
Kendall County Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Oswegoland Park District Board of Park Commissioners met November 8.


Oswegoland Park District Board of Park Commissioners met Nov. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commissioners:

Convening The Meeting

President Krahn called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the Secretary called the roll. Commissioners Ijams, Krahn, McCallough, and Tartol were physically present. Commissioner Behrens was absent.

Staff in attendance included: Cindy Benson, Nancy Zenner, Tom Betsinger, Chad Feldotto, Mike Fee, Laura Finch, Grant Casleton, Nancy Casleton, Cheryl Keilson, and Brad Doyle.

No guests were in attendance.

Announcements and Changes to the Agenda



Recognition of Visitors


Written Correspondence


Consent Agenda

President Krahn listed items on the Consent Agenda as follows:

- Approval of minutes of the Committee of the Whole Board meeting on October 12, 2017.

- Acceptance of the Treasurer’s report as of September 30, 2017.

- Approval of Payables for the period of September 22, 2017 – October 19, 2017 in the amount of $301,619.57

Commissioner Ijams made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tartol.

Roll Call: Ayes Commissioners Ijams, Tartol, Krahn, and McCallough

Nays 0

Abstain 0

Absent Commissioner Behrens

Board Business

President’s Report

· President Krahn reminded those in attendance to visit the “Remembering Our Veterans” special exhibit at the Little White School Museum. This exhibit will run through Veterans Day.

Commissioner Comments

· Tartol thanked all staff for their part in the District achieving the Distinguished Accreditation status, adding that this is a huge honor for the District.

· Ijams shared that he received feedback from other park districts noting that our District’s website is “top notch.” He shared that he appreciates hearing such positive feedback.

Official Minutes

Oswegoland Park District

Board Of Park Commissioners

November 8, 2017

Staff And Committee Reports

Written Staff Reports

· Tartol thanked staff for the great work they continue to do.

Action Items

Commissioner McCallough made a motion to appoint Rich Zielke as delegate and Dave Krahn, Sandy Tartol and Bob Ijams as alternates to serve as the District’s official representative at the IAPD (Illinois Association of Park Districts) annual meeting on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 3:30 pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner


Roll Call: Ayes Commissioners McCallough, Tartol, Ijams, and Krahn

Nays 0

Abstain 0

Absent Commissioner Behrens

Unfinished Business

FY2018 Budget Discussion

Zenner shared that the following documents were provided to the Board for their review:

· FY2018 Proposed Budget Summary

· FY2018 Proposed Budget by Fund/Department/Program

· FY2018 Proposed Budget Detail Report

· FY2018 Proposed Capital Development Budget

Zenner shared that the FY2018 Proposed Budget Summary shows YTD actuals as of October 31, 2017 and fund balance estimates for FY2018.

Ginny Bateman arrived at 6:11 pm.

Feldotto shared that Planning provided an updated list of Capital Projects for the Board’s consideration. Per the Board’s direction, staff identified four projects, totaling $344,700, that could potentially be moved to the FY2019 Capital Project list. Removing these projects would lower the total from $1,485,950 to $1,1150,750.

Krahn asked Doyle to explain the need for the rebuild and paving of the east parking lot at Fox Bend, as well as lighting, project. Krahn continued to note that he does not disagree with this project but was trying to understand the need for this project in comparison to the complete list of projects. Doyle shared that not only would this project improve the eye appeal and visitor’s first impressions of the golf course, but it is also a safety concern.

After further discussion regarding the preliminary FY2018 Capital Project list, the consensus of the Board was to leave all items on this list, except for the consultant fee for a new building. In addition, staff will continue to finalize the dollar amounts for the listed projects. The Board also asked Zenner to provide them with the dollar amounts needed from reserves to fund the FY2018 Capital Projects. Tartol also asked staff to look at ways to increase revenues to support Capital Projects, and not just look at reducing expenses.

The Board will discuss the FY2018 budget further at a December Committee of the Whole meeting. Staff plans for the Board to approve the FY2018 budget at the regular meeting on December 21, 2017.

New Business



The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m. following a motion made by Commissioner Ijams and seconded by

Commissioner McCallough.

Roll Call: Ayes Commissioners Ijams, McCallough, Krahn, and Tartol

Nays 0

Abstain 0

Absent Commissioner Behrens
