
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Yorkville City Council met Jan. 25

City of Yorkville City Council met Jan. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Purcell called the meeting to order at 7: 02 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Purcell stated that he has determined that under the Governor' s orders the meeting can be held with electronic attendance for the safety of the council members and the public and to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


City Clerk Behland called the roll.

Ward I Koch Present

Transier Present

Ward II Plocher Present

Soling Present

Ward III Funkhouser Present

Marek Present

Ward IV Tarulis Present

Peterson Present

Staff in attendance at City Hall: City Clerk Behland, City Administrator Olson, Chief of Police Jensen, Parks and Recreation Director Evans, and Deputy Chief Mikolasek.

Staff in attendance electronically: Attorney Orr, Public Works Director Dhuse, Community Development Director Barksdale- Noble, Finance Director Fredrickson, Superintendent of Recreation Remus, Assistant City Administrator Willrett, Purchasing Manager Gayle, and EEI Engineer Sanderson.

Clerk' s Note: Due to COVID- 19, in accordance with Public Act 101- 0640 and Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation issued by Governor Pritzker pursuant to the powers vested in the Governor under the Illinois Emergency Management Act, the United City of Yorkville encouraged social distancing by allowing remote attendance to the City Council meeting.

Members of the public were able to attend this meeting in person while practicing social distancing as well as being able to access the meeting remotely via Zoom which allowed for video, audio and telephonic participation.

A meeting notice was posted on the City' s website on the agenda, minutes and packets webpage with instructions regarding remote meeting access and a link was included for the public to participate in the meeting remotely https:// us02web. zoom. usj/ 86014878574? pwd= Rv9CRFNhKOdHRWtNcTdV02xTamdvUT09.

The Zoom meeting ID was 860 1487 8574.


A quorum was established.










1. Minutes of the Regular City Council— January 11, 2022

2. Bill Payments for Approval

   987, 269. 16 ( vendors)

   351, 148. 32 ( payroll period ending 01/ 07/ 22)

1, 292, 617.48 ( total)

3. Road to Better Roads Final Payment Estimate— Change Order No. 1 — authorize the Mayor to execute (PW 2022- 04) 

4. Road to Better Roads( Additional)— Change Order No. 1 — authorize the Mayor to execute (PW 2022- 05)

5. Treasurer' s Report for December 2021 (ADM 2022- 02)

6. Ordinance 2022- 04 Providing for New Garbage Service Rates— authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute (ADM 2022- 06)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda. So moved by Alderman Funkhouser; seconded by Alderman Koch.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Peterson- aye, Koch- aye



Called to Care— Charity Dinner

Alderman Peterson shared with the Council that Called to Care is holding a charity dinner on Saturday, March 12th, at the Whitetail Ridge Golf Club. Alderman Peterson said that Called to Care is an organization that helps local families in the foster care system. Called to Care is currently looking for silent and live auction items. They are also looking for people interested in sponsorships.

Resolution 2022- 07 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding By and Between the United City of Yorkville and Yorkville Community School District 115 (CC 2022- 04)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding By and Between the United City of Yorkville and Yorkville Community School District 115 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Koch; seconded by Alderman Marek.

Parks and Recreation Director Evans explained that City staff had begun a conversation with the Library last year regarding possibly sharing a space that did not work out. The school district ended up reaching out, and over the previous several months, City staff and school staff have been working out details on a shared location. The location is within the sports building, where they have equipment pickup. Tim stated this is an excellent location near parks and playgrounds. This is also a perfect opportunity to grow the City' s relationship with the School District.

Alderman Funkhouser asked if the school' s pickup and dropoff times would interfere with the school' s schedule. Parks and Recreations Director Evans stated they would adjust their hours to reflect pickup and drop off times. Alderman Funkhouser asked what the term of the contract was. Director Evans said this is a five-year contract, and in the fourth year, the school is required to let the City know if they are going to continue after the five years. Mayor Purcell wanted to mention that the City will be paying up to$ 75, 000 on renovations. Alderman Soling asked about the heating and cooling, and Director Evans said they have budgeted for any needed changes.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 7 Nays- 1

Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- nay, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Peterson- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye

Bright Farms Development Agreement (CC 2022- 05)

Administrator Olson gave an update on the Bright Farms Development Agreement. The agreement is currently being drafted. Bright Farms is aware they need to submit water and well information to the Council. The water study is contingent on drilling a test well which depends on the weather. The developer agreed to make deposit payments on the engineering agreement. Since the last meeting, EEI has revised the sewer routes, reducing the sewer cost project.

Alderman Funkhouser stated he wanted to know how much water are they truly going to use and how much are they going to recycle. Alderman Koch asked when we should hear about the grant.

Administrator Olson said it could be a few weeks or a few months. Alderman Soling said he wanted them to be more specific on the recapturing of the water.
