Oswego Township met March 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The meeting of the Oswego Township was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Supervisor Brian LeClercq. The pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag was given by all in attendance.
Township officials in attendance were: Supervisor Brian Leclercq, Trustees: Diane Selmer, Bill Small, Donna Stanley, Allyson Jacobsen; Brian Hauser in attendance for Assessor Dave Maher and Clerk Ken Holmstrom. Attorney William Thomas was in attendance and Mike Novak from the Sheriff's department. Highway Commissioner Robert Rogerson arrived at 6:43. Nine Oswego Township residents were also in attendance. The attendance sheet is attached to these minutes. Non Township residents Todd Milliron and Jim Wyman (WSPY) were also present.
Supervisor LeClercq opened the meeting with public comments.
Todd Milliron addressed the Township and mentioned that there was a meeting of the Township and the Kendall county Sheriff office where light bulbs were given out this past Saturday. Mr. Milliron thought it should be posted on the Township website so the township residents would be informed. The sheriff's office did have it posted. Supervisor LeClercq mentioned that this event was spearheaded by the sheriff department. The Township will work more closely with the sheriff department on coordinating the next meetings. He stated that there are 2320 bulbs available to Boulder Hill residents.
Mary Carney spoke on the rezoning of the Pfund Park. She questioned the need for more burial plots. She spoke against the rezoning.
Frank Carney spoke against the rezoning of Pfund Park. He stated that they have a petition signed by over 130 residents to leave the Park as a park and not make it a part of the cemetery.
Norma Lucatorio stated she would like to see Pfund Park returned to the Park District. She also stated that she thought the property floods.
Gary Eagleton spoke, he was a maintenance man at the cemetery for 20 years. He said the property did not flood even in the record rainfall of 1996. He also stated that the park mowed the property but did not do any other regular maintenance. He stated that certain residents took the property over as their own private park. He also stated the need to have more burial space as the cemeteries within the Township do not have available plots.
Mike Novenkirchen is the program director for the Kendall Area Transit program and asked if while the Township was working on the budget; that maybe they could look at becoming a funding source for the transit program. He was hoping to receive a $5000 contribution from the Township. Supervisor LeClercq responded that the budget is being discussed tonight to be able to post the budget for approval next month. The contribution will be discussed tonight at this meeting.
There was no further public comment, so the public comment was closed.
Supervisor LeClercq presented the following bills for approval:
General Road Fund $ 20,857.70
Permanent Road Fund $ 95,614.43
Building and Equipment $ 16.51
Total Road Fund $116,488.64
General Fund $ 61,578.00
Motion to approve the bills made by Trustee Selmer, second by Trustee Stanley. A roll call vote was held by Clerk Holmstrom and all Trustees present voted to approve the payment of the bills.
Trustee Jacobsen motioned to approve the minutes of the February 20th, 2018 meeting of the Township. Trustee Small seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and all Trustees present voted to approve the minutes.
Trustee Jacobsen reported for the senior center. She reported that an intergovernmental meeting was held on March 2, 2018 at the Oswego Senior Center. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss new housing for the center come August of this year. At that meeting the Township was asked to step up and actively provide for a senior center. Trustee Jacobsen listened to the discussion. She later asked our legal firm for a legal interpretation of the Townships responsibility to provide a senior center. The report came back from the attorney's office stating that the Township is not legally required to construct or maintain a senior center. The Township may enter into a service agreement with the Senior center and offer support to the senior center, but we are not obligated to provide for a Senior center.
Supervisor LeClercq asked to move around a few agenda items. He recognized two retiring cemetery Board members. Irv Collins for 23 years as a cemetery Trustee and Gene McDowell for his 16 years of service as a cemetery Trustee.
Supervisor LeClercq next presented two new cemetery board members to replace the two retiring. Gary Eagleton term to expire April 1, 2019 and Michael Lamonica term to expire in April 1, 2021. Trustee Small motioned to approve the appointment of the two new cemetery trustee's. Trustee Stanley seconded the motion. All Trustees present voted in favor of the motion. Supervisor LeClercq swore in the two new cemetery Trustee's.
Sheriff's Department report was given by Deputy Novak. He commented on Mr Milliron's question on when the next time the light bulbs will be available. March 4 to March 6 was a meeting of the Illinois Alarm system; attended by the sheriff department. He reported on an increase in threats involving schools. The sheriff takes all threats against the school system very seriously. Neighborhood watch is scheduled for Wednesday March 14th at the Church of the Brethren. Deputy Novak reported that there were 268 calls for service in February.
