
Kendall County Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

Village of Oswego President and Board of Trustees met Nov. 19

Webp hall

Village of Oswego met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

President Troy Parlier called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Roll Call

Physically Present: President Troy Parlier and Trustees James Marter, Terry Olson, Pam Parr, Luis Perez, Judy Sollinger and Brian Thomas.

Staff Present: Dan Di Santo, Village Administrator; Christina Burns, AVA/HR Director; Tina Touchette, Village Clerk; Mark Horton, Finance Director; Jeff Burgner, Police Chief; Jennifer Hughes, Public Works Director; Rod Zenner, Community Development Director; Jenette Sturges, Community Engagement Coordinator, Marketing; Joe Renzetti, IT/GIS Manager; Jay Hoover, Building and Zoning Manager; Susan Quasney, Project Engineer; Karl Ottosen, Village Attorney; and Ryan Morton, Village Attorney.

Consideration of and Possible Actions on any Requests for Electronic Participation in Meeting

There was no one who attended electronically.


There were no Recognitions or Appointments.

Public Forum

Public Forum was opened at 7:15 p.m.

Jerry Kurtti addressed the Board regarding the Wolf Road project. He lives on Wolf Road and cannot sell his property because of the unknown; they are locked in where they are at; requested the project be completed as a whole. He also addressed the salting of Wolf Road. Road is not being salted; same issue years ago; after a recent snow, only the east bound side of Wolf Road was salted; students don’t know how to drive in these conditions; he has had to help push students; no one in the community will help each other; find someone who is proactive and not reactive.

There was no one else who requested to speak; the Public Forum was closed at 7:23 p.m.

Staff Reports

Administrator Dan Di Santo- a live stream of the Reserve at Hudson Crossing project is available on the GoOswego.org website; can see the current feed and go back to see the progress; thank you to Joe Renzetti and Steve Raasch for putting this together; the live stream can eventually turn into a time lapse.

Community Engagement Coordinator of Marketing, Jenette Sturges- “Coming Soon” section on Go Oswego will include all projects going on in the downtown.

Asst. Village Administrator, Christina Burns- provided a summary of the recent employee survey. Staff tracks the engagement and work of the employee, areas of improvement and trends. The Village scored very high as a whole; workload scored lower; half of the employees responded; thank you for Administrative Intern, Harry Bell for compiling the data. Staff puts changes in place to help to improve engagement. Board member congratulated staff and noted it is essential for employees to be happy and engaged; don’t stop what we are doing.

Public Works Director, Jennifer Hughes- provided a leaf pick-up update; pick-up was suspended for nine days due to snowfall; staff worked Saturday and Sunday last week and will be again this week; Zone B is completed; Zone C started today; running a week behind; Zone A will start next week and be the final pass; week of 12/2 will be the final pass for Zone B; week of 12/9 will be the final pass for Zone C; staff needs to convert the larger trucks for snow plowing; residents can bag leaves through the end of the month; will need stickers for pick-up; no bagged leaf pick-up in December.

Consent Agenda

G.1. November 5, 2019 Committee of the Whole Minutes

G.2. November 5, 2019 Regular Village Board Minutes

G.3. November 5, 2019 Closed Session Minutes (Approve and Release)

G.4. Ordinance Amending Tile 3 Chapter 7; Decrease Class "G" Liquor License for DG Concepts Oswego Inc. dba Pearce's Pub & Grill. Ord. No. 19-55

G.5. Tax Levy Abatement Ordinances:

a. Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $4,055,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011, Dated December 20, 2011 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois. Ord. No. 19-56

b. Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $8,595,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013, Dated May 17, 2013 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois. Ord. No. 19-57

c. Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $4,040,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014, Dated November 20, 2014 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois. Ord. No. 19-58

d. Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $27,105,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016, Dated June 8, 2016 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois. Ord. No. 19-59

e. Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $5,070,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2017, Dated July 25, 2017 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois. Ord. No. 19-60

A motion was made by Trustee Sollinger and seconded by Trustee Perez to approve the Consent Agenda; Approving the November 5, 2019 Committee of the Whole Minutes; Approving the November 5, 2019 Regular Village Board Minutes; and Approving and Releasing the November 5, 2019 Closed Session Minutes; and approving the following ordinances:

Ordinance No. 19-55; Ordinance Amending Tile 3 Chapter 7; Decrease Class "G" Liquor License for DG Concepts Oswego Inc. dba Pearce's Pub & Grill.

Ordinance No. 19-56; Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $4,055,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011, Dated December 20, 2011 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois.

