Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board met October 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order – Executive Session
The meeting was called to order at 6:31p.m. by President Brad Banks
1.1 Roll Call:
Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:
Brad Banks, Matt Bauman, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Jared Ploger
Members Absent (at roll call):
Lauri Doyle, Brent Lightfoot
2. Closed Session
2.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21): Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to enter Closed Session under statutes 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21): Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 5-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
The Board of Education entered closed session at 6:35 p.m.
Mr. Brent Lightfoot joined closed session at 6:57 p.m.
2.2 Return to Open Session
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to return to Open Session.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
The Board of Education returned to Open Session at 7:15 p.m.
3. Call to Order – Open Session
The meeting was called to order at 7:17 p.m. by President Brad Banks
3.1 Roll Call:
Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:
Brad Banks, Matt Bauman, Brent Lightfoot, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Jared Ploger
Members Absent (at roll call):
Lauri Doyle
Administration Present:
Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Sparlin
Associate Superintendent for Educational Services Dr. Lisa Smith
Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Mr. Asif Dada
Others Present:
Board Attorney Maureen Lemon, Ottosen Britz Kelly Cooper Gilbert and DiNolfo, Ltd; as well as employees of the District and members of the community.
Recording Secretary:
Ursula Coan
3.2 Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President Brad Banks.
4. Recognitions
4.1 Showcase Schools – Old Post Elementary and Murphy Junior High School
Dr. Sparlin introduced the Principal of Old Post Elementary School, Toia Jones. Members of the staff and the following students presented an overview of their school to the Board of Education and the Public:
K - Collin Muehlfelder & Noelle Merrill, 1st - Skyler Yourison & Knox Piereth, 2nd - Tysen Marshall & Adam Omar, 3rd - Sofia Petrella & William Ebervein, 4th Hayden Noll & Conor Omar, 5th Bella Delgado & AJ Mondragon, Matei & Adriana Baima.
The second showcase was led by Dr. Brent Anderson, Principal of Murphy Junior High School. Members of his staff and the following students presented an overview of their school to the Board of Education and the Public:
Michael Parrott, Kristina Paz, Jayden Saa, Hailey Scuito and Ximena Torres.
The complete presentations for the showcase of schools including the audio recording can be found at the following link:
4.2 Those Who Excel Award Recipients
President Brad Banks and members of the Board of Education recognized ISBE’s Those Who Excel Award Recipients:
Dr. Lindsay Allen received the Meritorious award in the administrator category for her role as Principal of Southbury Elementary School.
Ms. Alma Binkowski received the Meritorious award in the education service personnel category for her role as the districts Bilingual Parent Outreach Liaison.
The Oswego East Custodial & Maintenance Team received the Meritorious award in the team category. Members of the team are:
Greg Anderson, Joseph Arteaga, Kim Chapman, Theresa Collins, Dean Collins, Rosemary Decker, Robert Hodel, Stephen Hutchings, John Lasky, Ana Lepe, Kenneth Lesley, Sarah Iovino, Joseph Mikalajunas, Jay Murray, Jeff Murray, Rosalio Nevarez, Mike Rubolino, Nick Sassanelli, Lily Silva, Carrie Sosh, Norma Stiles, Diane Thompson, William Tiffin, Bart Washington, Juan Zarate
Ms. Joy Varney received the Recognition award in the classroom teacher category for her role as a 5th Grade teacher at Wolf’s Crossing Elementary School.
Dr. Judy Wilson received the Recognition award in the student support personnel category for her role as School Psychologist at Thompson Junior High School.
All award recipients will be recognized at the Those Who Excel Banquet in Bloomington on Saturday, October 28, 2017.
The complete audio presentation for the Those Who Excel Award Recipients can be found at the following link: http://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public
5. Public Comment
5.1 Each Person will be provided five (5) minutes to speak before the Board of Education
The following individual addressed the board at this time:
Ms. Dana Simone Stovall shared her concerns related to her daughter not being recognized as the Homecoming Queen at Oswego East. Ms. Stovall indicated that she believed there was a lack of recognition solely based on her daughter’s race. The court was not properly announced at the dance. Once the mistake was realized, students were asked if they wanted to step back out so an announcement could be made. The students decided they did not want to step out at that point. Ms. Stovall commented that the decision should not have been left up to the students and they should have been properly announced.
