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Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board met April 9.


Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board met April 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order – Executive Session (6:15 pm)

The meeting was called to order at 6:18 p.m. by Mrs. Lauri Doyle

1.1 Roll Call:

Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:

Lauri Doyle, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Jared Ploger

Members Absent (at roll call):

Brad Banks, Matt Bauman, Brent Lightfoot

2. Closed Session

2.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment,

compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees;

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to enter Closed Session under statutes 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 4-0

Aye: Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

The Board of Education entered closed session at 6:20 p.m.

Mr. Matt Bauman arrived before closed session started at 6:21 p.m.

2.2 Return to Open Session

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to return to Open Session.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 5-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

The Board of Education returned to Open Session at 7:15 p.m.

3. Call to Order – Public Session (7:15 pm)

The meeting was called to order at 7:19 p.m. by Mrs. Lauri Doyle

3.1 Roll Call:

Upon Roll Call the following members answered present:

Matt Bauman, Lauri Doyle, Toni Morgan, Heather Moyer, Jared Ploger

Members Absent (at roll call):

Brad Banks, Brent Lightfoot

Administration Present:

Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Sparlin Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Dr. Lisa Smith Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Mr. Asif Dada

Others Present:

Board Attorney Maureen Lemon, Ottosen Britz Kelly Cooper Gilbert and DiNolfo, Ltd; as well as employees of the District and members of the community.

Recording Secretary:

Ursula Coan

3.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance was led by board member Lauri Doyle

4. Recognitions

4.1 SD308 State/National Student Recognition

At this time, Mr. Jamie Max, Director of High School Education, introduced the Winter 2018 State and National Award Winners to the Board of Education. A complete listing including the audio presentation can be found at the following link: https://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public

4.2 Pride March Award Recipients

Members of the Board of Education recognized the March PRIDE winners.

Kacey Schultz - Teacher of the Month - Lakewood Creek Elementary

Shaunise Thomas - Teacher of the Month - Oswego High School

Duncan Armstrong – Employee of the Month

Angelique Johnson – Volunteer of the Month - Oswego East High School

Bonnie Spevere – Volunteer of the Month - Hunt Club Elementary

5. Public Comment

5.1 Opportunity for the Public to address the Board of Education

Fran Paradise, Owner of Basketball Paradise, commented regarding the athletic department’s involvement with a private nonprofit business named Future Basketball. Mr. Paradise stated that the company is owned by an Oswego resident who also owns a for profit company that provides the feeder teams with uniforms and apparel. Mr. Paradise stated that he reached out to the athletic department and learned that it was common practice to provide feeder teams with free gym space for practices. Mr. Paradise believes the district shows favoritism towards Future Basketball due to some personal relationships with the coaching staff.

6. Comments/Reports

6.1 Board Member Updates

Mr. Ploger visited Brokaw Early Childhood, Hunt Club, OEHS, Fox Chase and Old Post, completing his yearly goal of spending some time at every school during school hours. Ms. Toni Morgan shared that she attended part of a BPAC meeting and a meeting for the Visually Interested Parents at OHS. They do have a fundraiser planned tomorrow evening. Ms. Morgan also attended the Pathways Open House. It was great to see our students that are 18-21 years old in their new environment. Many of the surrounding businesses are helping out with providing jobs.

Mrs. Lauri Doyle stated that she was also able to attend the Pathways Open House. She commented how wonderful it was to see them in a space that was designed for their growing needs as well as the new enrichment opportunities they did not have before. Mrs. Doyle also mentioned that she will be participating in a session offered at the Institute Day for emergency drills.

7. Approve Consent Agenda

7.1 Approval of Minutes from March 19, 2018 Board of Education meeting Open and Closed Session

7.2 Acknowledgement of FOIA Requests

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to approve all items under consent, including 7.1 Minutes from March 19, 2018 Regular Board of Education Meeting Open and Closed Session; 7.2 Acknowledgement of FOIA requests

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 5-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

8. Information Only

8.1 Financial Statements

The Board Members had no questions on the Financial Statements

8.2 Oswego East High School Baseball Field #5

Mr. Dada stated that we would like to refinish Field #5 because it is not playable at this time. Other existing fields are draining onto it. The proposal would raise the field by approximately one foot and regrade the existing detention pond. Mr. Bauman asked if this project was a priority, if the students are losing practice time and game time etc. Mr. Dada explained that this is part of the DSEB projects that are already approved by the board. The board asked for more information on why this project needs to be completed at this time and how much revenue it brings in through rental. Mrs. Doyle stated that she would like us to explore if perhaps the community could help in any way as well.

8.3 Lakewood Creek Parking Lot Bid

Mr. Brent Lightfoot arrived at 7:59 p.m.

Jodi Ancel, Derrick Berlin and Asif Dada shared a presentation with the board, addressing a potential solution for an ongoing issue with the pick-up and drop-off at our largest elementary school, Lakewood Creek.

The proposal is being presented to the Board as a solution to improve the traffic flow and keep students safe at Lakewood Creek Elementary. The primary traffic problem during arrival and dismissal times is the lack of loading space for parents to use in the north parking lot, resulting in traffic being backed-up onto Lakewood Creek Drive and adjacent side streets. Not only is Lakewood Creek the largest elementary school, it also has the largest walking population.

Current challenges and facts:

• Line only holds up to 16 vehicles at a time

• Approximately 300 vehicles drop off and pick up students each day (more during bad weather)

• Students arriving for breakfast, Kids Connection and the morning line up use the same drive

• Two students were injured by moving vehicles during the last school year

• Five traffic accidents occurred during drop-off and pick-up times

• Driver altercations due to individuals by-passing other vehicles

• Employees are being mistreated while trying to regulate traffic

Some steps that have been taken:

• Staggered dismissal times

• Early supervision so students can be dropped off earlier

• Provide car signs and call names over the radio to expedite students to the loading area

• Implement a student holding area

• Increase number of employees assisting with loading and unloading students

• Procedures outlined and clearly communicated with parents

• Police Officer on site to assist with traffic control

• Expanded sidewalk

As a solution, it was recommended to add a vehicle staging lot that would have spacing for 140 cars. Students would be loaded in that area and one line at a time would be released. The bid amount for this project is $220,013.

Mr. Bauman suggested organizing some community meetings to discuss pick-up and drop-off as well as having a conversation with the Village of Montgomery to increase stop signs and ticketing so that students can safely cross. Ms. Morgan recommended that parents that parked in the drive legally, would have their kids dismissed first in order to discourage the illegal parking across the street or on side streets. Mrs. Doyle commented that as discussed in the Facilities Committee meeting, she would like to see more involvement from the Village of Montgomery, since roads outside of the school property are of concern. Mrs. Morgan stated that the district needs to be fiscally responsible, but that we also need to make sure that the students are safe and that we are not being neglectful. The board members discussed perhaps busing students and Mr. Berlin stated that while that is a possibility, the district would not receive reimbursement since it is not considered a hazard by State standards. Mrs. Doyle asked for the amount it would cost for the district to provide transportation to more students in order to cut down on walkers.

The board members agreed that something needed to change and that student safety was most important. They asked to have all possible options discussed before they could consider spending money on this project, including community meetings and further dialogue with Village officials since they feel it is at least partly their issue as well. Mrs. Doyle added that a meeting should be set up with the different entities since it isn’t just about a parking lot. It revolves around different entrance and exit strategies, busing options, cooperation from the Park District and for the Village to add more “No Parking” signs. The question was also raised regarding the possibility for the community to fundraise for this option.

The complete presentation, including the audio recording for the Lakewood Creek Parking Lot can be found at the following link: https://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public

8.4 Intergovernmental Agreement – Southbury

Brian Bare from Whitt Law presented the board members with information on the Intergovernmental Agreement with Southbury. Initially, the Southbury subdivision was a large- scale development that resulted in a couple of large pieces of property under the land cash ordinances in place at the time, that were donated to the Park District and the School District. In 2006, the School District and the Park District entered into an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement regarding their properties in the Southbury subdivision and the Churchill Club Subdivision. Mainly, the facility would be developed jointly and certain exchanges would be made. There were three issues to be considered and after reviewing the original swap agreement, Mike Barr and I met with administrators and legal counsel for the Park District and it was agreed to address all three which are:

• Lack of an official legal survey of the property to be swapped

• Lack of reciprocal cross-access easements over the driveways and parking areas

• Future obligation for the School District to transfer an unspecified parcel totaling 0.42 acres on the boundary line to the Park District

With these changes, the land swap agreement was revised and greatly simplified. The School District agrees to transfer to the Park District:

• Parcel 1, a small triangular parcel on the east side of the site

• Parcel 3, the triangular parcel covering the Park District’s wing of the building up to the sidewalks

• Cross-access easement outlined in Exhibit B for vehicular and pedestrian access over asphalt drives, parking areas and sidewalks.

The Park District agrees to transfer to the School District:

• Parcel 2, the large irregular four-sided parcel on the south side of the current property line

• Parcel 4, covering the southwest end of the front driveway

• Cross-access easement outlined in Exhibit C for pedestrian and field access to the open space of the Park Districts site, excluding the garden area

Mr. Bare stated that the intent always was for this space to be jointly developed and jointly used. This really is in place right now and this agreement is matching up that boundary line to follow along the practice that is in place. Ms. Morgan inquired if there was any cost involved with this land swap. Mr. Bare stated that there is no cost aside from recording fees, which at times school districts are exempt from. Mr. Bare recommended for the Board of Education to approve this agreement at the next meeting.

The complete discussion on the land-swap agreement with the Park District, including the audio recording, can be found at the following link: https://www.boarddocs.com/il/oswego308/Board.nsf/Public

8.5 Oswego Senior Center Lease Amendment

Mr. Dada stated that the Oswego Senior Center is requesting additional space on top of the areas specified in the current lease. The additional cost will be covering our energy usage, custodial time and supplies. This will be added as an amendment to the lease that ends August 31, 2018. Mr. Dada commented that we would enter into a month to month agreement beyond that. Mrs. Doyle asked if it is practical to add more programs to the Senior Center, which potentially might make it more difficult to find a suitable space in the event that the building would be sold. Mr. Bauman stated that the Seniors need more space and are willing to pay for it, knowing it is month to month and knowing what has been discussed regarding the sale of the building, therefore he did not see an issue with approving the amendment.

8.6 Amended School Calendar for 2018-19 and School Calendar for 2019-20

Dr. McDowell stated that the recommendation for trimesters was developed by the Elementary Grading and Reporting Committee, consisting of 43 elementary representatives. The goal of the committee was to develop a consistent grading and reporting tool for all students K-5. There were no concerns reported from teachers and parents when Kindergarten was moved to a trimesters.

For consistency, it is recommended to bring K-5 to trimester reporting and conduct parent teacher conferences twice a year. The one draw-back might be for parents that their student’s progress will not be formally addressed after four reporting periods. Dr. McDowell commented that with the Mastery Connect Portal, parents have daily access and therefore ample opportunity to see the progress of their students.

The trimester reporting model increases the number of days per instructional period allowing for increased instructional time prior to the ending of each reporting period and less breaks in instruction for assessment purposes. Dr. Mc Dowell stated that his recommendation has also been presented to the Senior Leadership Team as well at the Teaching and Learning Board Advisory Committee.

Ms. Morgan asked why the day after Easter is a day off. Dr. Sparlin stated that it is mostly for attendance reasons with people traveling for spring break.

Mr. Ploger commented on e-mails he received regarding not having students in attendance on Election Day. Mr. Ploger stated that while he understands the difficulty for working parents with another day off, the school district does not have the ability to say no when asked to use our schools as polling places. Mr. Dada shared that this year they requested a few more schools than in the past and he will provide the exact number to the board. Mr. Ploger also suggested that our board advocate with IASB for districts to receive reimbursement from the state for election days since there is a cost to the district even if students are not in attendance.

