
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kendall County Highway Committee met April 9

Webp 15

Matt Kellogg, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County, IL Website

Matt Kellogg, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County, IL Website

Kendall County Highway Committee met April 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

MEMBERS PRESENT: Zach Bachmann, Brian DeBolt, & Ruben Rodriguez

STAFF PRESENT: Michele Riley, John Burscheid, and Francis Klaas

ALSO PRESENT: Jeremy Hudek

The committee meeting convened at 3:33 P.M. with roll call of committee members. Koukol and Gengler absent. Quorum established.

Motion DeBolt; second Rodriguez to approve the agenda as presented. Motion approved unanimously.

Motion Rodriguez; second DeBolt, to approve the Highway Committee minutes from March 12, 2024. Motion approved unanimously.

Motion DeBolt; second Rodriguez to recommend approval of a resolution awarding contracts to the low bidders on following projects:

24-00000-00-GM to Superior Road Striping in the amount of $293,820.80

24-00000-01-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $284,836.47

24-00000-02-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $653,526.02

24-00000-03-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $370,561.75

24-00000-04-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $129,696.43

24-00000-05-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $46,242.80

24-01000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $21,270.00

24-02000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $96,771.50

24-03000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $ 123,745.60

24-04000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $317,481.39

24-06000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $68,808.22

24-07000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $108,470.90

24-08000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $491,865.45

24-09000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $203,524.00

Rodriguez asked how many bidders were on each project. Klaas pointed Rodriguez to the exhibit listing all the bidders, the bid prices, and the engineer’s estimates. He also pointed out that the bid tabulations are all listed on the Highway Department’s website. DeBolt questioned the low bidders being 20% under the estimates. Klaas stated that he never wants to under estimate the cost of a contract and emphasized that the County received unexpectedly low bids this year. Burscheid discussed some of the methodologies used in preparing estimates, including using the previous year’s bid results. DeBolt pointed out how the price of oil continues to climb. Klaas indicated that this is why the County always has the big bid opening in later winter or early spring; to take advantage of the best bidding time of the year. He also discussed how some contractors have large terminals with enormous storage capabilities. This helps to stabilize the cost of hot mix asphalt over time. Bachmann asked about any particular stand outs amongst all the bids. Klaas discussed the Fox River Drive project, which came in significantly below the estimate and significantly below the next low bidder. DeBolt asked what the limits were for the Fox River Drive project. Klaas stated that they went from Route 71 in Newark to Millington Road in Millington, with a small exception in the middle, which will be done under separate contract. Upon further consideration, the committee voted unanimously to forward the contracts to the County Board for approval.

Motion DeBolt; second Rodriguez to recommend approval of an ordinance for the establishment of altered speed zones on Douglas Road. Bachmann discussed that the recommendation for the new speed limit on Douglas Road was a result of an initial request by Oswego Road District, and a speed study performed by the County Highway Department. Klaas provided an aerial exhibit of the proposed location and discussed the lowering from 55 mph to 45 mph. He stated that the County can change speed limits on both county and township highways whenever they want, provided it doesn’t conflict with State Law. Rodriguez asked who installs the new signs. Klaas indicated that it is common for the Highway Department to both provide and install the new signs. Motion approved unanimously by voice vote.

Under Chairman’s Report, Bachmann said that he has again discussed the adoption of an intersection safety matrix with the State’s Attorney Office. They generally indicated that it could be adopted by internal policy at the Highway Department at any time. Bachmann thought it would be advantageous to address and perhaps adopt this idea in May; but he also indicated that he is still in favor of getting public input on these matters through a townhall-type meeting. DeBolt confirmed that the matrix would be used to determine what improvements could be considered at specific intersections. Bachmann reiterated that the matrix would be a good reference point in justifying certain intersection improvements.

Bachmann reported that there was good news to report about the U.S. Route 52 and Grove Road. He had previously discussed the County’s concerns about safety at this intersection with Representative Jed Davis. Evidently IDOT is pursuing some safety funding to install a roundabout at this intersection. The State and the County would collaborate on the project; but indications are that there would be little cost to the County.

In Other Business, Klaas discussed the proposal by KCFPD to install an additional access point to Eldamain Road just north of the existing access point to the Subat Forest Preserve. Klaas believed that the Forest Preserve was not proposing to remove the barrier median on Eldamain, so the second access would be just a right in, a right out or a combination right in / right out. He indicated that the Forest Preserve would need to obtain a variance for any additional access point. He questioned the need for two access points with such little traffic. DeBolt thought that there would be considerable additional traffic once the trail in Subat makes a connection with the Eldamain Bridge over the Fox River. Committee members discussed several specific ideas for improving access and the parking area. Bachmann suggested that some of the ideas could be brought to KCFPD for further discussion.

DeBolt asked when the blinker stop signs were going to be installed at the intersection of Little Rock Road and Abe Street. Riley reported that they were supposed to be delivered this coming Friday and the Highway Department would install them right away. Klaas said that he had discussed with the City of Plano, and they were happy to pay 50% of the cost. DeBolt emphasized the importance of getting these signs installed with all of the growth in the area.

Klaas said that there was some renewed interest in a joint meeting between Kendall County Highway Committee and Grundy County Highway Committee. These meetings had been relatively common years ago, but with changes in administration, had not been held in several years. Committee members were in general agreement to meet. Bachmann indicated that Kendall County has been talking with Grundy about the Connect Kendall County project, but thought the opportunity to discuss other items of mutual interest would be a good thing. Rodriguez expressed some concern about the open meetings act. Klaas thought that the meeting would likely have to be posted and minutes kept. He indicated that he would try to put some dates together. Burscheid discussed some of the history of these joint county meetings.

Motion DeBolt; second Rodriguez to forward Highway Department bills for the month of April in the amount of $75,164.65 to the Finance Committee for approval.

Rodriguez discussed the need to review executive session minutes. Klaas said that he would investigate this matter and bring minutes to be released to a future committee meeting.

Motion DeBolt; second Rodriguez to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 PM. Motion carried unanimously.

Action Items

1. Resolution awarding contracts to the low bidders on following projects:

24-00000-00-GM to Superior Road Striping in the amount of $293,820.80

24-00000-01-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $284,836.47

24-00000-02-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $653,526.02

24-00000-03-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $370,561.75

24-00000-04-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $129,696.43

24-00000-05-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $46,242.80

24-01000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $21,270.00

24-02000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $96,771.50

24-03000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $ 123,745.60

24-04000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $317,481.39

24-06000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $68,808.22

24-07000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $108,470.90

24-08000-00-GM to D Construction, Inc. in the amount of $491,865.45

24-09000-00-GM to Steffen’s 3D Construction in the amount of $203,524.00

2. Ordinance for the Establishment of Altered Speed Zones on Douglas Road
