
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Nov. 18

Webp 7

Sheryl Chmielewski - 4th Ward Alderwoman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

Sheryl Chmielewski - 4th Ward Alderwoman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Nov. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order: Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alderwoman Johnson

3. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Also present: City Administration Penman, Police Chief Senne & EMA Director Eberle Quorum established

4. Mayor’s Report: No report

5. Attorney’s Report: Arrived at 7:07 PM

6. City Clerk Ii distributed the proposed 2025 holiday and meeting schedules for review. Finance Committee opted to keep their meetings at 6:30 PM the first and third Monday’s. This matter will be placed on the December 2nd agenda for passage.

7. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy

8. City Administrator Penman distributed a report to the Council that consisted of topics, including but limited to: tax levy and truth-in-taxation hearing; audit preparations, IMIC insurance renewal, budget FY 25-26 schedule, mandatory sexual harassment and cyber security training, an update on the WWTP (wastewater treatment plant project), and the building official’s position and wastewater operation’s position are open for applications.

9. City Department’s Reports:

A. EMA Report – Tony Eberle: Although not an EMA report, Tony Eberle has been investigating live streaming options for city meetings either on YouTube or Facebook. A trial run could be as early as next month.

B. Police Chief Senne shared highlights of the police department since the last council meeting:

• 18 people took the police test; scores will be provided to the Police Commission to schedule interviews

• Shift bids started at PD FY 2025; Officers choose what shifts they want to work

• Officer Vega is scheduled to return to work on January 3, 2025; at least two weeks of training will be required upon his return

• Traffic campaign will start this week from November 22nd – December 2nd

• Taser contract was signed last week; $4,000 credit will be given for old tasers

• Chief met with DeKalb County social workers to have someone assigned to Sandwich on an as-needed basis

• Reinstatement of the Cadet Program for ages 14-20. First meeting will be December 4th

• Christmas event will be December 13th from 5-7 PM at the police department

• Next Chief bi-monthly meeting will be Wednesday @ 6 PM

• Detailed monthly report for October was distributed to Council

C. EEI Engineer Dettmann reported working with HLR for request of additional funding, pavement management program is down to one remaining item regarding restoration of bushes on Dayton Street, Main Street preliminary plans will be submitted on November 7th – construction timeline with HLR is April, 2025 with completion by June, 2026. The City is still waiting for the grant approval that will impact the downtown street lighting project; the city has advanced the first cut on the grant. The plaque has not arrived for Johnson Floral but should only take a few days with contractors to finish the project.

10. Council Reports:

Alderman Arnett announced that the leaf pickup program will be extended one more week. He also reported that the John Deere 410 will not be delivered until January due to back order.

Alderwoman Johnson reported that the Finance Committee had discussed credit cards for department heads as opposed to the current one card shared by all departments. She also suggested fruit trees to qualify for a county grant available for farming or food needs. She also asked the Council to consider having a council retreat more than once a year.

Alderman Kreinbrink distributed the proposed budget schedule for fiscal year 2025-2026.

11. Old Business: None

12. New Business:

A. Discussion of Final Payout for 2024 Sidewalk Program: City Administrator Penman advised that the final payout to Triggi Construction is $21,372.13. Council will approve at the Regular Council Meeting to follow this evening.

B. Discussion of IMIC (IL Municipal Insurance Cooperative) Renewal: The amount of the new premium will be $393,294.00 that is a 7.08% increase over last year.

13. Announcements: None

14. Audience Comments:

Sandy Koehler voiced concerns about the HLR invoice request of $60,000.00. She has investigated the need for the extra payment, and has not received a satisfactory response. The City and HLR claim it is not their fault but rather the utility companies. Ms. Koehler felt the utility companies should be paying the invoice. She stated the City was never notified of changes in the contract.

Becky Nelson noted that on November 5th, the residents voted to preserve the elected seat of City Treasurer. 2025 is forecasted to be the year of accountability for State and Local municipalities. She requested the Council be conscious of project costs, know the vendors, and be considerate of the pockets of the citizens. It will require teamwork and transparency.

15. Adjournment: Alderman Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 PM. Alderwoman Erickson seconded. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.