Ordinance No. 19-57; Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $8,595,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013, Dated May 17, 2013 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois.

Ordinance No. 19-58; Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $4,040,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014, Dated November 20, 2014 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois.

Ordinance No. 19-59; Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $27,105,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016, Dated June 8, 2016 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois.

Ordinance No. 19-60; Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2019 to Pay the Principal of and Interest on the $5,070,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2017, Dated July 25, 2017 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois.

Aye: James Marter II

Terry Olson

Pam Parr

Luis Perez

Judy Sollinger

Brian Thomas

Absent: None

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by an omnibus roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

Bill List

H.1. Approve Bill List Dated November 19, 2019 in the Amount of $804,497.03.

A motion was made by Trustee Parr and seconded by Trustee Olson to approve the Bill List Dated November 19, 2019 in the Amount of $804,497.03.

Aye: James Marter II

Terry Olson

Pam Parr

Luis Perez

Judy Sollinger

Brian Thomas

Absent: None

Nay: None The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

Old Business

There was no Old Business.

New Business

J.1. Public Hearing to Comply with Truth in Taxation Act 35 ILCS 200/18-60, 18-65.

a. 2019 Tax Levy for the Village of Oswego Public Hearing was opened at 7:34 p.m. There was no one who requested to speak; the Public Hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m.

b. Special Service Area SS60 Oswego 04-SSA-01 Public Hearing was opened at 7:35 p.m. There was no one who requested to speak; the Public Hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m.

c. Special Service Area SS84 Oswego 05-SSA-03 Public Hearing was opened at 7:35 p.m. There was no one who requested to speak; the Public Hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m.

J.2. Ordinance Providing for the Levying, Assessment and Collection of Taxes for the 2019 Tax Year of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois. Ordinance No. 19-61

Finance Director Horton addressed the Board regarding two options for levying the taxes. The estimated increase in equalized assessed valuation (EAV) for the Village is 5.23 percent according to documents received from the Kendall County Supervisor of Assessments. The following are the two options:

1) Keep the tax rate equal to last year’s tax rate

• A levy amount of $1,498,392 will calculate a tax rate of approximately $0.15398

• Provides an additional $74,436 in property tax revenue

2) Reduce tax rate by 1 percent

• A levy of $1,483,450 will generate an estimated tax rate of $0.1524

• Provides $54,494 in additional property tax revenue

The additional revenue will help support the increase in the Village contribution to the Police Officers Pension Fund of $144,198 for fiscal year 2021. The total contribution to the Police Officers Pension Fund will be $1,542,957 in fiscal year 2021, per statute. General operating revenues, combined with property tax revenues, will be used to make the total Village contribution to the pension fund.

Board and staff discussion focused on residents will pay slightly more for either option based on the EAV; neither option covers the entire contribution to the Police Pension Fund; still need to give $8,000 out of the General Fund; total tax increase (all taxing bodies) for a house around $250,000 would be $450; would like to go below 1 percent to set an example to other taxing bodies; residents needing to live within their means; Village has a responsibility to provide services; already lowered the water rates; have projects that need money; staff should be able to find the additional money if lowered below 1 percent; what services the Board is willing to cut; already above projections with the water rates; $15,000- $30,000 is not that much and doesn’t mean a lot; how much the EAV went up for the Board member’s homes; would rather hold on to the money the Village is entitled to; aquifer is decreasing; long range planning; Village is heavily sales tax reliant; more revenue will come in once the downtown projects are completed; more business will come in; revenue increases will makeup for the loss in property taxes; have kept taxes low for the past 15 years; auditor warned the Board that the Village is too dependent on sales tax; need to diversify; losses compound; will catch up the Village in the long term; will have the issue of needing to increase in the future; a lot of moving parts; doing a great job with 1.5 percent; not raising it; wanting to freeze it; Village has many other revenue sources; showing that the Board is aware of the tax issue; Village increase is $1.00-$5.00; already considered good for not increasing; setting an example to others; revenue coming in better; new sales tax sources; new MFT amounts = $50,000 per month; unknown sales tax coming from cannabis; offering a reduction; whether the new revenue sources be deferred to the PD; cannabis revenue will be restricted and cannot go to the General Fund; reducing the tax rate 1.5 percent; CPI has been 1.8 percent for last 12 months. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Marter and seconded by Trustee Thomas to approve the Ordinance Providing for the Levying, Assessment and Collection of Taxes in the amount of $1,476,010 for the 2019 Tax Year of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois.

Note: this is a tax rate decrease of 1.5 percent.