6. Comments/Reports
6.1 Board Member Updates
Mr. Bauman attended a recital at the Fox River Academy of Music & Art. He recognized the following students from our district:
His daughter, Ali Bauman 4th grader at Hunt Club, Finnegan Murray a 5th grader at Long Beach, Viane Nguyen 6th grader at Thompson Jr. High and Gwendolyn Yen 4th grader at Lakewood Creek. They all did a tremendous job.
Ms. Morgan attended an open house for the Islamic Center of Naperville. Guest were greeted by Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts that hold their meetings at the center. Some families that are part of the Islamic Center have students that attend SD308 schools. It was very informative to find out about their programs and to be able to talk to the families. Ms. Morgan also attended a movie at OHS starring many of our students. The movie is called N2 and is available on DVD. It was a great production and money well spent. Ms. Morgan encouraged people to invite the board to any special events at their schools.
Mr. Banks attended the Kendall County Special Olympics Fall Festival on Friday, held at the Kendall County Fairgrounds. It was a great event! Also, Mr. Banks visited the Transportation Department and found out how it works and just how much goes into transporting all of our students to and from school safely.
Dr. Sparlin had the opportunity to attend the Girls Cross Country Team pasta dinner on Friday evening. The team was getting ready to compete at the Regional and Dr. Sparlin gave them all a few words of encouragement. This Saturday, October 28th, OHS host Naperville North and Oswego East hosts St. Charles East for the first round of football playoffs.
6.2 Board Committee Reports
• Teaching and Learning
Mrs. Moyer commented that a lot of good information was shared at the last T&L committee meeting. The discussion regarding social promotion continued and we took the time to look at what kind of interventions we have in place. There is definitely a focus on continuous quality improvement in our district. The meeting also covered information about standards based grading and some work that is going on at the committee level. We also had time to touch on the curriculum review cycle which will be presented this evening. MTSS intervention was on the agenda, but we were not able to get to that in detail. Ideally, a district strives to have supports in place, so students don’t need to be held back. Mr. Ploger stated that some supports were in place at one point, but needed to be cut in order to save money. The programs are district wide, but there is a focus on junior high, that seems to be a critical point.
7. Approve Consent Agenda
7.1 Approval of Minutes from October 10, 2017 Board of Education meeting Open and Closed Session
7.2 Approval of Field Trip outside of the Continental United States
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Toni Morgan, to approve all items under consent, including 7.1 Minutes from October 10, 2017 Regular Board of Education Meeting Open and Closed Session and 7.2 Oswego High School’s outside of the Continental United States trip to England, France, Germany and Austria from July 9 through July 22, 2019
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
8. Information Only
8.1 AVID Presentation
Dr. Smith introduced Susan McDougall, our secondary district director for AVID, Drew Mundsinger from OHS and Ali Anderson who supports AVID at the elementary level. The presentation included an overview of the AVID program and what that looks like in our schools.
The AVID student is one who can achieve in rigorous curriculum with support from the AVID Elective class. Spring of 2014, OH and OE selected their first cohorts of freshmen. Students were invited to apply based on teacher recommendation. Spring of 2015, Thompson selected their first cohort of 7th graders. At that time, information was shared with everyone and all students had the opportunity to apply. Spring of 2016, Bednarcik, Plank and Traughber selected their first cohort of 7th graders. Spring of 2017 Murphy followed suit. This program also provides a strong student/teacher relationship which is a very important component.
Mr. Lightfoot commented that the achievement gap tends to be more with African American students, therefore one would expect a larger portion of African American students in the AVID program. Mr. Mundsinger stated that the selection process has been refined over the last few years and there is more of an awareness were the achievement gap is at.
Ms. Morgan asked what distinguishes AVID from what should be a regular free public education for all students. Ms. Anderson explained that since the district has really strengthened the AVID Elective, this will become more of a school wide approach. AVID becomes how you do school in your school district. Practices will be done consistently throughout grade levels and the same academic language will be used. Mr. Banks asked how the success of this program is measured. Mrs. McDougall explained that now that the first class of seniors is coming through, they are keeping track of college acceptance and the amount of scholarships received. Mrs. McDougall stated that she has never seen teachers unite for a common cause like she has on the AVID site teams. There is a very strong professional development component to AVID and teachers come back and share that information with their peers.
