Yorkville City Mayor's Office Library Board met Oct. 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Russ Walter and a quorum was established.
Roll Call:
Theron Garcia-yes, Jason Hedman-yes, Carol LaChance-yes, Wamecca Rodriguez-yes, Russ Walteryes, Susan Chacon-yes, Darren Crawford-yes, Krista Danis-yes
Library Personnel
Elisa Topper, Library Director
Shelley Augustine, Director Adult Services
Dixie DeBord, Director Technical Services
Sharyl Iwanski, Circulation Manager
Others Present:
Alderman Jackie Milschewski, City Council Liaison
Peggy Owens
Recognition of Visitors:
President Walter recognized the staff, Ms. Milschewski and Ms. Owens.
Amendments to the Agenda:
President Walter said a letter from City Administrator Bart Olson will be discussed under “City Council Liaison”. The temporary director pay given to Ms. Augustine and Ms. DeBord will be discussed under
New Business.
Minutes: August 30 and September 11, 2017
Mr. Hedman moved to approve both sets of minutes as presented and Ms. Garcia seconded the motion.
Unanimous voice vote approval.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Financial Statement
Ms. Chacon presented the report and said the bills were straightforward. It was noted city staff had paid some of the bills with their credit cards while it was thought it was set up to pay with the library credit card. Additional books have been purchased and the handicapped door and the roof have been repaired. About 96.8% of the yearly revenue has been received with the state grant still expected.
There were also two payroll periods.
Payment of Bills A motion was made and seconded by Trustees Rodriguez and Garcia, respectively, to pay the bills as follows:
$20,406.01 Accounts Payable
$29,483.98 Payroll
$49,889.99 TOTAL
Roll call: Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes. Motion carried 8-0.
Report of the Library Director:
Ms. Topper thanked the Board for selecting her as the new Director and complimented the staff and the well-organized Friends group. She also had lunch with the department heads. Appointments have been scheduled with area library directors, Chamber of Commerce and school officials and she attended the department head meeting at city hall. Ms. Topper has an upcoming meeting with Bart Olson and Tim Evans regarding the inter-governmental agreement and referred to an article in the paper about that topic. On October 14th there will be a 'Donuts with the Director' reception. She said the HVAC system failed today and a cost proposal for the needed parts will be sent by the repair person. The electronic board discussed last month was replaced last week.
City Council Liaison:
Ms. Milschewski said the inter-governmental agreement was from 1997 and needs an update. The agreement listed various services the city says they perform for the library, however, Mr. Walter said staff has indicated most of those items are not done by the city. Mr. Walter also noted some of the items the city does perform. While the Board of Trustees was not made aware of any cost regarding the recent city building survey, the Board expressed concern that it has been stated that the library's share is $30,000. The results of that survey have not been shared with the library.
The inter-governmental agreement is scheduled to be terminated in April 2018. Ms. Topper said she has a meeting with Mr. Olson and Mr. Evans later in the week and asked the Board what additional items the library would like done. Mr. Hedman and Ms. Milschewski said the Board should determine the library's needs and convey them to the city. Some Board members expressed concern that the library/city relationship changed after the Board rejected an offer for Mr. Evans to assume the Directorship. The Board said they were not informed the agreement would be discussed in city committee meetings, so Ms. Milschewski will inform the Board prior to this matter coming before Council. Ms. LaChance said Ms. Milschewski will be an asset to the Board.
Standing Committees:
To be discussed under New Business.
Unfinished Business:
Elevator Inspection Companies: Thyssenkrupp & Suburban
Ms. Topper was asked to review the elevator contracts and said Suburban quoted a monthly price of $159 and Thyssenkrupp quoted a lowered price of $175 from $254 after a conversation with them. She recommended staying with Thyssenkrupp. She also negotiated them down to a 3-year contract from 5 years. Both companies said there would be a price increase with a new contract. The Board also discussed the 'level of service' in the contracts and what previous extra charges were incurred. If the next 12 months is pre-paid, there is a 3% discount. Mr. Hedman suggested putting a cap on the increase to not exceed 3% or cap it at $175 per month. A final vote on the contract will be taken in November after verifying the monthly price and contract length.
New Business:
Watchguard Security Software Renewal
Watchguard is the security software that runs on the computer firewall. The renewal is for 3 years, however, the Board can ask for an annual agreement. A motion was made by Ms. Garcia to approve the Watchguard security software renewal at $2,378.75 and the motion was seconded by Ms. LaChance.
Roll call: LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia- yes, Hedman-yes. Carried 8-0.
Personnel Policy Revision
Mr. Crawford reported the Personnel Committee had met to review the personnel policy since it had not been updated for 14 years. A copy was sent to all for potential changes. Changes included were: Ms. Elder's name was deleted as secretary, Ms. Rodriguez said a list of holidays needs to be listed, Mr. Walter noted that Mother's Day is an unpaid holiday and early closings on Good Friday and Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving will be listed on the website and in the policy book.
Vacation time will also be shown as “days” and evaluations and personal days were also updated. Ms. Rodriguez said there was a question on payouts for sick and vacation time. Language was changed to reflect that vacation time will be paid after a resignation, however, sick time will not be paid. The time will be referred to as days, not hours.
Mr. Crawford then moved to approve the revised personnel policy/benefits section and Ms. LaChance seconded. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Adult Internet Policy Revision
Ms. DeBord said proposed changes had been made to this policy. The internet is now only available to holders of library cards. The proposed change would allow anyone 18 and over to have access and if they have no card, a guest pass will be issued. This would allow visitors and PADS participants to use the computer. There was a brief discussion about computer access if library fines are due. A motion to approve the updated internet and computer use policy was made by Ms. Chacon and seconded by Mr. Hedman. Unanimous verbal approval.
Library Card Renewal Policy The current library cards are good for three years and Ms. Iwanski said there are 6,000 active patrons. She said 3 years is standard for most libraries and there would not be enough manpower to have annual subscriptions. No further action.
Director Pay for Ms. DeBord and Ms. Augustine
Mr. Walter said the temporary increases in pay for Ms. DeBord and Ms. Augustine while they assisted in the absence of a Director, will end effective October 15th. Mr. Walter moved to end the increases for Shelley and Dixie, as of October 15. Ms. Garcia seconded and it carried on a unanimous voice vote.
Executive Session: None
Additional Business: None
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm on a motion by President Walter and second by Ms. LaChance. Unanimous voice vote approval.