Plano City Mayor Mike Rennels | Mike Rennels Website
Plano City Mayor Mike Rennels | Mike Rennels Website
City of Plano City Council met Jan. 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Plano City Council was called to order on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., by Mayor Michael Rennels in the Council Room at City Hall. Mayor Rennels led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call:
Steve DeBolt Present
John Fawver Present
Kathy Wickens Absent
Jamal Williams Present
Tommy Johns Present
Barb Nadeau Present
Scott Mulliner Present
Mark Swoboda Absent
There was a quorum.
A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on January 13, 2025. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to approve the agenda for the regular meeting of January 27, 2025. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Johns, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated January 27, 2025 in the amount of $122,381.46.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Johns, Fawver, DeBolt, Mulliner, Nadeau, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Johns, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated January 28, 2025 in the amount of $145,705.23.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Johns, Fawver, DeBolt, Mulliner, Nadeau, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
A motion was made by Alderman Johns, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated January 29, 2025 in the amount of $1,831.48.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Johns, Fawver, DeBolt, Mulliner, Nadeau, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
Guests and members of the press were welcomed by Mayor Rennels.
MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Rennels
A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to confirm hiring by the Police Commission of Kurt Griffing as a full time Police Officer, at a salary of $81,108.19, effective February 1, 2025, and authorize the Mayor to sign the Certificate of Hire. Attorney Thomas swore in the new Police Officer.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Williams, DeBolt, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
City Administrator Shanahan said there are two façade improvement grant applications on tonight’s agenda. He said if they are approved, there is approximately $10,000.00 remaining in the budget for these grants. He also said an AED device has been installed in the council room. There will be AEDs installed soon for the Street, Water, and Waste Water Departments. Administrator Shanahan said the Community Outreach Coordinator position information is on the city’s website and applications are being accepted.
Tiffany reported on recent events and a few upcoming ones. There were recent ribbon cuttings for Postal Plus, and for Main Street Merchants at its new location. She said the Business Knock Down Bowling event saw Gatza Electric winning first place and The Friendly Tap second place. Tiffany said the Annual Dinner will celebrate the Chamber’s 50-year anniversary (August 20, 1975). There will be a disco theme for it.
Ordinance #2025-01 An ordinance to revise the City of Plano personnel policy, section 108, hiring of relatives
A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve an ordinance amending section 108, hiring of relatives, in the City of Plano Personnel Policy manual. Attorney Thomas said staff hasreviewed section 108 in the personnel policy, and the definition of “relatives” is not efficient and needs to be deleted. There will be more discussion at the COW meeting tonight. Alderman Nadeau said this was discussed at the January 24, 2025 Personnel and Insurance meeting. They would like this section deleted and rewritten. Mayor Rennels said “hiring” does not appear in this section.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, DeBolt, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
Resolution #2025-08 A resolution for a change order re: 2024 Sidewalk Program-MFT A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Nadeau, to approve a resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a change order with Davis Construction Company in an amount not to exceed $5,985.80, re: 2024 Sidewalk Program-MFT. Attorney Thomas said in June 2024 bids went out for this project. On August 12, 2024, Resolution 2024-18 awarded the project to Davis Concrete Construction Company. The cost has increased 3.5% of the total bid. There are sufficient funds in the budget for this change order.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: DeBolt, Nadeau, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
Resolution #2025-09 A resolution for a façade improvement grant for The Chocolate Shoppe A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to approve a resolution authorizing execution of a Façade Improvement Grant agreement, Ms. Andie Groff (The Chocolate Shoppe), 12700 U.S. Rt. 34, Suite B, Plano.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Williams, Fawver, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
Resolution #2025-10 A resolution for a façade improvement grant for Main Street Merchants A motion was made by Alderman Williams, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve a resolution authorizing execution of a Façade Improvement Grant agreement, Ms. Andie Groff (Main Street Merchants), 12700 U.S. Rt. 34, Suite D, Plano.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Williams, DeBolt, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
Resolution #2025-11 A resolution to terminate the Metronet Cable Franchise agreement A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman Williams, to approve a resolution authorizing execution of a settlement agreement terminating the Metronet Cable Franchise agreement. Attorney Thomas said the current agreement is from 2018-February 2028. Metronet is no longer offering cable tv services,so they are terminating the franchise before the expiration date. They will issue a one-time payment to the city for $5,482.68. Mayor Rennelssaid he initially wrote the franchise agreement. Metronet will continue to service the city, but without the cable tv service. Alderman Mulliner asked how many families are impacted by this cancellation. Administrator Shanahan will let him know.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Williams, DeBolt, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
Resolution #2025-12 A resolution for a 5-year agreement with Axon for new tasers A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to approve a resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a five (5) year agreement with Axon Enterprises, Inc. to purchase new tasers, associated hardware and extended warranties in an amount not to exceed $73,321.23. Attorney Thomas stated the Police Department has utilized Axon for over 20 years. Alderman DeBolt asked how many tasers the Police Department currently has. Chief Allison said between 20 and 22. Chief Allison said they will turn in the ones they currently have for credit towards the new ones.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Fawver, DeBolt, Johns, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Abstain: Mulliner
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
CITY CLERK’S REPORT: Carin Martin, Deputy Clerk
Sales and related taxes for October 2024 are $207,076.75.
The current MFT unobligated balance for October 2024 is $1,668,334.50.
CITY TREASURER’S REPORT: Zoila Gomez-nothing
Chief Allison thanked the Council for passing the taser program tonight, and for hiring Kurt Griffing. He said they have been trying to get Kurt for two years, as he is a lateral transfer officer. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: D. Boyer-absent, J. Beyer-absent, K. Tisberger
A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to approve the promotion of Nicholous (Nick) Rossaert to Superintendent of Wastewater, effective January 28, 2025, at an annual salary of $94,500.00. Marty said Nick is a great addition to the city and has all his certifications for this position. Mayor Rennels said he sat in on the interviews, and Nick is well qualified.
Roll Call:
Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Fawver, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Williams
Voting “Nay”:
Absent: Swoboda, Wickens
Motion passed.
Karl said winter is not over, and gave a reminder not to park in the street when snow is expected. DIRECTOR OF BUILDING, PLANNING & ZONING’S REPORT: Jeff Sobotka-nothing
ADMINISTRATIVE/HEALTH & SAFETY: Alderman Mulliner-nothing
BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND ZONING: Alderman Williams-nothing
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Alderman Fawver-nothing
Aldermen Fawver commented that the façade improvement grants have been assisted by the revised agreements, and by Administrator Shanahan and Jeff Sobotka streamlining the process. FINANCE: Alderman Wickens-absent
Alderman Johns called a meeting for February 10th, 2025 at 5:15 p.m.
PARKS: Alderman Johns-nothing
PERSONNEL & INSURANCE: Alderman Swoboda-absent
Alderman Nadeau said an issue this committee has been working on is on the COW agenda tonight. They met on January 24, 2025. Section 108 of the personnel policy was approved tonight to be deleted. They are working to streamline and complete a revised section 108.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Alderman Nadeau-nothing
Alderman DeBolt thanked the Streets Department for keeping the roads clear, and gave a reminder for cars to be off the streets when there is snow.
A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Williams, to adjourn. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.