The complete presentation for the AVID program including audio can be found at the following link: http://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public
8.2 Impact Fees and Land Cash Information
Mr. Dada introduced Stuart Whitt to share his presentation on the Impact Fees and Land Cash information.
The Illinois Municipal Code authorizes municipalities the ability to require that residential developers set aside and donate land for public school purposes, or contribute cash in lieu of land if it’s determined that there is no need for a school at that location. The following Municipalities within School District 308 impose Land-Cash fees on residential development: Oswego, Montgomery, Aurora, Plainfield, Joliet and Yorkville.
The following counties impose Land-Cash fees on residential development in unincorporated areas: Kane, Kendall and Will County
Five factors determine the amount of land required from the residential developer:
• Types of housing units being built
• Number of each type of housing unit being built
• Number of bedrooms in each housing unit
• Maximum number of students for each school type
• Minimum number of acres for each school type
In Oswego for a single family detached home, the district receives $4,429. Mr. Lightfoot commented that the Village of Oswego reduced the impact fees with respect to townhomes by 45%. In 2001 the district worked with Northern Illinois University to produce a document that included a table on the impact fees. The question is if this study should be updated. What should we be doing as a school district to ensure that when the time comes where development returns, the school district is not put in a position where we are not collecting adequate fees, whether it’s land-cash, impact or capital. Mr. Whitt suggested that the study should be revisited at some point, but there is a cost attached to it! We just have to keep in mind that all of these orders are imposed by the Municipalities and they could waive the requirements and as a school district we would not be able to do anything about it. Mr. Lightfoot thinks it would be helpful to have a credible document where we could say this is what we are asking for as a school district and why. Mr. Whitt stated that the only thing there is, is the Village’s willingness to impose their ordinance upon the developers. Since it is a Village ordinance, they have the right to waive it and there is no recourse for the district. In order for the Village to be bound, the district would need to have an Intergovernmental Agreement with each Municipality. The board discussed whether or not the district should pay to have the 2001 study updated. They decided to talk about possibly sharing the expense with the Village and discussing it with the Village Officials at an upcoming Intergovernmental meeting, scheduled for later this month. Mr. Whitt will provide Dr. Sparlin and Mr. Dada with some information to bring to the meeting scheduled on October 30th.
The complete presentation for the Impact Fees and Land Cash Information including audio, can be found at the following link: http://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public
8.3 Information on adding Oswego to SD308 Logo
Dr. Terry Tamblyn, former Superintendent and Mr. Dave Elko, a retired teacher from OHS presented information to the board regarding the desire of adding “Oswego” back to our SD308 school logo. Dr. Tamblyn stated that there are other districts in Illinois with “308” as part of their name and many community members would like to see Oswego back on our school buses and to recognize our legal name as Oswego Community Unit School District 308. At this time, their petition has collected 650 signatures. Dr. Tamblyn went on to say that that in 1961 Oswego High School District 300 and Oswego Grade School District 8 were combined into Oswego CUSD308. Calling it SD308, depersonalizes the community of learners.
Ms. Morgan asked if we had the opportunity to hire more staff to help students or spend the money to change the logo, which one would we choose. Dr. Tamblyn clarified that he would choose extra staff for students, but that they are not suggesting to change the logo, just to bring the name back over time and being financially aware. Mr. Lightfoot commented that in 2014, the board voted on a new logo, not changing the name of the district. We also have to remember that there are a number of families that don’t live in Oswego proper and right or wrong, they felt excluded. It was an attempt to say we are one big district, no matter which town you come from, not just Oswego. Dr. Tamblyn commented that the community does not feel that dropping the name achieved that unity. Mr. Bauman commented that as a Montgomery resident, Oswego is not inclusive of us. We are a community without an identity. Mr. Bauman stated that he went through the history with the ledger and even after the high school and grade school district merged into 308 (1961) there is mixed reference as far as the name of our district. There was no consistency even back then as far as Oswego CUS308 or just CUSD308. Mr. Bauman commented that it seems to be mostly an issue of not having the name Oswego on the buses. Mr. Ploger stated that he understands the history and the pride the Oswego residents have in their school district, but it is also important to be inclusive.
Dr. Sparlin stated that since the name was never officially changed, there would be no cost associated with adding Oswego back in. It would be added over time back on school buses as the new leases come up. The board was in agreement that they did not want to change the Logo, but would not have any objections to Oswego being phased back in as long as it is cost neutral. Mrs. Lemon confirmed that nothing would need to be changed legally and she commented that even prior to the logo change in 2014, bond documents and other legal documents referred to us as CUSD308. In the name of being more inclusive, Dr. Wendt, our former Superintendent, gave the direction of removing Oswego from policies as they came up for review, left off of new documents that were drawn up as well as from our district website.
Mr. Lightfoot suggested that this issue be sent to the Policy Committee to bring clear direction in a document to the Board of Education.
8.4 Curriculum Review Cycle
Dr. Smith presented the Curriculum Review Cycle the board. The revised curriculum review cycle was presented to the Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee in September and October of this year. In 2014-15 the board approved a full EC-12 math adoption. In 2015-16, there was a full K-12 English Language Arts adoption. In 2016 the board was presented with K- 12 adoptions for areas of science and PE/Health, but based on fiscal restraints, the recommendations were not approved in full. A revised Curriculum Review Cycle was approved by the Board on February 13, 2017. The revised cycle reflected a phasing in approach to our adoptions by grade level spans (elementary, junior high and high school) as a means to reduce annual adoption cost. In the spring of 2017, the K-5 PE/Health adoption was approved by the Board, the K-5 Science adoption was not. Dr. Smith recommended that this year our focus would be on the junior high level with regards to social studies and science curriculums. Additional committee work in other content areas will be completed as the budget allows. Dr. Smith stated that some of the curriculums that the committee looked at needed access to technology, which we don’t have enough of. Therefore, part of the work would include using some of our e-rate rebate dollars to purchase carts of 30 chrome books to be used in the junior highs, so that the social studies and science teacher can have access on a regular basis. Ms. Morgan asked how teachers and department chairs were being included in the selection process. Mr. Max stated that the process consists of including representative from each building and each grade level. When applicable the department chairs from the high schools will be involved as well as building and district administrators. Ms. Morgan wanted to make sure that the teachers have the resources that they need to teach, specifically science. Mr. Max stated that they do and that all digital licenses were renewed for them as well.
8.5 Discussion of 2017 IASB Resolutions
The board discussed the IASB Resolutions that will be voted on at the Triple I conference in November. Mr. Ploger will be voting on the districts behalf and he would like direction from all board members. Between page 9 and page 14 it describes each of the eight Resolutions and states the recommendation of IASB. Mr. Banks asked for everyone to read through these so everyone is prepared to give Mr. Ploger guidance on how our board wishes to vote on each item.
9. Action Items
9.1 Approval of Board Policies Section 6: Instruction (6:180, 6:210) Section 7: Students (7:60, 7:275) Section 8: Community Relations (8:75)
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to approve Board Policies Section 6: Instruction (6:180, 6:210) Section 7: Students (7:60, 7:275) Section 8: Community Relations (8:75)
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
9.2 Approval of Destruction of the audio recordings of the Closed Session meetings from November 9, 2015 through April 11, 2016
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to approve the destruction of the audio recordings of the Closed Session meetings from November 9, 2015 through April 11, 2016
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
9.3 Approval of the release of those Closed Session minutes which no longer require confidential treatment and will be made available for public inspection, and retain as confidential those Closed Session minutes for which the need for confidentiality still exists
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the release of the following closed session minutes which no longer require confidential treatment and will be made available for public inspection: January 16, 2012, February 13, 2012, November 12, 2012, January 9, 2013, January 28, 2013, February 11, 2013, June 22, 2015, February 22, 2016, March 14, 2016,
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
9.4 Approval of Personnel Report
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Toni Morgan, to approve the Personnel report
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
9.5 Approval of Building Administrator Contracts
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to approve the Building Administrator contracts
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
10. Adjournment
10.1 Adjourn
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Toni Morgan to adjourn.
All were in favor unanimously to adjourn.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
Meeting Adjourned at 10:46 p.m.