Aye: James Marter

II Terry Olson

Brian Thomas

President Troy Parlier

Absent: None

Nay: Pam Parr

Luis Perez

Judy Sollinger

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with four (4) aye votes and three (3) nay votes.

J.3. Special Service Area Tax Levy:

a. Ordinance Providing for the Levying, Assessment and Collection of Taxes for the 2019 Tax Year for Special Service Area SS60 Oswego 04-SSA-01 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois. Ordinance No. 19-62

b. Ordinance Providing for the Levying, Assessment and Collection of Taxes for the 2019 Tax Year for Special Service Area SS84 Oswego 05-SSA-03 of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois. Ordinance No. 19-63

Finance Director Horton addressed the Board regarding SSA tax levies. The Village will contract with a third-party vendor to provide maintenance work to maintain the detention pond, common areas and mowing of the berm in the Estates of Fox Chase until a Homeowners Association is established. Using the estimated EAV for the Village of Oswego as determined by the Kendall County Assessor, SSA 05 will generate an estimated $355 in property taxes due to the limiting tax rate of 1.5 percent. SSA 04 has had additional homes built over the past year increasing the estimated EAV which will generate an estimated $818 in property taxes. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Sollinger and seconded by Trustee Marter to approve an Ordinance Providing for the Levying, Assessment and Collection of Taxes for the 2019 Tax Year for Special Service Area SS60 Oswego 04-SSA-01 and to approve an Ordinance Providing for the Levying, Assessment and Collection of Taxes for the 2019 Tax Year for Special Service Area SS84 Oswego 05- SSA-03of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will County, Illinois.

Aye: James Marter

II Terry Olson

Pam Parr

Luis Perez

Judy Sollinger

Brian Thomas

Absent: None

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

J.4. Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of Not to Exceed $17,000,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019, of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois, for the Purpose of Financing Public Improvements Within the Main Street/Washington Street Redevelopment Project Area, Providing for the Pledge of Certain Tax Increment Financing Revenues to the Payment of the Principal and Interest on Said Bonds and the Levy and Collection of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient for the Payment of the Principal and Interest on Said Bonds and Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Order in Connection with the Sale of Said Bonds to Robert W. Baird & Co., Incorporated. Ordinance No. 19-64

Finance Director Horton addressed the Board regarding the issuance of bonds. The Village approved a redevelopment agreement with Hudson Crossing Reserve LLC on December 11, 2017 (and later amended). The agreement requires the Village to issue bonds to assist in financing the project in exchange for construction of a parking deck to be owned by the Village and other completed TIF eligible improvements. The Village and the Developer have discussed the bond issuance and have agreed to issue the bonds. The ordinance authorizes the Village to issue a not to exceed amount of bonds to generate the necessary $13 million in project costs and the amount to pay all bond issuance costs. The actual final amount of bonds issued will not be known until the sale date of the bonds. This will be a negotiated sale which allows the Village to structure the annual maturities and sale pricing up until the last bonds are sold.

Board and staff discussion focused on obligation as agreed in the RDA; not sure where the market moves; if market moves too much, then would wait; all money paid is paid back through property taxes from Shodeen; Village owns the parking deck; whether the parking garage is an asset; whether there is an opportunity to make revenue from parking; negotiating a parking agreement; Village will issue overnight permits to help off-set maintenance; Board member thanked Administrator and team. Village Attorney noted the bond counsel requirements. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Perez and seconded by Trustee Sollinger to approve the Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of Not to Exceed $17,000,000 Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019, of the Village of Oswego, Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois, for the Purpose of Financing Public Improvements Within the Main Street/Washington Street Redevelopment Project Area, Providing for the Pledge of Certain Tax Increment Financing Revenues to the Payment of the Principal and Interest on Said Bonds and the Levy and Collection of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient for the Payment of the Principal and Interest on Said Bonds and Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Order in Connection with the Sale of Said Bonds to Robert W. Baird & Co., Incorporated.

Aye: James Marter

II Terry Olson

Pam Parr

Luis Perez

Judy Sollinger

Brian Thomas

Absent: None

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

J.5. Lobbying Services:

a) Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Oswego, the United City of Yorkville and the Village of Montgomery. Resolution No. 19-R-82

b) Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for Lobbying Services Between the Village of Oswego and Kasper & Nottage, P.C. Resolution No. 19-R-80

Administrator Di Santo addressed the Board regarding agreements for lobbying services. In 2018, the Village of Oswego and the United City of Yorkville partnered to hire a lobbying firm to secure state funding for a Metra commuter rail extension into Kendall County. In 2019, the state passed its first capital plan in a decade, which included $100 million in funding to the Regional Transportation Authority for a Kendall County Metra Rail Extension. Kasper & Nottage, P.C. met the highest possible expectations in the past year by working to secure $100 million in the state capital bill for the Kendall County Metra extension. Since the capital bill was approved, other communities have attempted to reallocate the funding to projects other than a Kendall County Metra extension.

