
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Oswego Committee of the Whole met Nov. 4

Webp 10

Village of Oswego | Village of Oswego, Illinois / Facebook

Village of Oswego | Village of Oswego, Illinois / Facebook

Village of Oswego Committee of the Whole met Nov. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


President Ryan Kauffman called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.


Board Members Physically Present: President Ryan Kauffman; Trustees Tom Guist, Kit Kuhrt, Karin McCarthy Lange, and Jennifer Jones Sinnott.

Board Members Attended Electronically: Trustee Karen Novy, and Andrew Torres

Staff Physically Present: Dan Di Santo, Village Administrator; Jean Bueche, Asst. Village Administrator; Tina Touchette, Village Clerk; Jason Bastin, Police Chief; Jennifer Hughes, Public Works Director; Curt Cassidy, Incoming Public Works Director; Andrea Lamberg, Finance Director; Rod Zenner, Development Services Director; Joe Renzetti, IT Director; Kevin Leighty, Economic Development Director; Maddie Upham, Management Analyst; Bridget Bittman, Communications Manager; Billie Robinson, Asst. Finance Director; Christina Curry, GIS Specialist; and Dave Silverman, Village Attorney.


President Kauffman noted that Trustee Novy and Trustee Torres would like to electronically attend tonight’s Committee of the Whole meeting. Both Trustees submitted the necessary documents to the Village Clerk.

A motion was made by Trustee McCarthy-Lange and seconded by Trustee Jones Sinnott to approve Trustee Karen Novy and Trustee Andrew Torres to electronically attend the November 4, 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Aye: Tom Guist Kit Kuhrt

Karin McCarthy-Lange Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Nay: None

Absent: Karen Novy Andrew Torres

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with four (4) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes. Trustee Karen Novy and Andrew Torres attended electronically at 6:01 p.m.


Public Forum was opened at 6:02 p.m. There was no one who requested to speak. The public forum was closed at 6:02 p.m.


There was no old business.


F.1 Demo Display of Oswego's New Internal GIS Portal

GIS Specialist Curry provided a brief background of herself, schooling and work history. GIS stands for geographic information systems. GIS helps to manage a community’s infrastructure and assets and can assist in making informed decisions about projects, efficiency, and reduce waste of time or budget. It can provide staff with data and insights to streamline or inform their work processes. The vast amounts of data generated and maintained

by municipalities can be overwhelming. Mapping this data helps make sense of it. The Village approved an IGA with Kendall County for shared GIS support services around July of 2023. Creating features and maintaining the Village’s special geodatabase can be very time consuming, especially with all the growth we have and will continue to have within Village. Any data we need for mapping applications is published to Kendall County’s server. She can then push the services to the applications and can also create the apps with the access to an enterprise portal. Through coordination between both IT departments, we can have Village staff use guest accounts into the Kendall portal, while using their Oswego email addresses and corporate passwords. You don’t have to remember another password and can keep our content secure. When data is updated locally, she can push the data to the Kendall County server. She provided the following information and examples on how GIS is used:

Legislative Information

• Provides the legislative district map to see all the districts that represent Oswego.

• Map is not available publicly, but we can allow it for public use.

Public Works Dashboard

• Provides a view of the counts of resources we have in our GIS system.

• There are pages for street and ROW assets, water assets, sanitary assets and stormwater assets.

• Can reference data through GIS with an option to filter.

• This application is not available to the public.

Bridge Information

• Can access IDOT bridge survey data and incorporate that into a user-friendly format for staff to view and access Village bridges.

• This application is not available to the public.

MFT History

• Created different views into the history of the Village’s MFT projects. It should help with planning future projects and is the same dataset that we share with the public on our public facing construction project application.

• Data from 2012-2024.

• This application is not available to the public.

Tree Information

• Allows staff to access information about the Village’s Urban Forest.

• It includes the types, issues, status of trees, and risk level reported by the recent tree survey.

• The forestry crews have access to update this information when they perform work on trees.

• Tree Survey Editing application is only accessible to approved users.

Utilities Map

• It is a data-dump of all the spatial utility information including Fox Metro’s GIS information.

• Will make sure the data is as accurate and complete as possible.

• The data is used in all the other applications, so getting it as accurate as possible is going to help everyone.

• Can draw on the map, print and provide to the GIS Specialist to do updates.

• The application has overgone a few iterations and has several useful features.

Development Services

• Video game Café Suitability Finder

⮚ Allows users to search a property to see if it is appropriate for one of the remaining available video gaming café licenses.

⮚ It shows the mile buffer around current licenses and areas that are appropriate to apply for special use for the license.

⮚ This application is available to the public.

• Interactive Zoning Map

⮚ Shows all the zoning data for the Village.

⮚ Can filter by districts or search for an address or pin.

⮚ This application is available to the public.

• Development Status

⮚ Shows where proposed, approved, and under construction projects are taking place in the Village.

⮚ Can see residential building numbers for the developments as well as completed projects.

⮚ Great resource of information.

⮚ This application is available to the public.

• Development Services Spatial Edits

⮚ Used for Development Services to share information spatially.

⮚ It is restricted to only members in Development Services.

Police Resources

• Location

⮚ Provides property ownership information, Police Beat Zone, Reporting District, Subdivision and roadway information.

⮚ This application is not available to the public.

• Crime and Crash Data

⮚ Shows crashes or crimes reported to the police department.

⮚ Can filter by cause or offense and by date.

⮚ Data from 2023 to nearly present is included.

⮚ This application is not available to the public.

• Crime and Crash Heat Maps

⮚ Illustrates trends in crime and crash data and uses a time slider to visualize changes over time.

⮚ This application is not available to the public.

Board and staff discussion focused on source data; geodatabase published to Kendall County servers; dotted lines on the maps represent the boundary of Oswego; whether someone can enter their address and see who represents their area; Kendall County servers space; how much information is available and how do you decide what is available on the Development Services map; only summary and high level as determined by the Village Planner; information provided is from documents files or submitted to the Village; how often information is updated; a lot of projects not yet integrated; what is the policy for determining what is out to the public and what is a public safety risk; staff will determine whether there is no security reason; if not security reason, then we can look at getting the information to the public. Let the GIS Specialist know of any ideas you may have. There was no further discussion.

F.2 Proclamation- World GIS Day, November 20, 2024

President Kauffman read the proclamation and presented Christina Curry with a copy. Pictures were taken.

F.3 Discussion and Consideration of Remaining November 2, 2024 Budget Workshop Items, if Applicable There was no additional information needing to be provided. No discussion.


There was no closed session.


The meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
