
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Sandwich City Council met Jan. 2

Webp 4

Freedom Days Parade | City of Sandwich

Freedom Days Parade | City of Sandwich

City of Sandwich City Council met Jan. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was taken:

Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Alderman Robinson arrived at 7:03 PM

Quorum established

Also present: City Attorney Gottschalk, City Administrator Penman, Police Chief Senne & EMA Director Eberle

Audience Comments: None

Consent Agenda: Approval of Regular & COW Meeting minutes of December 18, 2023

Alderwoman Johnson moved to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Alderman Arnett seconded. Motion passed unanimously on voice vote

Mayor reported he had an opportunity to attend the DeKalb County Economic Committee meeting discussing an overall county-wide growth and the TIF / enterprise zone. He also participated in the DeKalb County Mayor Quorum affording an opportunity to speak with Mark Williams, DeKalb County Economic Development Director, who will be coming to Sandwich review the City’s properties and challenges

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Gottschalk Law Group: No report

City Clerk Ii: No report

City Treasurer: Vacancy

City Administrator Penman reported on the Opera House roof evaluation that was distributed to Council prior to the meeting. There is a lot of work that will be required at a cost of $3.1 million. Alderman Fritsch will be assisting the city administrator in reviewing the repairs estimate. He encouraged the Council to be proactive in deciding on a plan as costs continue to rise monthly.

City Department Reports:

EMA Director Eberle reported siren testing was conducted earlier in the day. He will be meeting with Denny Miller, Co-Ordinator of DeKalb County ESDA, on Thursday.

Police Chief Senne’s report highlighted as listed:

- Attended a bingo event at the FVOA center

- January 29th (from 6-7 pm), the department will start hosting a bi-monthly community meeting

- AED for squad cars estimate is $17,000 -$28,000. Quotes will be reviewed thoroughly due to unexpected cost

- Three officers have applied for sergeant testing & interviews will be scheduled by the end of the month by the Police Commission

- Two new police officers will be starting January 16th and will start field training on January 20th & 22nd.

- Entry level testing will be conducted on January 17th & 20th. Approximately 8 candidates have confirmed their days out of an initial 15 candidates.

- Police Commission conducted three interviews last week on a lateral entry. Background checks will begin this week for the sole open position

- A text from the mayor to the chief was read regarding Officer Chris Vega regarding location of a lost dog, and the owner’s appreciation of finding her “baby”. The owner wanted Officer Vega thanked and emphasized he was an asset to the department. Officer Vega was in the audience and received a round of applause by the Council.

- A letter of interest was distributed regarding the K-9 program; one position is open

- Changing call signs with DeKalb County is being reviewed coming from three separate call sign to a single call sign; badges will also require upgrading as a result.

- PD has been reviewing a cloud-based computer program called “Frontline”. It is a monitoring program covering many areas, including management, pursuit, conduct, officer wellness, awards, and residential compliments / complaints. Cost of the program is $1,200 - $4,4000 / annually.

- Information has been received from IDOT regarding grant opportunities and applications will be submitted

- An Aurora University student has expressed interest in becoming a police officer and will be an intern within the City’s department toward the end of the month

- Chief expressed appreciation for the department in team work and that shifts were covered during the Christmas holidays

- Regarding the website for the police department, on the dashboard is information related to happenings around neighborhoods and the community

Engineering: No report

Council Reports: Alderman Kreinbrink would like to schedule some dates for upcoming budget meetings. The intent is to have work sheets distributed to department heads with a return date of January 31st. Meetings with the department heads would be conducted on February 13th – 16th, and a draft available on March 4th. Proposed budget workshop dates included Saturday, March 9th at 9 AM, and Wednesday, March 13th at 6:30 PM. A budget calendar will be forthcoming.

He also reported that he has spoke with a vendor called IMGIS who conducts mapping. The Council had discussed something similar in cooperation with DeKalb County, who admittedly would be not be cost prohibitive. IMGIS also offers a ticket management system that is a residential reporting / tracking system, such as reporting a pot hole. Alderman Kreinbrink said he will be available to meet on Friday if the City Administrator is available as well for a demonstration via webinar.

Old Business:

a. Abandoned Property & Condemnation Update: Attorney Gottschalk reported letters have been sent on four of the five buildings for condemnation via certified mail. Fifteen days after received the letter starts the countdown. Letters were also sent via regular mail, and the countdown on regular mail delivery is three days after mailing. Skip tracing might be required on abandoned property.

b. Treasurer’s Ballot Question: Language in the proposed Resolution 23-12 was amended to read “A resolution providing for the submission to the electors of the City of Sandwich, DeKalb and Kendall Counties, Illinois, a referendum of whether the City should abolish the elected position of City Treasurer and the duties of the City Treasurer be assigned to another city position”. Motion to approve was requested.

So moved by Alderman Robinson, and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson. Aye: Aldermen Anett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton Nay:0 Motion carried 8:0

New Business: Motion to approve January bills totaling $119,974.37

So moved by Alderwoman Johnson, and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson. Aye: Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant & Whitecotton Nay: Robinson Motion carried 7:1


a. The next Finance Committee Meeting is Monday, January 15, 2024 at 6:30 PM.

b. The next Regular Council Meeting is January 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM immediately followed by the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Alderman Robinson and seconded by Alderwoman Erickson to adjourn the Regular Council meeting at 7:29 PM. Motion carried unanimously via viva voce vote.
