Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board met March 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order – Executive Session
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Brad Banks
1.1 Roll Call:
Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:
Brad Banks, Lauri Doyle, Brent Lightfoot, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Jared Ploger
Members Absent (at roll call):
Matt Bauman
2. Closed Session
2.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Toni Morgan, to enter Closed Session under statutes 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
The Board of Education entered closed session at 6:31 p.m.
2.2 Return to Open Session
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to return to Open Session.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
The Board of Education returned to Open Session at 7:09 p.m.
3. Call to Order – Public Session
The meeting was called to order at 7:14 p.m. by President Brad Banks
3.1 Roll Call:
Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:
Brad Banks, Lauri Doyle, Brent Lightfoot, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Jared Ploger
Members Absent (at roll call):
Matt Bauman
Administration Present:
Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Sparlin Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Dr. Lisa Smith Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Mr. Asif Dada
Others Present:
Board Attorney Maureen Lemon, Ottosen Britz Kelly Cooper Gilbert and DiNolfo, Ltd; as well as employees of the District and members of the community.
Recording Secretary:
Ursula Coan
3.2 Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board President Brad Banks.
4. Recognitions
4.1 Showcase Schools – Brokaw Early Learning Center
Dr. Sparlin introduced AJ McCree, Principal of Brokaw Early Learning Center. Mr. McCree shared a video that was put together by students, staff and parents, describing what the school means to them. The video can be found at the following link: http://drive.google.com/open?id=1QjRqO_6UtXPsNMVbjClFIzhGOjxC5AqL
4.2 PRIDE February Award Recipients
President Banks and members of the Board of Education recognized the October PRIDE winners. A complete audio recording for the PRIDE Presentation can be found at the following link: https://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public
Bridget Bois - Teacher at Thompson Junior High
Anne Garrabrant - Teacher at Long Beach Elementary
Uzma Rahman - Teaching Assistant at Wolf's Crossing Elementary
Jessica Tynan - Social Worker at Long Beach Elementary
Kerri Boone - Volunteer at Thompson Junior High
Pradeep Kaur - Volunteer at Homestead
5. Public Hearing
5.1 Public Hearing for Proposed Honorable Dismissal and Reduction in Force of Teachers
Mr. Banks read his statement for the Public Hearing for the proposed honorable dismissal and reduction in force of teachers. He informed the public that there were two occasions to comment, during the public hearing and during the regular public comment portion of the meeting. The purpose of the proposed Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Teachers is to decrease the number of teachers for the 2018-2019 school year due to both economic reasons and a decline in student enrollment. After the hearing, the Board may take action to honorably dismiss the teachers, which must be approved by a majority of the Board members.
Board President Brad Banks asked for a roll call. Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:
Brad Banks, Lauri Doyle, Brent Lightfoot, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Jared Ploger
Members Absent (at roll call):
Matt Bauman
Mackenzi Murphy, a junior at OHS, expressed concern that one of her teachers, an OHS English instructor, would be among the dismissed teachers. Mackenzie commented that she was the best English teacher in the building. Mackenzie also stated that she had more teachers this year than any other year since fifth grade, that care about her grades and know how kids work.
Meridith Herrera, a district parent, shared her disappointment in the vote to increase class sizes next year in an effort to balance the budget and with it, the need to dismiss additional teachers. Mrs. Herrera stated that the board could still fix this before it negatively impacts the academics for our students. At the February 12th Board of Education meeting, the Board approved to raise class sizes by a vote of 4-3. Mrs. Herrera stated that kindergarten through second grade would now have 28 students and third through 5th grade as many as 30 students.
The complete audio recording for the Public Hearing Session can be found at the following link: https://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public
5.2 Close Public Hearing
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks to adjourn the Public Hearing.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
6. Public Comment
6.1 Opportunity for the Public to address the Board of Education
Elizabeth Palatine, Co-President of the Oswego Education Association, commented regarding the budget reductions and the approval of the honorable dismissal of 36 teachers. Mrs. Palatine stated that a large part of having to make these difficult financial decisions was placed on the district by Springfield, which has not met their responsibility to adequately fund the public education. Mrs. Palatine asked that we collaboratively continue to address the funding issue in order to come up with solutions that are in the best interest of our schools.
