Brian DeBolt, Board Member - District 1 | Kendall County, IL Website
Brian DeBolt, Board Member - District 1 | Kendall County, IL Website
Kendall County Board met Nov. 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Kendall County Board Meeting was held at the Kendall County Office Building, Rooms 209 & 210, in the City of Yorkville on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. The Clerk called the roll. Members present: Chairman Matt Kellogg, Zach Bachmann, Brian DeBolt, Elizabeth Flowers, Scott Gengler, Dan Koukol, Jason Peterson (6:04pm), Ruben Rodriguez, Brooke Shanley and Seth Wormley. Member(s) absent: None.
The Clerk reported to the Chairman that a quorum was present to conduct business.
Chairman Kellogg led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Kellogg gave the invocation.
Member Shanley moved to approve the agenda. Member Peterson seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.
Member DeBolt moved to approve the consent agenda. Member Rodriguez seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion Carried.
A. Approval of Claims not to exceed $4,375,850
B. Approval of Standing Committee Minutes
C. Approval of the resolution granting the Kendall County Sheriff authority to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Kane County for wellness coordinator services. This agreement will be for the sharing of services for one year from the time of signing
D. Approval of Service agreement between Kendall County and the Village of Millbrook for the Provision of Demand Response Transportation
E. Approval of an Ordinance Approving Budget Amendment Number Three for the Kendall County Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Budget and Appropriations
A. COMBINED CLAIMS: ADMIN $135.50; AC $1,728.55; CIR CLK $4,257.46; CIR CRT JDG $3,825.00;CRNER $7,850.01; CRRCTNS $1,707.04; CNTY ADMIN $522,844.79; CNTY BRD $1,102,629.22; CNTY CLK $8,176.63; HIGHWY $2,045,413.09; CNTY TRSR $8,099.88; DONATION $12,000; ELCTNS $891.87; EMA DIR $140.00; EMA $313.10; FCLT MGMT $11,816.76; GIS COORD $2,445.81; HLTH & HMN SRV $5,553.42; HR $214.58; MERIT $5,136.00; PBZ $69.00; PRSDNG JDG $1,656.29; PROB SPVSR $1,244.19; PUB DEF $4,473.01; ROE $4,133.38; SHRF $25,647.96; ST ATTNY $10,401.14; TECH $81,777.71; TRES 1,040.29; UTIL $41,242.40; VET $2,877; FP $40,876.46; SHF $22,941.58; SHF $63,749.49
C) A complete copy of Resolution 24-29 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.
D) A complete copy of IGAM 24-32 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.
E) A complete copy of Ordinance 24-40 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.
Member DeBolt spoke about the bid opening and the extension of time for items not bid on, all is falling within the budget.
Chairman Kellogg informed the board of the outcome of the Regional Office of Education meeting to appoint Meghan Martin to fill Chris Mehochko’s position.
Member Bachmann moved to adjourn the County Board Meeting until the next scheduled meeting. Member Rodriguez seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.