
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Oswego Board of Trustees met July 5

Village of Oswego Board of Trustees met July 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Ryan Kauffman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.


Board Members Physically Present: President Ryan Kauffman; Trustees Tom Guist, Kit Kuhrt, Karin McCarthy-Lange, Jennifer Jones Sinnott, and Andrew Torres.

Newly Appointed Board Member: Karen Novy (seated at 6:24 p.m.)

Staff Physically Present: Dan Di Santo, Village Administrator, Vel Derdzinski, Deputy Village Clerk; Margie Villalobos, Administrative Assistant; Bridget Bittman, Community Engagement Manager Marketing; and James Murphy, Village Attorney.


Public Forum was opened at 6:01 p.m.

Zach Hoffman addressed the Board regarding the appointment of Karen Novy. Zach stated that Karen has been a resident for 20 years, has a passion for the Village of Oswego, and Planning & Zoning Commission member. Hoping for a unanimous vote to appoint her.

There was no one else who requested to speak. The public forum was closed at 6:02 p.m.


E.1 Village Trustee Appointment

Board discussion focused on debate over consensus vote, experience, and knowledge of existing projects.

a) Appoint Karen Novy as Village Trustee from July 5, 2023, Until the Conclusion of Her Term in 2025.

A motion was made by Trustee Torres and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to approve the Appointment of Karen Novy as Village Trustee from July 5, 2023, Until the Conclusion of Her Term in 2025.

Aye: Andrew Torres    Karin McCarthy-Lange

Kit Kuhrt President     Ryan Kauffman

Nay: Tom Guist           Jennifer Jones Sinnott

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with four (4) aye votes and two (2) nay votes.

b) Appointment of Tom Collins or Karen Novy as an Interim Village Trustee- not applicable as the appointment was approved under item E.1 a).

c) Swearing-In of Village Trustee

Judge John McAdams swore in Karen Novy as Trustee. Trustee Novy took her seat at 6:24 p.m.


Administrator Dan Di Santo acknowledged Staff Reports were not part of the Agenda; however, he wanted to provide information on questions and feedback he had received on parking and trees located at Van Buren St. Timeline was reviewed of when resolutions for water main repair, parking issues, amendments to design, easement agreements, and project approvals were made. Water main engineering project approved in April 2021 and during this time there was also a parking issue due to streetlight not existing and making it difficult to park on Main St. and parking deck. There was discussion at Committee of the Whole in August 2021, considering the combining of the water main and parking issue projects. Board directed Staff to obtain easements for parking in the Van Buren St. & Main St. areas. An engineering amendment to contract was approved in March 2022, to include design of additional parking spaces in addition to the water main repair. During Committee of the Whole in August 2022, continued direction was given to find approximately 50 additional public parking spaces on Van Buren St. if property owners would agree and give easements. The first two easement agreements were received in December 2022, 115 S. Madison, Imperial Investments, vacant property and 57 W. Van Buren, Oswego Chiropractic. In April 2023, the construction contract was approved to install the 50 parking spaces. May 2, 2023, last of the easement agreements was approved. Trees located at 73, 75, 76 Van Buren were removed. One tree on private property required the approval of owner and there was a contingency which required property owner to sign agreement stating they agreed to the tree removal. Property owner considered tree a nuisance and tree has been removed. Eight trees in total will be removed; 7 located on public parkway, 1 on private property. Seven additional parking spaces achieved by removing trees. Any questions anyone may have will gladly be answered. Dan agreed with Trustee Kuhrt reiterating that agreement was made to plant 8 or more trees throughout the Village to replace the ones removed.


A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to enter Closed Session for the purposes of discussing the following:

• Pending and Probable Litigation

• Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Personnel

• Collective Bargaining, Collective Negotiating Matters, Deliberations Concerning Salary Schedules

• Sale, Lease, and/or Acquisition of Property

Aye: Tom Guist Jennifer Jones Sinnott

Kit Kuhrt Karin McCarthy-Lange

Karen Novy Andrew Torres

Nay: None

The motion was declared carried by a roll call vote with six (6) aye votes and zero (0) nay votes.

The Board adjourned to Closed Session at 6:30 p.m.

The Board returned to open session at 7:39 p.m. A roll call vote was taken. All attending Board members were physically present for the roll call.


A motion was made by Trustee Jones Sinnott and seconded by Trustee McCarthy-Lange to adjourn the meeting; upon a voice vote with all remaining members present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
