Yorkville City Mayor's Office Administration Committee met Oct. 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Committee Members In Attendance:
Chairman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Joe Plocher
Alderman Chris Funkhouser Alderman Alex Hernandez
Other City Officials In Attendance:
Mayor Gary Golinski Finance Director Rob Fredrickson
City Administrator Bart Olson Alderman Carlo Colosimo (arr. 6:21pm)
Interim Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett
City Engineer David Schultz/EEI
Others in Attendance:
Karianne Hoban, Rivers Edge
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Jackie Milschewski.
Citizen Comments: None
Minutes for Correction/Approval: September 20, 2017
The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business:
1. ADM 2017-71 Monthly Budget Report for September 2017
Mr. Olson said sales tax revenue for July was $274,000. The city anticipated $283,000 signaling possible change in the overall economy or different buying habits such as building materials. The numbers will be monitored and the city is still on pace to make budget numbers.
2. ADM 2017-72 Monthly Treasurer's Report for September 2017
Mr. Fredrickson reported the following with no further discussion:
$13,642,346 Beginning Fund Balance
$14,974,734 YTD Revenues
$12,870,327 YTD Expenses
$15,746,753 Projected Ending Fund Balance
3. ADM 2017-73 Cash Statement for August 2017
Info only
4. ADM 2017-74 Bills for Payment
No comments.
6. ADM 2017-76 Meeting Schedule for 2018
No comments, schedule approved.
7. ADM 2017-77 Annual Treasurer's Report
Mr. Fredrickson said the reports reflect all receipts for 2017 as well as payroll and payments to vendors. This item will move to the next Council meeting on the regular agenda and will also be published in the newspaper.
5. ADM 2017-75 Monthly Website Report for September 2017 (out of sequence)
Ms. Willrett said the format of the report has been changed and more information is being put on social media. She summarized the website visits and said the report will also be including more Parks and Rec information. Employment opportunities are also highly viewed Ms. Willrett said the city is able to use Google Analytics as of August. Twitter and Feedback posts were discussed and Alderman Hernandez suggested using webmaster tools in Bing.
8. ADM 2017-78 Tax Levy Estimate
Mr. Olson said estimates have to be set, a Public Hearing will be held and a vote taken at a later time. Mr. Olson asked if taxes should be increased this year and if the city wants to continue to levy separately from the library. Recommendations for these questions and library estimates were shown in a memo from Mr. Fredrickson. Mr. Olson suggested the city could collect the taxes like last year, plus new construction. He suggested next year tax recommendations should be based on new construction plus inflation. Overall, the City's recommendation is for $3.3 million. The committee approved these recommendations. This moves forward to the consent agenda and the library levy will be done separately.
Old Business:
1. ADM 2017-70 Building Conditions Survey Results
Ms. Willrett reviewed several city buildings regarding repairs needed, cost of repairs, and a rank of overall current condition based on a ratio of immediate repair cost compared to current replacement value.
Mr. Olson said the buildings in this survey should be prioritized with life safety always coming first. Also discussed was the number of structures per month to review.
Additional Business: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm.