
Kendall County Times

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Kendall County Forest Preserve Commission met February 6.

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Kendall County Forest Preserve Commission met February 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. Call to Order

President Gilmour called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in the Kendall County Board Room.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Invocation

Commissioner Prochaska offered an invocation for the meeting.

IV. Roll Call

X Cullick X Gryder

X Davidson X Hendrix

Flowers X Kellogg

X Gilmour X Prochaska

X Giles X Purcell

Commissioners Cullick, Davidson, Giles, Gryder, Hendrix, Kellogg, Prochaska, Purcell, and Gilmour all were present.

V. Approval of Agenda

Commissioner Cullick made a motion to approve the Commission meeting agenda as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Prochaska. Aye, all. Opposed, none.

VI. Citizens to Be Heard

Jim Birch of Yorkville, Illinois expressed concerns over the parking lot lights at Hoover Forest Preserve. Mr. Birch expressed interest in a parking lot at Millbrook North Forest Preserve.

Todd Milliron of Yorkville, Illinois suggested that the District consider leasing the Ken Pickerill home for revenue generation.

VII. Approval of Claims in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $9,511.76

Commissioner Cullick made a motion to approve claims in an amount not-to-exceed $9,511.76. Seconded by Commissioner Kellogg.

Motion: Commissioner Cullick

Second: Commissioner Gryder

Roll call

Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner

X Cullick X Gryder

X Davidson X Hendrix

Flowers X Kellogg

X Giles X Prochaska

X Gilmour X Purcell

Motion unanimously approved.

VIII. Approval of Minutes

• Kendall County Forest Preserve District Commission Meeting Minutes of January 16, 2018 and December 19, 2017

• Kendall County Forest Preserve District Finance Committee Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2018

Commissioner Cullick made a motion to approve the Commission meeting minutes of January 16, 2018, and the Finance Committee meeting minutes for January 25, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Gryder. Aye, all. Opposed, none.

IX. Finance Committee Report

Commissioner Cullick reported that the Finance Committee reviewed the Top Notch Rental Services proposal for the event tent at Ellis House and Equestrian Center, with a recommendation for approval.

The Finance Committee reviewed the purchase agreement for “Kash,” a new lesson horse for the Ellis Equestrian Center, with a recommendation for approval.

The Finance Committee reviewed the amended proposal from Riemenschneider Electric, including repair of an outdoor fixture, and additional LED fixture replacement, with a recommendation for approval.

The Finance Committee reviewed the proposed conveyance of the District’s 1970 trailer and performance stage to the United City of Yorkville, which was forwarded to the Committee of the Whole.

The Finance Committee also reviewed the Upland Design cost estimates for the proposed public access improvements for Fox River Bluffs, and amended IDNR-FHA Regional Trails Program resolution.

Old Business

X. Motion: Approval of a Proposal from Riemenschneider Electric Inc. of

Yorkville for Electrical System Improvements at Pickerill-Pigott Forest Preserve for an Amount Not-to-Exceed $2,367.00

Commissioner Cullick made a motion to approve the proposal from Riemenschneider Electric Inc. for electrical system improvements at Pickerill-Pigott Forest Preserve for an amount not-to-exceed $2,367.00. Seconded by Commissioner Kellogg.

Director Guritz reported that the amended proposal includes repair of an outdoor pole-mounted security light, and upgrade for one additional LED closet fixture.

Director Guritz reported on the progress with development of a master plan for Pickerill-Pigott Forest Preserve.

Commissioner Purcell asked whether the proposal, which was originally voted down, will continue to be tweaked and brought forward until it receives six votes.

Director Guritz stated that following the meeting, the additional items were discussed with the President and added to the proposal, with a decision to bring the item back for consideration. Director Guritz stated that if the proposal is voted down a second time, it will not be brought back for additional consideration.

Commissioner Gryder asked under what circumstances that an item that was voted down can be brought back for consideration. President Gilmour responded that the proposal is different, with additional items added that were not considered with the initial proposal.

Commissioner Davidson stated that liability of District staff either working or residing in the Pickerill house is a concern. Commissioner Davidson expressed a concern on how the item was modified and brought back before Commission for consideration.

Commissioner Gryder asked what specific safety issues are to be addressed with the proposal. Director Guritz stated that beyond converting over to GFI outlets per code requirements, the proposal will fix double-tapped circuit breakers which could pose a fire hazard, and replacement of an outdoor fixture that is no longer functioning that should be replaced or taken down to address site safety.

Commissioner Purcell asked how many houses the District owns. Director Guritz responded that the Hoover Residence is the only District structure operated as a home, with Ellis House operating as a multi-use facility. Commissioner Purcell asked if there were additional proposals that would be forthcoming to address issues with the Pickerill house. Director Guritz stated that the radon mitigation and electrical work address the life-safety concerns, with no additional work anticipated before considering a lease agreement for the grounds maintenance worker.

Commissioner Gyrder asked if there would be additional long term maintenance needs for the Pickerill house. Director Guritz stated that there would be additional maintenance costs to address aging infrastructure detailed in the Discovery Inspection report. Director Guritz also stated that additional work will need to be performed to provide public access to the house if Commission decides to move forward with adaptive reuse of the structure.

Commissioner Kellogg stated that he had toured the building, reporting that the house is in really good shape, and well-built, with the exterior wood paneling the only other near-term issue to that needs to be addressed. Commissioner Kellogg stated that addressing the life-safety concerns will provide the opportunity for District staff in residence to address other issues at a significant cost savings.

Commissioner Hendrix stated that addressing the life-safety concerns with the electrical system, regardless of end use, needs to be performed, short of demolishing the building. If a District staff member is going to reside in the house, or the public invited to tour the facility, it needs to be safe.

Commissioner Hendrix made a motion to call the question. Seconded by Commissioner Kellogg. President Gilmour called a roll call vote.

Motion: Commissioner Hendrix

Second: Commissioner Kellogg

Roll call: Motion to call the Question

Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner

X Cullick X Gryder

X Davidson X Hendrix

Flowers X Kellogg

X Giles X Prochaska

X Gilmour X Purcell

Motion failed by a vote of 5:4.

Commissioner Purcell asked whether additional staff will need to be hired to address Pickerill house improvements. Director Guritz stated that the goal is to have the staff member in residence maintain the grounds, and interior improvements as time is afforded within the lease agreement.

Commissioner Purcell expressed concerns over the District’s capital funding available to address this, and other District pending capital projects, and questioned whether the District’s budget will be able to cover the additional costs for maintaining and staffing the preserves.

President Gilmour stated that the Pickerill house was gifted to the District, and the work ahead is to be good stewards and taking care of what we have.

Commissioner Davidson stated that this is not unlike Ellis House, with the District expending funds that it doesn’t have.

Commissioner Gryder expressed concerns with balancing the District’s expense and addressing the needs to open acquired preserves to the public.

Director Guritz thanked Commission for their careful deliberation, noting that the goal is to establish a presence, and maintain the Pickerill house and grounds in order to provide time to establish the preserve master plan. This will include assessing community needs and interests, and determining whether there is an opportunity to operate the facility under a shared-cost cooperative model.

President Gilmour requested a roll call on the initial motion.

Motion: Commissioner Hendrix

Second: Commissioner Kellogg

Roll call: Approval of the Proposal

Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner

X Cullick X Gryder

X Davidson X Hendrix

Flowers X Kellogg

X Giles X Prochaska

X Gilmour X Purcell

Motion carried by a vote of 6:3.

New Business

XI. Resolution #18-02-001 A Resolution Authorizing Participation in the 2018 IDNR-FHA Regional Trails Program for the Construction of a 1.05 Mile Multi- Purpose Trail Loop and Spur at Fox River Bluffs Forest Preserve

Commissioner Hendrix made a motion to approve Ordinance #18-02-001 authorizing participation in the 2018 IDNR-FHA Regional Trails Program for the construction of a 1.05-mile multi-purpose trail loop and spur at Fox River Bluffs Forest Preserve. Seconded by Commissioner Prochaska.

Director Guritz reported on the cost estimates presented from Upland Design, noting that the total project costs will exceed the RTP grant matching requirements for a $200,000 grant request.

Director Guritz stated that Fox River Bluffs was acquired with LWCF-OSLAD and Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation grant funding, requiring cropland conversion and public access projects to commence within the first three years of ownership.

Director Guritz stated that of all District preserves, Fox River Bluffs Forest Preserve is the only forest preserve area where sufficient access from a public road is present to take advantage of this year’s RTP grant cycle. The grant requires a 20% match, or $50,000 for a maximum $200,000 grant, plus the calculated $300 application fee.

Commissioner Davidson asked that these details be included in the motion to approve the resolution and grant application.

Director Guritz suggested tabling consideration until the February 20 Commission meeting, understanding that the grant application is due on March 1, and this will be the last opportunity to consider participation in the program’s 2018 grant cycle.

Project award would be anticipated in late spring-early summer 2019, which falls in line with completion of the trail improvements and parking area in fall 2019.

