City of Yorkville City Council met October 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Mayor Golinski called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
City Clerk Warren called the roll.
Ward I Koch Present
Colosimo Absent
Ward II Milschewski Present
Plocher Present
Ward III Frieders Present
Funkhouser Present
Ward IV Tarulis Present
Hernandez Present
Also present: City Clerk Warren, City Administrator Olson, Police Chief Hart, Public Works Director Dhuse, Finance Director Fredrickson, EEI Engineer Morrison, Community Development Director Barksdale-Noble, Building Code Official Ratos, Director of Parks and Recreation Evans, Assistant City Administrator Willrett, Deputy Clerk Pickering, Purchasing Manager Callahan
A quorum was established.
Citizen Comments:
Business— Goal Setting Session:
City Administrator Olson stated he was going to start at the bottom ofthe goal setting memo. He would like to list an action plans on each item and would like feedback on each item in context of a larger goal. He would like the Council to add anything or change something within the action plans, if the Council chooses. Also these items can go back to a committee, if needed.
City Administrator Olson began discussing the goal setting outcomes for 2017/ 2018 and the Council gave input on the goals the members wanted to discuss.
20. Strategic Planning
19. Public Relations and Outreach
18.Automation and Technology
17. Modernize City Code
16. Employee Salary Survey
15. Water Conservation Planning
14. Entrance Signage
12B. Parks and Recreation Programming Building
12A. Traffic Patrol
11. Capital Improvement Planning
9B. Shared Services
9A. Revenue Growth
8. Water Planning
7. Riverfront Development
6. Vehicle Replacement
5. Municipal Building Needs and Planning
4. Manufacturing and Industrial Development
3. Staffing
2. Southside Development
1. Downtown Planning
After going over all the goals, City Administrator Olson stated that in the past the goals would be placed on the board, along with the new goal ideas, and the Council members would rank these from one to ten. Ten being the most important for each goal.
Two new goals were put up on the board.
Funding for Road to Better Roads
Whispering Meadow's Roads
The following goals were ranked and the outcome is as follows.
67 Downtown Planning
66 Manufacturing and Industrial Development
47 Riverfront Development
39 Southside Development
39 Road to Better Roads Funding
29 Municipal Building Needs
23 Water Planning
23 Revenue Growth
19 Whispering Meadow's Roads
13 Traffic Patrol
13 Vehicle Replacement
12 Staffing
11 Entrance Signage
8 Employee Salary Survey
6 Capital Improvement Planning
6 Water Conservation
6 Parks and Recreation Building
5 Public Relations
3 Modernize City Code
2 Automation and Technology
2 Shared Services
Mayor Golinski stated meeting adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at 10:51 a.m.