
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Oswego Cultural Arts Commission met Nov. 13

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Village of Oswego | Village of Oswego

Village of Oswego | Village of Oswego

Village of Oswego Cultural Arts Commission met Nov. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Tony Pastore called the meeting to order at 6:08 P.M.


Present: Anthony Pastore, Karen Kulzer, Kristie Vest, Katie Marter, Dana Rickard, Annalise Schmitt Absent: Chuck Boudreau, Michelle Meyers, Bridget Piekarczyk

Staff: Bridget Bittman


The Public Forum was open at 6:09 p.m.

Heather Sheppard, owner of Oswego Allegro Ballet, stated she attended to observe the meeting and is looking for an opportunity to work with the Village and find ways to engage the community with the arts.


New student commissioner Annalise Schmitt was introduced. She said that she is interested in sharing a student perspective and enjoys art. CAC members introduced themselves and mentioned their connection to art and why they serve on the CAC.


Dana Rickard made a motion, seconded by Kristie Vest to approve the October 30 special meeting minutes. Motion passed.


E.1 Utility box wrap update

SCS Wraps is located in Montana and is able to print the wrap for the utility box that will incorporate information about the CAC’s functional public art bicycle stands. They advised they can print the wrap and recommend a certified wrap installer in the Oswego area. Bridget B. will reach out to local sign companies to see if they can print and install a similar wrap around the utility box.

E.2 Silo mural update

Jason Watts is almost done painting the three silos and hopes to complete the mural by November 17. Karen noted she could see the mural driving back and forth from Fox River Academy of Music & Art (FRAMA) to Village Hall when she was preparing for a recital. Kristie said she feels like the CAC has really changed the landscape with the project. Dana added that she saw drone video footage of the painting on social media and didn’t see any negative comments.

Tony asked if the property owners Brad Smith can be invited to the celebration event for the new mural. Dana suggested getting information on Smith’s perspective as the owner of the property and being a leader in the community as the former chief of the Oswego Fire Protection District.

Karen suggested that we should get a historic account of the property. Kristie advised that she will work with Roger Matile to provide the history of the property since the Oswegoland Park District manages the Little White School Museum.

Tony asked if we are the full amount for the mural this year. Bridget B. advised that the total amount $14,300 will be paid this year and $3,500 will be deducted from the 2025 CAC budget. Bridget B. stated that she will work on planning a celebration event once the mural is done.

E3. Solar spotlight for mural update

Bridget B. advised that she reached out to Solera Solar Lighting in Cary, IL per Kristie’s suggestion. We haven’t received a response yet. Bridget advised she will reach out to other companies.

E4. 2025 Look Up Oswego next steps

Bridget B. thanked Katie for coming early to sort the Look Up Banners that were removed and delivered to Village Hall the first week of November. Bridget P. will take care of returning the banners to the school art teachers.

Katie noted that we may be missing one banner: we had 88 banners and one extra 24 x 24 and the total number counted in sorting was 17 OEHS, 16 OHS, 52 elementary and two junior high.

There was a suggestion to update the 2025 application to include that banners may not be returned, and due to the elements, the CAC is not responsible for the banners’ condition due to outside elements.

Bridget P. emailed a list of art teachers to Bridget B. Bridget B. noted her goal was to email art teachers the 2025 program details by November 21, along with a form link to confirm the number of submissions per school by December 18. Katie developed banner specs on how teachers should submit the 2025 artwork, along with documentation of InDesign banner design process for future use.


F1. 2025 Village Hall Art exhibit review

The artist review and selection were removed from the agenda as staff work on a Village Hall Art exhibit policy and selection process. Six applications were received, one of which was from California. The selection will be rescheduled to the December or January meeting. Tony noted that we had 13 submissions in 2024. He reminded the CAC that the selection process includes viewing each submission and sample art on the projector screen and holding comments until all have been reviewed. Then, the vote will be taken to select the artists.

F2. Discussion on economic development/new development and cultural events Tony advised he wants to learn more about economic development in the Village including a five- and ten-year plan. He stated this will help the CAC to collaborate with new businesses and other developments on public art projects. For example, does the silo pose new opportunities for downtown development.

Kristie reminded the commission about the potential public art in the center of the Wolfs Crossing and Harvey roundabout and how these types of opportunities can widen the scope of art in the Village. Dana recommended partnering with the high schools on roundabout art, perhaps artwork featuring the schools’ mascots. Bridget B. brought up safety concerns with placing artwork in the roundabouts and will check with Public Works on the possibility.

Bridget B. noted she will invite the Village’s Economic Development Director Kevin Leighty to present at a future meeting.

Katie said there was a discussion about public art at Venue 1012 and Bridget B. advised that the next phase of the venue may not advance for several years, depending on funds.

A person in the audience started a discussion and talked about several topics related to the Village. The audience member was reminded that public comment is welcome at the beginning of the meeting.

Tony also advised he wants an update on the cricket stadium.




Tony: No report

Karen: Lots of FRAMA recitals happening at this time of the year. Many musicians are performing in the Christmas Walk. Karen encouraged members to shop small (stores and services) in downtown Oswego. There’s a special Oswego Downtown Association (ODA) downtown dollars promotion that allows a drawing entry for every purchase at participating downtown businesses. ODA is also hosting extra activities on Black Friday and Shop Small Saturday, including strolling musicians.

Kristie: The holidays bring fun events featured by the Park District including Holiday Express, Limelight radio play on Dec. 20 and 28, dance recital and junior high choir performances at the Little White School Museum.

Annalise: No report

Katie: Shared an Oswego adjacent event, Frozen at Paramount, on December 14 at 3 p.m. Karen noted the preshow music for the December 14 show will be provided by FRAMA.

Dana: On November 20, the Oswego Public Library will feature a zoom program with chef Art Smith. The Christkindlmarket opens soon in Aurora and Dana’s attending a pre-Wicked release performance in Naperville. She also asked about more information on Free Little Libraries program and Bridget B. advised that the plan is being developed for 2025.


December 11, 2024 (Kristie can’t attend.)


Tony made the motion to adjourn, and Dana seconded. Meeting ended at 7:19 p.m.
