Craig Soling, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website
Craig Soling, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website
City of Yorkville Planning and Zoning Commission met Feb. 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Meeting Called to Order: 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call:
Previous meeting minutes: January 8, 2025
Citizen’s Comments
Public Hearings
1. PZC 2024-22 Beecher Road Solar, LLC, contract lessee, and Gary and Betty Bennett, property owners, petitioners, have filed applications with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting special use authorization and a bulk regulation variance approval. The real property is generally located immediately north of Corneils Road, approximately 1,500 feet west of Beecher Road, and approximately 4,000 feet east of IL Route 47 (N. Bridge Street) consisting of approximately 70 acres. The petitioners are requesting special use permit approval in pursuant to Section 10-8-5 of the Unified Development Ordinance for a solar farm. Lastly, the petitioners are requesting a bulk regulation variance to Section 10-4-13-8.c of the Unified Development Ordinance, seeking a reduction from the required one thousand (1,000) foot setback from the nearest solar array to roadway network to 482 feet from Corneils Road.
2. PZC 2024-29 1115, LLC, the petitioner, in collaboration with property owners Brent and Tracy Schalhamer, has applied to the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, for rezoning and special use authorization for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The proposal involves purchasing and redeveloping approximately 14 acres, comprising a one-acre parcel to remain zoned B-3 General Business District for future commercial use, and a 13-acre parcel to be rezoned from R-1 Single Family Suburban Residence District to R-4 General Multi-Family Residence District for a townhome community with 18 buildings and 105 units. The petitioner also seeks a deviation from the Yorkville Unified Development Ordinance’s Appearance Standards (Section 10-5-8(C)(2)(b)) to reduce the required use of masonry or premium siding on the front façades of the townhomes from 50% to 25%. The property, formerly Parfection Park, is located west of IL Route 47 (S. Bridge Street), east of the Green Briar subdivision, north of the Prairie Garden development, and commonly addressed as 1115 South Bridge Street.
3. PZC 2024-31 David Hamman, on behalf of Kelaka, LLC, petitioner/owner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting rezoning classification. The real property consists of three (3) parcels totaling approximately 112.44 acres. Two (2) parcels are generally located immediately south of Faxon Road and west of Iroquois Lane and one (1) parcel is located immediately north of West Veterans Parkway (US 34) and east of Eldamain Road. The petitioner is requesting rezoning approval from R-1 Single-Family Suburban Residential District and B-3 General Business District to M-2 General Manufacturing District.
4. PZC 2024-32 Kyle Corniels, petitioner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting relief from Section 10-5-5 of the Unified Development Ordinance requiring fences not extend beyond the front plane of the primary building facade in residential districts for a residential parcel located at 515 W. Washington Street. The purpose of this request is to allow for the fence on the petitioner’s property to extend beyond the front plane of their home. The real property, zoned R-2 Single-Family Traditional Residence District, is located at the end of the cul-de-sac on West Washington Street and immediately south of West Fox Street, in Yorkville, Illinois.
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. PZC 2024-22 Beecher Road Solar, LLC, contract lessee, and Gary and Betty Bennett, property owners, petitioners, have filed applications with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting special use authorization and a bulk regulation variance approval. The real property is generally located immediately north of Corneils Road, approximately 1,500 feet west of Beecher Road, and approximately 4,000 feet east of IL Route 47 (N. Bridge Street) consisting of approximately 70 acres. The petitioners are requesting special use permit approval in pursuant to Section 10-8-5 of the Unified Development Ordinance for a solar farm. Lastly, the petitioners are requesting a bulk regulation variance to Section 10-4-13-8.c of the Unified Development Ordinance, seeking a reduction from the required one thousand (1,000) foot setback from the nearest solar array to roadway network to 482 feet from Corneils Road.
Action Items
Special Use and Variance
2. PZC 2024-29 1115, LLC, the petitioner, in collaboration with property owners Brent and Tracy Schalhamer, has applied to the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, for rezoning and special use authorization for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The proposal involves purchasing and redeveloping approximately 14 acres, comprising a one-acre parcel to remain zoned B-3 General Business District for future commercial use, and a 13-acre parcel to be rezoned from R-1 Single Family Suburban Residence District to R-4 General Multi-Family Residence District for a townhome community with 18 buildings and 105 units. The petitioner also seeks a deviation from the Yorkville Unified Development Ordinance’s Appearance Standards (Section 10-5-8(C)(2)(b)) to reduce the required use of masonry or premium siding on the front façades of the townhomes from 50% to 25%. The property, formerly Parfection Park, is located west of IL Route 47 (S. Bridge Street), east of the Green Briar subdivision, north of the Prairie Garden development, and commonly addressed as 1115 South Bridge Street.