Commissioner Purcell asked whether the $50,000 match was specifically itemized in the FY18 capital budget, or whether this amount was included as a lump-sum amount.

Director Guritz stated he did not recall the specific figure included for Fox River Bluffs in the FY 18 budget, but would forward the information requested following the meeting. Director Guritz stated that there are sufficient appropriations in the FY 18 capital fund budget to allow Commission to consider the opportunity.

Commissioner Prochaska made a motion to table the resolution pending further discussion at the February Committee of the Whole meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Hendrix.

Motion: Commissioner Prochaska

Second: Commissioner Hendrix

Roll call: Table of Resolution #18-02-001

Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner

X Cullick X Gryder

X Davidson X Hendrix

Flowers X Kellogg

X Giles X Prochaska

X Gilmour X Purcell

Motion unanimously approved.

XII. Motion: Approval of the Purchase of the Lesson Horse “Kash” for Ellis Equestrian Center from Angie Gingerich of Tremont, Illinois in the Amount of $750.00, Payable at the Conclusion of a 30-day Trial Period

Commissioner Purcell made a motion to approve the purchase of the lesson horse “Kash” for Ellis Equestrian Center from Angie Gingerich of Tremont, Illinois in the amount of $750.00, payable at the conclusion of a 30-day trial period. Seconded by Commissioner Hendrix. Seconded by Commissioner Gryder.

Motion: Commissioner Hendrix

Second: Commissioner Gryder

Roll call

Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner

X Cullick X Gryder

X Davidson X Hendrix

Flowers X Kellogg

X Giles X Prochaska

X Gilmour X Purcell

Motion carried by a vote of 7:2.

XIII. Motion: Approval of a Proposal from Top Notch Rental Services, LLC of Naperville in the Amount of $15,255 for the Lease of an Event Tent and Accessories from March 1, 2018 to November 15, 2018 for the Ellis House and Equestrian Center

Commissioner Hendrix made a motion to approve the proposal from Top Notch Rental Services, LLC of Naperville in the amount of $15,255 for the lease of an event tent and accessories from March 1, 2018 to November 15, 2018 for the Ellis House and Equestrian Center. Seconded by Commissioner Prochaska.

Commissioner Prochaska asked how many wedding events are currently under contract for 2018. Director Guritz reported that nine events are booked, with the FY18 budget scheduled for 5 events, with marketing for the Ellis Bridal Expo is underway.

Commissioner Purcell asked what the contract amount was for the prior year’s rental. Director Guritz reported that the price is unchanged from the prior year.

Motion: Commissioner Hendrix

Second: Commissioner Gryder

Roll call

Aye Opposed Commissioner Aye Opposed Commissioner

X Cullick X Gryder

X Davidson X Hendrix

Flowers X Kellogg

X Giles X Prochaska

X Gilmour X Purcell

Motion unanimously approved.

XIV. Executive Session


XV. Other Items of Business

• FHA-IDNR Public Hearing – Fox River Bluffs Forest Preserve Access and Trail Plan, Thursday, February 15, 2018 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Director Guritz reported on the upcoming public hearing required as part of the District’s FHA- IDNR grant application.

• IDNR – Notice of Conservation Plan Public Comment Period through April 1, 2018 – Millbrook Bridge Removal Incidental Take Permit

Direction Guritz reported that the public comment period for the Conservation Plan for the Millbrook Bridge removal incidental take permit is open through April 1, 2018. The pending Little Rock Creek acquisition will serve to mitigate potential impacts to State-listed species.

Commission discussed the engineering report which led to the closure of public access to the bridge in 2015.

Commission discussed the history of the structure, including the District’s assumption of ownership from Fox Township.

Director Guritz reported that public outreach is pending to satisfy the Section 106 permit review requirements.

Commissioner Gryder asked about the FHA-IDOT letter expressing concerns that the Millbrook Bridge had not been removed as part of the construction of the new Fox River vehicular crossing. Director Guritz stated that this was the case, citing concerns over future bridge impacts from structural collapse, and hydrological impacts to stream flow.

Commissioner Gryder asked whether there was an actual deed recorded as part of the District’s intergovernmental agreement, asking that Director Guritz forward the relevant information to the Board of Commissioners.

XVI. Citizens to Be Heard

Todd Milliron of Yorkville, Illinois offered comments on the District’s outreach to the Village of Millbrook, suggesting that Kendall County could revisit and leverage Village of Millbrook support. Todd Milliron suggested that the Pickerill house could be used to address other community needs and generate revenue for the District.

XVII. Adjournment

Commissioner Kellogg made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Prochaska. Aye, all. Opposed, none. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm.




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