Sheryl Chmielewski - 4th Ward Alderwoman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
Sheryl Chmielewski - 4th Ward Alderwoman | City of Sandwich | Facebook
City of Sandwich City Council met Jan. 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Call to Order: Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 8:12 PM
2. Roll Call
Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Robinson & Whitecotton
Also present: City Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, Police Chief Senne, SEMA Director Eberle, and EEI Engineer Curt Dettmann
Absent: Alderman Littlebrant
Quorum established
3. Audience Comments: None
4. Consent Agenda:
Motion to adopt the Consent Agenda as a whole. (All matters listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately).
A. Approval of Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2024
B. Approval of Regular Council Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2024
Motion made by Alderwoman Erickson, and seconded by Alderwoman Johnson, adopting the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote.
5. Mayor’s Report: Mayor Latham advised that he will be attending the next meeting of KKCOM (Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors). Conversation will cover the additional funding for HLR on the Latham Street project and funding on the Main Street project. The Mayor will provide an update at the next council meeting.
6. Attorney’s Report: Attorney Gottschalk discussed matters she is representing on behalf of the City to include:
• Additional work is needed on the City’s Procurement Policy
• Attempts have been made with the attorney representing the owners of the former GTE building. The last discussion was the owners were trying to find a contractor to give a quote on renovating the building.
• Owners have been located and served on property located at 209 N. Castle Street. The City has filed a Motion for Default for a hearing next week.
• City obtained a Motion of Default on October 1st for the 724 N. Main Street property. City was able to secure a judgment for demolition on November 1st. An Order to Vacate was issued on December 21st. The property owner has stated he would file a Motion to Strike. Until that time, the City can move forward with obtaining demolition bids until there is an order entered to the contrary.
• On the vacant property located at the corner of 5th Street and Castle Street, County has notified the City of a pending tax deed to be issued in June, 2025. The property will default to DeKalb County.
• A zoom meeting is scheduled for next week with Alyssa Martin from GRNE Solarfield 10, LLC regarding the Sandy Bluff site termination
7. City Clerk Ii: No report
8. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy
9. City Administrator’s report consisted of:
• New building official will be starting on January 13th. The last day for Todd Steffens was Friday, December 27th
• City is still waiting for an update on the grant for the downtown street lighting project
• Work is progressing with Azavar investigation on revenues
10. City Department’s Reports:
Chief Senne reported that the new City of Sandwich flag has been erected at the police department. K9 Musil has received her new vest over the holidays.
11. Council Reports:
Alderman Arnett reported that the 410 for the Street Department should be arriving later in the week. Additionally, he reported that the camera controller for the traffic light at Route 34 / hotel entrance is not working. Until parts have been replaced, the traffic light will be operating via a timer.
Alderwoman Johnson, commenting on an email from resident, Jenn Penn, who is in favor of the “sandwich” statue, stated she has received mixed reactions. She encourages residents to reach out to their aldermen sharing their thoughts on the statue. Alderwoman Johnson thanked Aldermen Arnett and Littlebrant for working with the city and HLR to reduce the contract cost on the Latham Street project.
12. Old Business:
A. HLR Construction Engineering Services Contract: Discussion and possible action to authorize the mayor to amend the existing agreement with HLR for additional Construction Engineering Services to close out the Latham Street Project increasing the value of the contract from $256,532.00 to $304,512.00, not to exceed an additional $47,980.00. Aldermen Arnett and Littlebrant, along with EEI Engineer Dettman and City Administrator Penman, had met with HLR (Hampton, Lenzini & Renwick) representatives to renegotiate the proposed amended contract, saving the city approximately $15,000.00 over the initial increase requested.
Alderman Arnett made a motion authorizing the mayor to sign the amended HLR contract to read $304,512.00. Motion was seconded by Alderman Fritsch. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay:0 Motion carried unanimously
13. New Business:
A. Monthly Bills: Discussion and possible approval of monthly bills in the amount of $320,831.31 as recommended by the Finance Committee.
Motion made by Alderman Robinson moved to approve payment of monthly bills as presented. Alderwoman Erickson seconded. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay: 0 Motion carried unanimously
14. Executive Session:
Motion made by Alderwoman Johnson, and seconded by Alderman Arnett, to enter into closed session at 8:34 PM
A. for collective bargaining under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) “collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees”;
B. for land acquisition under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) “the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body”;
C. and for litigation under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) “litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable” Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay:0 Motion carried 7:0
City Clerk Ii left the meeting at 8:34 PM. City Administrator Penman presided in the Clerk’s absence for the remainder of the meeting.
Alderwoman Johnson moved to return to open session at 8:59 PM. Motion was seconded by Alderman Whitecotton. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay:0 Motion carried unanimously
Mayor Latham explained that the collective bargaining agreement for the sergeants through the Illinois Council of Police and the City of Sandwich will cover May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2026. The agreement basically mirrors that of the patrolmen with the exception of an additional four hours of personal time, and an increase of compensation.
Alderwoman Erickson moved to accept the agreement between the Illinois Council of Police for the sergeants, as presented. Alderman Arnett seconded. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink and Robinson Nay:0 Abstained: Alderman Whitecotton Motion carried
15. Announcements:
A. Next Finance Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, January 20, 2025 at 6:30 PM
B. The next Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting will be held on January 20, 2024, at 7:00 PM followed immediately by the Regular Council Meeting
16. Adjournment: Motion made by Alderman Robinson to adjourn at 9:06 PM. Motion was seconded by Alderwoman Erickson. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote.