Matt Kellogg, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County, IL Website
Matt Kellogg, Board Member - District 2 | Kendall County, IL Website
Kendall County Board met Oct. 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Kendall County Board Meeting was held at the Kendall County Office Building, Rooms 209 & 210, in the City of Yorkville on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The Clerk called the roll. Members present: Chairman Matt Kellogg, Zach Bachmann, Brian DeBolt, Scott Gengler, Dan Koukol, Jason Peterson, Ruben Rodriguez, and Seth Wormley. Member(s) absent: Elizabeth Flowers and Brooke Shanley
The Clerk reported to the Chairman that a quorum was present to conduct business.
Chairman Kellogg led the Pledge of Allegiance.
John Beery from the Chaplin program gave the invocation.
Member Rodriguez moved to approve the agenda. Member DeBolt seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.
Margaret Sheehan spoke about elections.
John Beery commented on the brave men and women in this county.
Member Bachmann moved to approve the consent agenda. Member Peterson seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion Carried
A. Approval of Claims in the amount of $2,169,066.92 from September 30, 2024
B. Approval of Standing Committee minutes
C. Approval of memorandum of understanding between the KenCom Executive Board/ Kendall County Emergency Phone Service and Communications Board and the Kendall County Emergency Management Agency regarding encryption key
D. Approval of the REP grant agreement between the State of Illinois, IEMA-OHS and the County of Kendall effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, in the amount of $23,583
E. Approval of Resolution Adopting Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System
F. Approval of an agreement with Cordogan Clark and Associates to enter into an agreement for Kendall County Courthouse renovations with Lite Construction in the amount of $1,107,296.00, inclusive of bid alternates Nos. 1, 2 and 3, for a total project cost inclusive of contingency, architectural, preconstruction and other fees not to exceed $1,456,683.
G. Approval of Contingency Reduction #10 total of $55,484 with revised contract amount as follows: Lite Construction: $2,187,094 ($5,301 increase), Plainfield Grading: $633,904 ($ 1,889 increase), Abbey Paving: $369,906 ($14,311 increase), Jimmy Z’s Masonry $584,947 ($11,947 increase), TSI Commercial Flooring $294,810 ($ 5,141 increase), Twin Oaks Landscaping: $101,534 ($10,975 increase), Otis Elevator: $97,193 ($ 2,500 increase), O’Malley Welding: $24,700 ($3,420 increase)
H. Approval of Contingency Reduction #10B Total of $98,710 with revised contract amount as follows Lite Construction: $2,240,249 ($ 53,155 increase: $14,000 overhead door $5,000 antenna & slabs demo, $34,155 fence & gate installation), O'Malley Welding: $ 28,200 ($3,500 increase), Abbey Paving: $ 411,961 ($42,055 increase)
I. Approval of the Kendall County Fiscal Year 2025 Tentative Budget
C. COMBINED CLAIMS: ADMIN $324.66; AC $8,183.57; ASSMNTS $15,087.10; CIR CLK $7,120.01; CIR CRT JDG $5,757.56; CMB CRT SRVCS $242.64; CONER $3,417.45; CRRCTNS $5,707.77; CNTY ADMIN $199,547.60; CNTY BRD $665,265.20; CNTY CLK $2,877.45; HIGHWY $994,495.80; CNTY TRSR $6,206.57; ELCTNS $8,954.59; FCLT MGMT $10,986.93; GIS COORD $42.31; HLTH & HMN SRV $10,045.42; HR $280.12; JRY COMM $66.34; MERIT $875.00; PBZ $7,288.43; PBZ PLNER $1,364.93; POSTAGE $60,000.00; PRSDNG JDG $683.60; PROB SPVSR $2,218.58; PUB DEF $4,138.79; SHRF $8,342.93; ST ATTNY $9,622.47; TECH $40,652.91; UTIL $10,297.81; VET $3,509.00; FP $19,354.70; SHF $21,262.59; SHF $915,913.37; SHF $32,938.20
E) A complete copy of Resolution 24-24 is available in the Office of the County Clerk.
Summer interns from the Treasurer’s Office, Administration, HR, and GIS presented their feedback on the program.
Undersheriff Richardson spoke about the major incident that occurred last Friday and the amount of support they have received.
Member Rodriquez moved to approve the appointment(s). Member Gengler seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.
Mike Mann – Workforce Development Board – 2 year term - September 2026
Member Bachmann made a motion to go into Executive Session for (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, (2) collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees and (21) discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06., Member Gengler seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.
Member DeBolt moved to adjourn the County Board Meeting until the next scheduled meeting. Member Peterson seconded the motion. Chairman Kellogg asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.