In addition, the Village’s lobbyists continue to work on other Oswego mega projects including the water source issue and Wolfs Crossing widening project. This year the Village of Montgomery is considering joining in the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) for lobbyist services and cost sharing. The IGA contemplates a three-way split in costs between Oswego, Yorkville, and Montgomery. The proposed retainer agreement with Kasper & Nottage is for $7,000/month (same as last year) and can be cancelled at any time by either party with one day’s notice. The Village of Oswego is party to the agreement with Kasper & Nottage and the proposed IGA with Yorkville and Montgomery would reimburse the Village for two thirds of the monthly cost. Each municipality would pay $2,333.33/month for the lobbying services. Staff recommended retaining the lobbyists to protect the $100 million appropriation from outside entities.

Board and staff discussion focused on Montgomery will discuss in next 30 days; fantastic firm; super productive group; whether the lobbyists will be successful with three municipalities; could look at the Village going on its own in the future; Oswego only projects; whether it’s a conflict of interest with Yorkville and Montgomery all competing for Metra; how and when to set Wolfs Crossing as a priority; asking for direction from the lobbyists; state could take back the $100 million in funding for the Regional Transportation Authority for a Kendall County Metra Rail Extension. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Thomas and seconded by Trustee Olson to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Oswego, the United City of Yorkville and the Village of Montgomery and approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for Lobbying Services Between the Village of Oswego and Kasper & Nottage, P.C.

Aye: James Marter II

Terry Olson

Pam Parr

Luis Perez

Judy Sollinger

Brian Thomas

Absent: None

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

J.6. Resolution Approving the Contract for the Sale of 3.55 Acres of Land (Old Police Station) to Property Concepts Inc. Resolution No. 19-R-81

Administrator Di Santo addressed the Board regarding a contract for the sale of the old police station. Property Concepts Inc. has offered to purchase the old Police Station for $800,000; contingent upon the buyer seeking and obtaining rezoning of the property to B-2 Commercial Shopping District, as well as a zoning variance for parking requirements. The buyer will need to apply for rezoning and a parking variance, attend a public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission and receive Board approval on the requests prior to closing. Angelo Kleronomos, owner of Property Concepts Inc. was present to answer questions.

Board, staff and Mr. Kleronomos discussion focused on going through the zoning and variance process in January for final approval in January or February; closing shortly after approval; building is in great shape; demo could come out at a higher cost; $120-$150 per square feet cost for renovations; possible medical or retail use; excited to do further study; have a couple investors; Mr. Kleronomos has been in Oswego for 40 years; first time the property will be on the tax roll; 11,000 square feet on the first level; targeting one user, but could be a two user; installing an elevator; property to the east is beautiful. There was no further discussion.

A motion was made by Trustee Thomas and seconded by Trustee Sollinger to approve the Resolution Approving the Contract for the Sale of 3.55 Acres of Land (Old Police Station) to Property Concepts Inc.

Aye: James Marter II

Terry Olson

Pam Parr

Luis Perez

Judy Sollinger

Brian Thomas

Absent: None

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

President’s Report

President Parlier read the following proclamations:

K.1. Proclamation - December Drunk and Drugged Driving (3-D) Prevention Month

K.2. Proclamation- Small Business Saturday, November 30, 2019

President Parlier noted the upcoming events:

Oswego Chamber Electronic Recycling November 28, 2019 9:00 AM - Noon

Oswego Area Chamber Xmas Walk Activities December 6, 2019 5:00 PM - 8:30

PM Christmas Walk December 6, 2019 5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

Unveiling of two murals is at the Police Department on November 20th at 4pm. Each high school will have their murals displayed on the wall in the Training Wing.

Metra Open House for the proposed Kendall commuter rail extension is scheduled for December 2nd from 4:30-7:30 at the Plano Community Library District and on December 3rd from 4:30-7:30 at Oswego Village Hall.

Trustee Reports

There were no Trustee Reports.

Closed Session

There was no Closed Session held.


A motion was made by Trustee Sollinger and seconded by Trustee Perez to adjourn the meeting; upon a voice vote with all remaining members present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m.




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