Valerie Anderson, a senior at Oswego East High School, introduced her classmates Ally, Mitchell, Derek and Ryan. The group was there to support and celebrate the “Theatre in School Month” which is in the month of March.
Don Howard, addressed the board regarding the increase to the athletic fees from $75 to $300 for the 2018-19 school year. Mr. Howard stated that just for boys sports at OEHS, this would mean a total of roughly $170,000. He raised the question of where these additional funds would go and why it could not be put towards the retention of some teachers that are being dismissed.
7. Comments/Reports
7.1 Board Member Updates
Jared Ploger commented that he was able to visit a few schools. Mr. Ploger stated that it was great to see the G.O.A.L and Opportunity program in a much better environment. Mr. Ploger visited Bednarcik while they held the Energy Fair and stopped by Thompson Junior High, Long Beach and Boulder Hill Elementary.
Lauri Doyle visited the Energy Fair at Bednarcik Junior High school where 8th graders presented possible solutions to green energy. The students and their projects were very impressive.
Mrs. Doyle commented that she had the opportunity to talk with a soon to be graduating class of Social Workers at Aurora University. Mrs. Doyle shared with them the role of a School Board and the class shared with her what they are learning.
Mrs. Doyle also reported on the Intergovernmental meeting where the Old Traughber building was discussed, in particular, the fact that SD308 no longer housed any programs there. The Senior Center is currently leasing space in that building and all entities came together to see what can be done to help the Senior Center find a suitable space once the building is sold.
Ms. Morgan commented how difficult it is to have to dismiss teachers. Ms. Morgan stated that she called the local representatives to ask them to please make their payments on time to our schools.
Ms. Morgan attended the choir concert at OHS and will be attending the play at OEHS “She Loves Me”.
Mr. Banks thanked Jodi Ancel for arranging for Mr. Banks to meet with the Literacy Specialists to provide him with some insight on what they do on a daily basis. Mr. Banks also participated in a 5th grade HIKE program.
7.2 Board Committee Reports
Policy and Development: Ms. Morgan reported that the language for the dress code and the new policy for the County Wide Sales Tax was discussed. There will need to be further discussion on the health and wellness part of the policy at the next meeting. Harassment policy was updated to make sure that we are in compliance with the expectations of the State of Illinois.
7.3 Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Sparlin commented on the dismissal of teachers that would be voted on later in the meeting. The decisions are not made lightly and taking this action is never easy, but unfortunately necessary. Dr. Sparlin thanked the teachers for their dedication and service.
8. Approve Consent Agenda
8.1 Approval of Minutes from February 26, 2018 Board of Education meeting Open and Closed Session
8.2 Acknowledgement of FOIA Requests
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to approve all items under consent, including 8.1 Minutes from February 26, 2018 Regular Board of Education Meeting Open and Closed Session; 8.2 Acknowledgement of FOIA requests
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
9. Information Only
9.1 Financial Statements
There were no questions on the Financial Statements
9.2 Two (2) One Year Contract Extensions for Regular Education Transportation Services with First Student Inc.
Mr. Berlin, Director of Transportation, explained that the two one-year contract extensions with First Student Inc. would consist of 64 regular education routes currently conducted by them.
Based on the 2016-17 ISBE reimbursement rate of approximately 84.01% the net increase for the district would amount to $66,081.85.
9.3 Two (2) One Year Contract Extensions for Special Education Transportation Services with Septran Inc.
With the 33 special education routes currently conducted by Septran Inc., the district would experience a cost increase of $97,206.37 for the 2018-19 school year. Based on the 2016-17 ISBE reimbursement rate of approximately 91%, the net increase would be $26,447.57. The increases are mostly due to labor costs. Our shortage of drivers is due to our salaries not being competitive. It would be great if we could bring more routes back in house instead of the contract provider.
