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Oswego Village Hall | LinkedIn
Village of Oswego Committee of the Whole met Nov. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
President Ryan Kauffman called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Board Members Physically Present: President Ryan Kauffman; Trustees Tom Guist, Karin McCarthy-Lange, Karen Novy, Jennifer Jones Sinnott, and Andrew Torres.
Board Members Absent: Trustee Kit Kuhrt
Staff Physically Present: Tina Touchette, Village Clerk; Jason Bastin, Police Chief; Rod Zenner, Community Development Services Director; Andrea Lamberg, Finance Director; Joe Renzetti, IT Director; Bridget Bittman, Community Relations Manager- Marketing; Kevin Leighty, Economic Development Director; Kerry Behr, Project Engineer; Madeleine Trinco, Management Analyst; and David Silverman, Village Attorney.
Public Forum was opened at 6:02 p.m.
Bob Sterioti addressed the Board regarding a water leak at 522 Tewksbury Court; was only given 5-7 days to fix the issue; met with Public Works and they couldn’t turn the b-box off; was told the leak is on their property; if the b-box is compromised then the Village needs to replace; M.E. Simpson report shows leak is zero feet from the b box; thinks the leak is the b-box; don’t listen to one side of the story; have videos to show the Board; contacted other communities; resources are limited; bullied by Public Works; met with Administrator Di Santo.
There was no one else who requested to speak. The public forum was closed at 6:10 p.m.
F.1 Financial Audit for Fiscal Year 2023 Presentation
Annual audit reports were provided to the Board. Brian LeFevre, from Sikich LLP, presented the audit. There are three sections to the audit:
1) Introductory
• Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award- 20th year receiving this award
2) Financial
• Unmodified opinions on basic financial statements
• GASB sets the rules
• Other reporting required if spending more than $750,000
• In compliance
• Unmodified opinion on TIF
• Management Discussion and Analysis- explanation of financial statements/the “whys” of the audit
3) Statistical
Board, staff and auditor discussion focused on audit went smoothly; assets at market value; structurally in balance. There was no further discussion.
There was no new business.
There was no closed session.
The meeting adjourned at 6:21 p.m.