Action Item
Rezone and PUD
3. PZC 2024-31 David Hamman, on behalf of Kelaka, LLC, petitioner/owner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting rezoning classification. The real property consists of three (3) parcels totaling approximately 112.44 acres. Two (2) parcels are generally located immediately south of Faxon Road and west of Iroquois Lane and one (1) parcel is located immediately north of West Veterans Parkway (US 34) and east of Eldamain Road. The petitioner is requesting rezoning approval from R-1 Single-Family Suburban Residential District and B-3 General Business District to M-2 General Manufacturing District.
Action Item
4. PZC 2024-32 Kyle Corniels, petitioner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting relief from Section 10-5-5 of the Unified Development Ordinance requiring fences not extend beyond the front plane of the primary building facade in residential districts for a residential parcel located at 515 W. Washington Street. The purpose of this request is to allow for the fence on the petitioner’s property to extend beyond the front plane of their home. The real property, zoned R-2 Single-Family Traditional Residence District, is located at the end of the cul-de-sac on West Washington Street and immediately south of West Fox Street, in Yorkville, Illinois.
Action Item
Additional Business
1. City Council Action Updates
a. PZC 2024-33 Stephen Cross, representing Costco, has submitted applications to the United City of Yorkville, on behalf of Costco Wholesale Corporation (contract purchaser and petitioner) and Joda Land Holding, LLC (property owner). The applications request an amendment to the Yorkville Crossing Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement to allow 160,000-square-foot members-only retail store, special use authorization for a freestanding fueling facility, and final plat approval to resubdivide two parcels (totaling ~34 acres) into three parcels. The petitioner is also requesting deviations from the Unified Development Ordinance, including regulations for landscaping (Section 10-5-3), parking and loading (Section 10-5-1) related to maximum parking stalls and minimum EV charging stations, outdoor lighting pole height (Section 10-5-7), and building facade appearance standards (Section 10-5-8). The property is located at the northwest corner of Veterans Parkway (US 34) and Countryside Parkway.
Action Items
PUD Amendment, Special Use, and Final Plat
b. PZC 2024-30 Nicholas S. Bellone, on behalf of Ament Road Solar 1, LLC (Tenant) and Janet M. Dhuse on behalf of the Janet Dhuse Declaration of Family Trust Dated March 1, 2013 (Owner) are seeking a special use permit for a commercial solar energy facility and a variance to Section 36-282(17)(a) of the Kendall County Zoning Ordinance to allow a commercial solar energy facility on land within 1.5 miles of municipality without an annexation agreement.
Action Item
1.5-mile Review
c. PZC 2024-21 Marker Inc., the contract purchaser and petitioner, along with the United City of Yorkville, the property owner, have submitted applications to the City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. They are requesting an amendment to the Kendall Marketplace Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement and seeking preliminary and final PUD plan approval. The request aims to develop Heartland Meadows West, a mixed-use project featuring twenty (20) single-family residential lots for an active adult community and four (4) commercial outlots. The proposed underlying zoning designations are R-2 Single-Family Traditional Residential District for the residential area and B-3 General Retail District for the commercial area. The petitioner is also requesting deviations to the side and rear yard setbacks within the R-2 District. The subject property is located on the north side of Blackberry Shore Lane, between Northland Lane and Cannonball Trail, on an approximately 8.3-acre vacant parcel.
Action Items
PUD Amendment, Preliminary & Final PUD Plan Approval
d. PZC 2024-26 Drew Daniels, on behalf of Daniels Malinski Yorkville Family, LLLP, petitioner/owner, has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, requesting rezoning classification. The real property consists of four (4) parcels totaling approximately 268.30 acres and is generally located at the northwest corner of West Veterans Parkway (US 34) and Beecher Road. The petitioner is requesting rezoning approval from R-1 Single-Family Suburban Residential District to M-2 General Manufacturing District (contingent on approval of annexation by the City Council).
Action Item