
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kendall County KenCom Operations Board met April 19

Kendall County KenCom Operations Board met April 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:





Josh Flanders



Liz Palko



Bobby Richardson



Tim Fairfield



Jonathan Whowell



Ray Mikolasek



Cliff Fox

Village of Newark


Jeff Mathre



Derek Forseth



Patrick Pope



Zach Morel



Chris Biggs



Tom Meyers





Others Present: Lynette Bergeron, KenCom Director; Pamela Hurtig, KenCom Assistant Director of Administration, Gina Belmont, Assistant Director of Operations; Bonnie Walters, KenCom Executive Assistant; Mike Peters, Kendall County Sheriff’s Office.

Josh Flanders called the meeting to order and requested a roll call of the membership. Seven of the fourteen members were present, resulting in having a majority of a quorum for voting purposes.

Flanders called for approval of the agenda. Mikolasek made a motion to approve the agenda as submitted, seconded by Biggs. Discussion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Flanders called for Public Comment – Mike Peters stated he had spoken to some officers and their Criminal Intelligence Team is having issues with Police 5. Bergeron asked if any other agencies were having issues and they have not. Peters mentioned he would get more details and forward them to the KenComadmin email. Bergeron also asked Flanders to forward an update on the fire mobile radios and Flanders will forward screenshots.

Flanders called for Correspondence – None

Staff Report – Bergeron gave a Personnel Report as follows: KenCom is currently down three positions and hiring five. Staff scheduled typing tests and speed interviews with 10 applicants on Wednesday, April 5th. The formal interviews will be next week for all that passed. We had 2 no-shows and 1 failed test leaving us with 7 remaining applicants. Training as follows: In-House April skills training is Severe Weather. Project updates as follows: The New World upgrade test environment was installed with the 2022.3 version on April 7th, and the date for the production upgrade is July 26th. Make sure to log into the test environment and verify all systems are working as they should be. Any issues should be reported directly to Tyler support. The Exagrid primary site is complete and backing up records. The next step is to set up the backup system in Grundy and test the replication of data. CESSA Protocols & Standards Committee and Regional Committees have been meeting. Nothing new to report. KenCom purchased Frontline for our new QA (Quality Assurance) and DOR (Daily Observation Reports) Software, and the build process has started. Miscellaneous as follow: Telecommunicator Week was April 9th – 15th. KenCom staff had an amazing week and we are grateful to all of the agencies and agency personnel that recognized us during the week. More information to come on the next steps for reprogramming the fire portable radios to repair the issue with the alert activation sounding in KenCom. Flanders mentioned before any other projects for P1 and P3 start with A Beep, putting a stipulation that the fire portable radio alerts need to be fixed first. Text to 9-1-1 totals for the month of March was 4.

Closed Session Minutes but do not release – None

Consent Agenda – Flanders called for approval of the consent agenda. Fairfield made a motion, seconded by Palko to approve the consent agenda, which includes approval of the March 2023 Treasurer’s Reports and the March 15th, 2023 Operations Board Minutes. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Flanders called for the Standing Committee Reports:

Strategic Planning Committee – No Meeting

Finance Committee Report:

Operation Fund Bills – Fairfield made a motion to approve the April 2023 Operation bills, in the amount of $262,227.81, seconded by Biggs. Discussion. A roll call was taken with all seven members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Surcharge Fund Bills – Mikiolasek made a motion to approve the April 2023 Surcharge bills, in the amount of $47,991.02, seconded by Fairfield. Discussion. A roll call was taken with all seven members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Anticipated Expenses – Bergeron reviewed the anticipated expenses contained in the packet. Biggs made a motion to approve and move forward to the Finance Committee the purchase of a Canopy for Public Events for KenCom not to exceed $1,400.00, seconded by Forseth. Discussion. A roll call was taken with all seven members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Flanders called for Old Business:

Economic Interest Statement – Reminder to all Board Members to fill out the Economic Interest Statement by May 1st and include KenCom on the form.

Flanders called for New Business:

Policy and Procedures – Fairfield made a motion to approve the revised policies as follows: Cyber Security; Audio File Requests; Electronic Mail, Internet and Electronic Communication; Confidential Information; Dress Code; Emergency Evacuation of KenCom; Headset Usage; Expense Reimbursement; Freedom of Information Act Inquiries, seconded by Biggs. Discussion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Upgrading P1 and P3 to Digital – Bergeron stated at the Finance Committee meeting last month it was discussed to start with the Operations Board to begin a discussion on upgrading P1 and P3 to digital. John Sullivan from A Beep is getting a quote together but Bergeron has not received it back yet. Bergeron mentioned at the Finance Committee that KenCom staff does not have the bandwidth to take on another large project right now with all the current projects they are working on. It will stay on the Finance Agenda but it will be a project for the fall and after the fire portable radios are fixed. Discussion ensued. Mikolasek made a motion to pursue making P1 and P3 digital, seconded by Biggs. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Other New Business – None

Closed Session – None

Flanders stated the next Operations Board Meeting is Wednesday, May 25th, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at Sunfield’s Restaurant, 382 E Veterans Pkwy, Yorkville. Biggs made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Palko. All members present voting aye. The meeting adjourned at 2:22 p.m.