Mr. Ploger commented on the high transportation costs mostly due to driver shortages. Mr. Berlin stated that both, Septran and First Student increased their labor rates by over 20% over the last 3 years. Mr. Lightfoot asked what increase the district budgeted for and Mr. Dada responded that it was 3%, with the increase being more than that. Mr. Dada explained that the district is working on a strategy to get back some of the out of district transportation routes to create a savings that would bring us back on budget.
9.4 Lawn Mowing Bid
Mr. Dada stated that five companies provided their bids for this project. The district is recommending to award the contract to the third lowest bidder, Sebert Landscaping. 60% is done by our own employees and 40% is contracted out.
Mr. Lightfoot wanted to make sure that the cost was in line with the planned budget. Mr. Ploger asked what the potential issues would be if the district would not mow the grass from June until August. Mr. Barr replied that the grass would be three feet tall and the mowing would then be more expensive because they would have to bring in different equipment at that point. We also rent out properties and the fields need to be maintained.
Mr. Banks asked if we checked with the Park District to share some of the cost in maintaining the eight schools and Mr. Barr will check on that.
10. Closed Session
10.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to enter Closed Session under statutes 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
The Board of Education entered closed session at 8:23 p.m.
10.2 Return to Open Session
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to return to Open Session.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
The Board of Education returned to Open Session at 10:06 p.m.
11. Action Items
11.1 Approval of Bills for Payment
Mr. Matt Bauman joined the meeting by phone at this time.
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to authorize the payment of bills in the amount of three million, three hundred one thousand, seven hundred fifty-three dollars and fifty-six cents ($3,301,753.56 ) as presented.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
11.2 Approval of Bus Trust Lease Agreement with Midwest Transit Equipment Inc. and Santander Leasing LLC
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve a lease of twenty-nine (29) vehicles for a five year term with Midwest Transit Equipment Inc. and Santander Leasing LLC with annual payments of $327,410
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
11.3 Approval of Resolution Authorizing Loans Totaling $13,765,000 from Working Cash Fund to the Operations and Maintenance Fund, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Educational Fund
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to approve the Resolution authorizing loans totaling $13,765,000 from the Working Cash Fund to the Operations and Maintenance Fund, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Debt Service Fund and Educational Fund
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
11.4 Approval of Resolution declaring the District 308 Center located at 61 Franklin Street, Oswego, Kendall County, Illinois, unnecessary, unsuitable, and inconvenient for a school, and unnecessary for the uses of the District, and directing its sale in accordance with the requirements of 105 ILCS 5/5-22
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the Resolution declaring the District 308 Center located at 61 Franklin Street, Oswego, Kendall County, Illinois, unnecessary, unsuitable, and inconvenient for a school, and unnecessary for the uses of the District, and directing its sale in accordance with the requirements of 105 ILCS 5/5-22 of the school code, the minimum sale price shall be established at $2,100,000 for the improved parcel, $1,000,000 for the vacant parcel and $2,750,000 for the entire parcel
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
11.5 Resolution Authorizing Dismissal and Non-Reemployment of First Year Probationary Teacher
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to approve the Resolution Authorizing Dismissal and Non-Reemployment of First Year Probationary Teacher
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
11.6 Resolution Authorizing Dismissal and Non-Reemployment of Probationary Part-Time Teachers and Teachers Hired under a Temporary Contract
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Resolution Authorizing Dismissal and Non-Reemployment of Probationary Part-Time Teachers and Teachers Hired under a Temporary Contract
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
11.7 Resolution Authorizing Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Teachers
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brent Lightfoot, to approve the Resolution Authorizing Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Teachers
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 4-3
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot Nay: Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
11.8 Approval of Personnel Report
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brad Banks, to approve the Personnel Report
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
12. Adjournment
12.1 Adjourn
A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to adjourn.
All were in favor unanimously to adjourn.
Final Resolution: Motion Carried 7-0
Aye: Mr. Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger
Meeting Adjourned at 10:16 p.m.