
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Village of Oswego President and Board of Trustees met Jan. 7

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Village of Oswego Village Hall | Village of Oswego Website

Village of Oswego Village Hall | Village of Oswego Website

Village of Oswego President and Board of Trustees met Jan. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Ryan Kauffman called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

President Kauffman provided the following about Doug Wallace:

Doug Wallace is currently the Voluntary Chairman of ESGR in Northern Illinois. He began his military career as a Navy Hospital Corpsman, where after 2 years of training he was sent to join the USMC in Vietnam. After 4 years, he went back to college and completed a degree in Hospital Science and worked as a Director of Services in Galesburg, IL. Doug then went into a career as a Tribologist designing and building specialized lubricants for machinery. He retired about a decade ago and was having Agent Orange complications, so he went to a military Hospital for the first time in ½ Century. He is now 100% disabled, but still mobile, so he decided to give back to his fellow service members. Doug also assisted getting women and kids out of Ukraine after the Russian invasion. Many are in the U.S. and others are in Western Europe. Every month, he sends as many tourniquets as he can afford to their front lines. He is researching his dad’s military career where he was a Cartographer in Army intelligence working for Eisenhower from 1942 until Eisenhower left the White House. He stayed in the reserves for an additional 22 years.

Doug Wallace led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


Board Members Physically Present: President Ryan Kauffman; Trustees Tom Guist, Kit Kuhrt, Karin McCarthy-Lange, Karen Novy, Jennifer Jones Sinnott, and Andrew Torres.

Staff Physically Present: Dan Di Santo, Village Administrator; Jean Bueche, Asst. Village Administrator; Tina Touchette, Village Clerk; Jason Bastin, Police Chief; Curt Cassidy, Incoming Public Works Director; Andrea Lamberg, Finance Director; Rod Zenner, Development Services Director; Joe Renzetti, IT Director; Kevin Leighty, Economic Development Director; Phil Tartaglia, Deputy Director/Village Engineer Maddie Upham, Assistant to the Village Administrator; Bridget Bittman, Communications Manager; and Dave Silverman, Village Attorney.


D.1 Cultural Arts Commission

a) Appoint Heather Sheppard, to the Cultural Arts Commission, for a Term to Expire April 30, 2028.

A motion was made by Trustee McCarthy-Lange and seconded by Trustee Novy to approve the Appointment of Heather Sheppard, to the Cultural Arts Commission, for a Term to Expire April 30, 2028.

Aye: Tom Guist                 Kit Kuhrt

Karin McCarthy-Lange    Karen Novy

Jennifer Jones Sinnott    Andrew Torres

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

D.2 Oath of Office

a) Andrew K. Santa- Deputy Chief

President Kauffman asked Chief Bastin and Andrew Santa to come to the front. Chief briefly spoke about Andrew’s background and the individuals who were present for the oath. President Kauffman swore him in. Andrew’s son pinned him. Pictures were taken.


Public Forum was opened at 7:11 p.m. There was no one who requested to speak. The public forum was closed at 7:11 p.m.


Administrator Di Santo- welcomed Incoming Public Works Director Curt Cassidy to the dais.


G.1 December 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole Minutes

G.2 December 10, 2024 Regular Village Board Minutes

G.3 Ordinance Amending Title 3 Chapter 7; Decrease Class C Liquor License for Hell's BBQ, Inc. Located at 1019 Station Drive.

G.4 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One Ton Truck Ford-550 from Brown Equipment Company in the Amount of $144,750.

G.5 Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 5-Yard Dump Truck Freightliner from Transchicago Truck Group, and Upfitting by Monroe in the Amount of $284,873.

G.6 Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Task Order No. 4 With RJN Group, Inc. for Sanitary Design and Construction Management Services in the Amount of $56,000.

G.7 Ordinance Amending Title 3 Chapter 7; Decrease Class D Liquor License for Chris & John Daniels, d.b.a. Danelli's Restaurant & Catering Located at 228 E. Washington Street.

G.8 Resolution Authorizing Financial Commitment in Support of the RAISE Grant Application for the Intersection Improvements of Wolfs Crossing Road and US-30.

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve the Consent Agenda; Approving the December 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole Minutes; Approving the December 10, 2024 Regular Village Board Minutes; and Approving the following ordinances and resolutions:

Ordinance No. 25-01; Ordinance Amending Title 3 Chapter 7; Decrease Class C Liquor License for Hell's BBQ, Inc. Located at 1019 Station Drive.

Ordinance No. 25-02; Ordinance Amending Title 3 Chapter 7; Decrease Class D Liquor License for Chris & John Daniels, d.b.a. Danelli's Restaurant & Catering Located at 228 E. Washington Street.

Resolution No. 25-R-01; Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One Ton Truck Ford-550 from Brown Equipment Company in the Amount of $144,750.

Resolution No. 25-R-02; Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 5-Yard Dump Truck Freightliner from Transchicago Truck Group, and Upfitting by Monroe in the Amount of $284,873.

Resolution No. 25-R-03; Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Task Order No. 4 With RJN Group, Inc. for Sanitary Design and Construction Management Services in the Amount of $56,000.

Resolution No. 25-R-04; Resolution Authorizing Financial Commitment in Support of the RAISE Grant Application for the Intersection Improvements of Wolfs Crossing Road and US-30.

Aye: Tom Guist Kit Kuhrt

Karin McCarthy-Lange Karen Novy

Jennifer Jones Sinnott Andrew Torres

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by an omnibus roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


H.1 Approve Bill List Dated January 7, 2025, in the Amount of $1,008,384.01.

A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee Guist to approve the Bill List Dated January 7, 2025, in the Amount of $1,008,384.01.

Aye: Tom Guist                 Kit Kuhrt

Karin McCarthy-Lange    Karen Novy

Jennifer Jones Sinnott    Andrew Torres

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.


There was no old business.


There was no new business.


Trustee McCarthy-Lange- Happy New Year; hope it will be a great year; looking forward to good things; congratulations to Deputy Chief Santa.

Trustee Torres- congratulations to Deputy Chief Santa; Happy New Year; hope everyone had a great holiday; happy to be physically present for tonight’s meetings.

Trustee Kuhrt- congratulations to Deputy Chief Santa; would like to have a Committee of the Whole discussion about businesses and plans for open areas in the Village; would like to see plots ready so businesses can start right away; why are businesses going to other towns; would like consensus from the Board to have this discussion; taxes don’t come from housing. Administrator Di Santo noted this would be included in in the future Comprehensive Plan, but in the short term we can have Director Leighty walk us through what we pitch at ICSC. Board agreed to have the discussion. Director Leighty will present at a future meeting prior to ICSC in May.

Trustee Jones Sinnott- appreciate Director Lamberg’s work with debt management; congratulations to Deputy Chief Santa; Happy New Year; looking forward to a great 2025.

Trustee Guist- congratulations to Deputy Chief Santa; we have a deep bench of officers which is great news; can fill positions from within; welcome to Curt Cassidy.

Trustee Novy- congratulations to Deputy Chief Santa and Heather Sheppard to the Cultural Arts Commission; Happy New Year; looking forward to 2025.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year; will be a great year; congratulations to Deputy Chief Santa and happy retirement to Chris Biggs; thank you to Doug Wallace; rest in peace to President Jimmy Carter; gone but never forgotten; welcome to Curt Cassidy.


There was no closed session.


A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to adjourn the meeting; upon a voice vote with all remaining members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
