruise Night, Halloween Bash at Police Station, High School football game, DEA Drug Take Back, Trunk or Treat, and Harvest Moon

• Have received 27 police applications which include 2 with less than two years, 3 laterals, and the rest are entry level officer. Written tests are scheduled for November 13th & 16th

• Visited Ofc. Lundsteen in the Academy. He is half way through the program.

• Staff tracking – continuing to stay on track and looking to have each shift staffed with 3 officers starting January 1, 2025. Will be looking to create a hybrid detective position in February

• Thank you to Mary Bryant and Wendy Flowers for all their work on the Halloween Bash

• Sgt. Whitecotton had contact with Ofc. Vega who is expected to be back in the US on December 23, 2024

• Two reported incidents on Halloween. One report was finishing nails found in 2 pieces of candy that appears to be an isolated report. Another report was something in a Gatorade bottle that is still under investigation

• Received $31,627 for body cameras from the Small Rural Tribal Grant. Police Department has received $153,935 in grant funding this past year

• Next traffic enforcement campaign starts November 22nd – December 2nd. Police Department will have 105 hours of enforcement time to be focusing on sped, seatbelts, cellphones, and DUI

• Looking to purchase new tasers in the next month with delivery in January, 2025 • Police Department Christmas event will be held on December 13th at 5 PM

• Next Chief’s bimonthly meeting is scheduled for December 13th at 6 PM. Discussion topics will be frauds and how to protect oneself

• Thank you to Michele Hoisington for her hard work in calculating retro pay for the police officers under the FOP union contract. Retro pay will be reflected in the November 15th pay period

• Sgt. Meisner will be purchasing a new K-9 vest for Musil

C. Engineering - Curt Dettmann: Absent

10. Council Reports:

Alderman Arnett reported there was a meeting with an architect in reference to the street department building. He will have additional information once the report is received from the architect.

Alderman Fritsch reported that Rick Morphey advised that the there is a pressure problem with the water softener at City Hall, and requires a softener that handle a 2” pipe. Currently, there is remaining $25,000 in the budget for Opera House maintenance. Alderman Fritsch requested the City Administrator to obtain s bids for the Opera House, and felt that the water softener in the Annex is not as critical at this time. The currents units are 4-5 years old, and a suggestion was made to repurpose somewhere else within the city’s buildings. Alderman Fritsch said the currents units to be refurbished at a cost of $400/each unit.

Alderwoman Erickson reported that a new generator should be budgeted FY 2025 for the police department. She further advised that all staff computers, including the police department, will be obsolete in 2025, and Council should also consider at budgeting time. Question was raised regarding the notification protocol to aldermen. She was not advised of the recent main break on Main Street, emphasizing that the buildings affected are in her ward.

Alderwoman Johnson recommended that the City seek information for engineering services and legal advice. Alderman Arnett said that he has reached out to other engineering companies to compare costs, and it appears the city may be overcharged. He further questioned the monthly retainer paid to EEI, and what services are covered under the retainer since there is no breakdown on their invoices.

Alderman Robinson inquired if IDOT (IL Department of Transportation) has adjusted the traffic signals since the Council meeting. City Administrator was unsure saying that the Street Superintendent did place a call to IDOT, but he was unaware of the call’s outcome. Regarding the second water main break on Main Street, Alderman Robinson said he still has not been notified by the City since October 28th. He asked about any new street repairs required because the City had recently repaved that area after the first water main break. There was approximately 10’ difference between the two breaks. Mayor Latham acknowledged that he has not received any reports from staff on the break. Lastly, Alderman Robinson asked the status on a report he requested two weeks ago. Response was the City Administrator was working on it.

Alderman Whitecotton had received notice of a DeKalb County Farm Bureau grant that he forwarded to Economic Director Alesky to investigate. There is the potential of a $3-10,000 grant restricted to farm related or food related. The Economic Director is looking for ideas on what he could apply for under the restrictions.

11. Old Business

A. Discussion on Utility Late Charge: City Administrator provided a detailed printout reflecting pre late charge increases as opposed to the current 20% late charges, and how the community has been impacted. The water billing is quarterly, and divided into three sections of the city. The comparisons covered February, March & April, 2023 and 2024. The previous late charge was a flat $10.00. The City Administrator said he cannot recommend a change in the late charge based solely on the information distributed. It was noted that the accounting software is not designed to create a detailed breakdown for a better understanding. Alderwoman Johnson stated that the conversation has arisen that computers need replacing, she questioned if the accounting software should be upgraded at the same time. Council will continue to review.

12. New Business: None

A. 2024 Tax Levy: Wes Levy, from Lauterbach & Amen, was present to explain the proposed 2024 tax levy that must be passed by the last Tuesday of December. He explained that the City is a non-home municipality subject to PTELL (Property Tax Extension Limitation Law) that restrict the limit of increases on existing property plus an additional amount for new construction. Under PTELL, there is a limit of the lessor of 5% or the increase of the consumer price index. For 2024, the PTELL limit is 3.4%. He noted that the City’s police pension contribution is the largest component of the tax levy, and proposes the City’s contribution under the tax levy remain at $905,000.00. His recommendation is that the 2024 tax levy increase by 4.68%. The increase would provide an additional $83,152 in additional revenue. There were no objections from the Council, and this matter will be placed on the December 2nd agenda for a public hearing and subsequent council approval.

B. CMN-RUS, Inc. (Metronet) Settlement Agreement: Metronet will no longer offer linear video services and has requested that the cable television franchise agreement be terminated. As part of the settlement agreement, Metronet will pay the city a one-time payment of $6,944.50, payable with 30 days after the adoption of the settlement agreement. Council will approve at the next Regular Council Meeting.

13. Announcements: None

14. Audience Comments:

Gene Westerberg, a resident on Latham Street, said the trench in front of his property is too deep for him to mow. He has discovered there is “stored dirt” that the City could use to fill the trenches along Latham Street. Calling it dangerous, Mr. Westerberg was not informed that City will be addressing the ditch complaints in the spring.

Sandy Koehler said she is trying to get answers regarding the non-transparency of the Council, and has received responses of her FOIA’s noting not one is complete. She feels she has been stonewalled and pushed aside in her requests. For those residents that do show up at meetings, Ms. Koehler stated the audience is called names, rude and dismissive; most aldermen are treated with contempt and insults. The council was elected by the citizens to represent them, not themselves personally. She was appalled to learn this evening of a water main break, and none of the aldermen were advised.

Colton Otto, local resident and mayoral candidate, addressed the water rate study and 20% late charge. He raised doubts that Deerpath will be developed, and felt that projected rate increases have factored in the development of subdivision. Mr. Otto felt that the Council is acting prematurely, and felt a softer approach for any increases would benefit the community in the future. He shared his thoughts on delinquent accounts that included waiving first time late charges, offer a discount for timely payments, offer a grace period, or a flat rate late charge.

Genelle Inman stated that she does not know how to contact the Economic Director, but shared that there is a T-Mobile grant available for $50,000.00 for shovel-ready projects. She shared a story about a business owner who was approached by the City’s Economic Director who told the business owner they might consider selling their property and turn into an auto parts store. She had complaints about the delay in action on the Johnson property, a court process that started in February and still no resolution apart from paying attorney fees.

15. Adjournment: Alderwoman Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 PM. Alderman Fritsch seconded. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.
