
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met Dec. 17

Webp 21

Chris Funkhouser, Ward 3 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

Chris Funkhouser, Ward 3 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

City of Yorkville Public Works Committee met Dec. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Committee Members

Chairman Ken Koch Alderman Rusty Corneils

Alderman Craig Soling Alderman Matt Marek

Other City Officials

City Administrator Bart Olson

Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI Public Works Director Eric Dhuse

Other Guests: None

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Ken Koch.

Citizen Comments: None

Previous Meeting Minutes: November 19, 2024

The minutes were approved as presented on a unanimous voice vote.

New Business:

1. PW 2024-100 Resolution Approving a Change Order Relating to the Well No. 10 and Raw Water Main Improvements Project

Mr. Sanderson stated this is a balancing Change Order reflecting an increase of $14,463 and he recommended approval. This project went through the high school and additional work was also needed at the freshman academy. This moves forward to the City Council consent agenda with committee approval.

2. PW 2024-101 Grande Reserve – Bailey Road and Mill Road Parking

Proposed parking restrictions were outlined in a memo by Mr. Sanderson. Mr. Olson said the Mayor is opposed to most of the proposed restrictions due to the number of townhomes and limited parking on Bissel, Bailey and Beresford. He only recommended no parking at the Bailey and Mill intersection. Sending mailers to area residents for their feedback was discussed. Alderman Koch cautioned about a similar situation in his Ward and ultimately found only 5 of 200 residents favored some restrictions. Alderman Corneils said he would be OK with restrictions on one side of Bailey at the north end of Mill. It was suggested to place restriction signs in the first block and ban parking on the west side. No mailers will be sent, it will just be voted on at City Council and this will move to their January meeting.

3. PW 2024-102 Resolution Approving a Bid to Construct the Eldamain Water Loop North Portion of a Water and Sewer Extension Project (C1 Yorkville, LLC)

This is the first of many bids and relates to the next agenda item, said Mr. Sanderson. This will serve the Cyrus 1 project and is 23,000 feet of water main. Since the amount is so large, the bids were separated into two contracts, to allow different contractors to bid. This is the north portion. Bids were below estimate and J & S Construction was the lowest of 14 bids and is recommended. The project will be funded by Cyrus 1 and a winter build is anticipated, starting in February. This was approved by the committee and will move forward to the City Council regular agenda.

4. PW 2024-103 Resolution Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (Eldamain Water Main Loop – North Contract – Construction Engineering)

Mr. Olson said this is the engineering contract with EEI for $191,445 for agenda item #3. It will be entirely funded by Cyrus 1. With committee approval, this moves forward to the regular City Council agenda.

5. PW 2024-104 Resolution Approving a Bid to Construct the Eldamain Water Loop South Portion of a Water and Sewer Extension Project (C1 Yorkville, LLC)

This is the southern portion of the project and Winninger is the low bidder and recommended for the work. Mr. Sanderson said it is in the amount of $2.7 million and is below estimate. A February start is anticipated and this will move forward to the regular City Council agenda.

6. PW 2024-105 Resolution Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (Eldamain Water Main Loop – South Contract – Construction Engineering)

Mr. Olson said this agreement is for $230,778 and will be funded entirely by Cyrus 1. It is also associated with agenda items above. The committee was OK with this and it moves to the City Council regular agenda.

7. PW 2024-106 Resolution Approving a Bid to Construct the Southern Sanitary Sewer Connection Portion of a Water and Sewer Extension Project (C1 Yorkville, LLC)

This project will extend sanitary sewer to the Cyrus 1 site. It was bid in December with Fischer Excavating being the low bidder at $826,000, said Mr. Sanderson. It is recommended and the committee moved this forward to the Council regular agenda.

8. PW 2024-107 Resolution Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (Southern Sanitary Sewer Connection – Construction Engineering)

Mr. Olson said this is part of the above listed projects and is funded by Cyrus 1 in the amount of $87,251. The committee moved this forward to the Council regular agenda.

9. PW 2024-108 2024 Sanitary Sewer Lining Improvements

a. Resolution Approving a Bid to Construct Sanitary Sewer Lining Improvements

b. Resolution Approving a Change Order Relating to the 2024 Sanitary Sewer Lining Improvements Project

These projects were bid and came in higher than estimated, said Mr. Sanderson. This company, Insituform Technologies, specializes in this type of work. He recommended them and also noted that since the bid was over budget, that a Change Order be approved. The budget was $390,000 and a Change Order is needed to bring the amount within the budget. YBSD identified some of the areas that need lining and more work will be done at a later time. He recommends a full award plus the Change Order. Mr. Sanderson explained they are trying to seal off areas where groundwater enters, because the rainwater and groundwater are unnecessarily treated as well. The committee approved and this moves forward to the Council regular agenda.

10. PW 2024-109 Resolution Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (2024 Sanitary Sewer Lining, Design and Construction Engineering)

This resolution encompasses both construction engineering and design. The design portion is $16,074 and the construction engineering is $18,280. Approved by the committee and this moves forward to the Council regular agenda.

11. PW 2024-110 Grande Reserve – Unit 3 Bond Release

Mr. Sanderson said the city accepted the improvements a year ago and the one-year warranty period will expire now. An inspection was done in the fall and the developer had addressed the final issues. He said there is one unit that does not have a sidewalk, so the developer is putting up a separate bond for that. He recommends the city release the initial bond when the sidewalk bond is in place. This will move to the consent agenda with committee approval.

12. PW 2024-111 Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement to an Agreement with Kluber, Inc. for the Design of a Public Works Facility

Mr. Olson said Kluber sent a request for a fee increase and after doing an analysis he felt it was reasonable based on contract language and work already done. They are requesting a base services fee increase from $1.362 million to $1.671 million which is a 22% increase in fees. He noted the size of the facility has been increased as well and he provided several justifications for the rate increase. He also noted that since the building size is larger, the overall fees of the project are actually reduced and within industry averages. He said a bid proposal is anticipated for April-May. Some of the Aldermen commented they hoped it did not start a precedent. This will move to the regular agenda.

Old Business: None

Additional Business: None

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:32pm.