Highway Commissioner Rogerson gave the Highway Commissioner report. He reported that February was a very heavy month of rainfall. The Highway Department worked on flooding issues. The Township will be working on road improvement and ADA sidewalks. The Highway Department is working with the Village of Montgomery on sharing some equipment. He discussed the bid opening and that Figgins Tree and Turf won the bid for mowing. Rogerson is working with Com Ed to change over existing street lights to LED as soon as possible. Rogerson said he is looking into two way radio's in the trucks.
Brian Hauser gave the assessor report. He talked about the overall increase assessment and the multiplier is 5.64. He reported on a couple of new subdivisions that are starting. Some old projects are being finished.
Supervisor LeClercq gave the Supervisor Report. He discussed that he is working on the employee manual and employee benefits. He intends to bring the 3 areas in the Township under the same employee manual. He asked Trustee Small for his help in working on this project. LeClercq also reported that the employees will not be getting a salary increase this year.
Old Business:
Supervisor LeClercq brought up under old business the discussion and possible action on the Pearce Cemetery. He asked if Mr. Frank Carney could send his map of the property to Brian Hauser and they could make copies for everyone.
While that was happening he asked the Trustees to consider putting the lease or sale of the Township office building on the agenda for the annual meeting. He wants the Trustees to be open to all possibilities which may include sell the township office and possible lease back office space at 84 Templeton. Trustee Stanley made the motion to add this to the agenda for the annual meeting; seconded by Trustee Small. All Trustees present approved the motion.
Supervisor LeClercq started discussion on the budget. He asked if there were any concerns on the Clerk's office. There were no changes. The next area was the Highway department. Trustees Small and Selmer thanked Rogerson for his time in reviewing the items with them. Discussion followed on certain line items for clarification. Trustee Stanley discussed eliminating the Weed Commissioner. LeClercq said that would be on the agenda for the next meeting. Trustee Stanley asked how the retired employees insurance premium was accounted for. LeClercq explained that this is covered under IMRF and a reimbursement comes back to the Township. Trustee Stanley discussed health insurance premiums and what percentage increase we have experienced. Supervisor LeClercq stated he is looking into a possible increase to the percent that is paid by the employee. LeClercq informed the board what the Village copay is on the insurance premium. Trustee Jacobsen asked about the payment of late fees. This is due to the timing of the Board meeting for approval of bills. LeClercq stated since the Board went to twice a month for approval; our late fees have been reduced. It was brought up that maybe the Township could be placed on a 30 day pay.
Supervisor LeClercq brought the discussion back on the Pearce Cemetery. Everyone has received a copy of the drawing presented by Mr. Carney. Current easements were discussed for their possible use. Attorney Thomas asked Mr. Carney to come forward and explain his outline and drawing. Supervisor LeClercq stated that the Township had to pick up resurface and maintenance of Sundown lane. Discussion incurred regarding an easement on the west side of the Carney property that could be utililzed by residents to cross through the property. Trustee Selmer brought up legal fees to change title back to the Park District and cost to remove trees that are located in the easement. Those fees should not be put back on the taxpayers. Trustee Jacobsen motioned to table the decision on the Pearce Cemetery until the May meeting. Motion seconded by Trustee Small. All Trustees approved the motion.
Trustee Initiatives:
Trustee Jacobsen asked about road signage for emergency vehicles and snow plows. The attorney is working on a memo on this topic. She asked if Trustee Stanley assisted with the creation of the Board packet.
Trustee Stanley discussed possible changes to the cutoff dates to get timely information for reporting and preparation of the Board packet. She asked if the meeting attendance sheet can be attached to the minutes that is put on the website each month? The attorney just cautioned not to include any address information on that sheet. Stanley then asked if we need to post on the website elected official salaries. Leclercq explained that it is total compensation that is reported if it meets the threshold of $75,000.
Trustee Selmer gave an update on the website progress. She will follow up with Web links to be sure that the Township website does not affect the assessor's website. She next asked if she could get more information on the light bulb program and schedules.
Trustee Small had no report.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Stanley, second by Trustee Jacobsen. All Trustees present voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 pm.