Regarding the 2019-20 school calendar, Mrs. Doyle asked why we chose to have more 3.5 hour attendance days opposed to having more full days for School Improvement. Dr. Sparlin responded that if students are not in attendance at all, the days can’t be counted, whereas the 3.5 hour attendance can be counted.

8.7 Board Policies First Reading: Section 2: School Board (2:260) Section 4: Operational Services (4:25, 4:40) Section 5: General Personnel (5:20, 5:200)

o Resolution to Establish Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment (PRESS)

The board members had no questions on the above Board Policies

8.8 Students Rights and Responsibilities Section in Student Handbook

Dr. Sparlin stated that all changes to the Students Rights and Responsibilities Section in the Student Handbook were vetted by the Policy/Parent Advisory Committee as well as our Board Attorney.

Mrs. Doyle noticed that the largest number of changes was made in the dress code section. Mrs. Doyle inquired whether the changes were initiated through the committee or if they are a requirement. Mrs. Patterson stated that it came to her attention that other districts were more progressive or had a policy in place that was aimed more towards students showing differences in gender, that the wording might be changed to be more gender neutral rather than identifying male and female. Mrs. Patterson commented that this has been a yearlong process to get to this language.

Mrs. Doyle asked for a brief explanation on the changes with the disciplinary measures and interventions. Mrs. Patterson explained that the majority of the handbook was updated last year to comply with Senate Bill 100. One of the strong pieces with that bill is to look at not just the negative consequences, but rather the interventions and the process. Therefore, when there is a behavioral concern, what are all the options that could be considered an intervention. Mr. Lightfoot commented on the dress code and how difficult it is for a building administrator to determine what is and what isn’t too transparent. Mr. Lightfoot would like to make sure that we take into consideration how the rules can reasonably be enforced. Mrs. Patterson commented, that what the administrators are encouraged to focus on is, whether what they are wearing is appropriate and safe and if it is causing a disruption. Dress code is a gray area that constantly evolves. What might have been the law yesterday, might not be the law tomorrow. When in doubt, it is always best for administrators to check and see what is current practice.

Mrs. Doyle stated that not all closed session items were discussed earlier and therefore the board needed to enter closed session a second time this evening.

9. Closed Session

9.1 Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to Enter Closed Session under statute(s): 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

The Board of Education entered the second Closed Session at 9:04 p.m.

9.2 Return to Open Session

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to return to Open Session.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

The Board of Education returned to Open Session at 10:02 p.m.

10.1 Approval of Bills for Payment

Mr. Bauman voiced his concern regarding the out of district expenses being billed in the Special Education department. Mr. Bauman asked to find out the financial picture while the district was still part of the co-op and what the expenses look like now that we are on our own. Dr. Sparlin responded that this is already being looked at and will be shared with the board in the next few weeks.

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Toni Morgan , to authorize the payment of bills in the amount of four million, one hundred sixteen thousand, three hundred fifty-five dollars and two cents ($4,116,355.02) as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot,

Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

10.2 Two (2) One Year Contract Extensions for Regular Education Transportation Services with First Student Inc.

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to approve two (2) one-year contract extensions for regular education transportation services with First Student Inc.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

10.3 Two (2) One Year Contract Extensions for Special Education Transportation Services with Septran Inc.

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve two (2) one-year contract extension for special education transportation services with Septran Inc.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

10.4 Approval of Lawn Mowing Bid

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Brent Lightfoot, to approve the Mowing Bid from Sebert Landscaping for the eight schools listed for a one-year (1) term with an option to renew for two (2) additional one-year terms

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 5-1

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer Nay: Mr. Jared Ploger

10.5 Approval of the 2017-2021 OCMA Collective Bargaining Agreement

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the 2017-2021 OCMA Collective Bargaining Agreement Subject to Attorney Review

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot,

Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

10.6 Resolution Authorizing Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the Resolution Authorizing Reduction in Force and Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 5-1

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer Nay: Mr. Jared Ploger

10.7 Approval of Building Administrator Contract

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to approve the Building Administrator contract as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

At this time the board members welcomed our new Plank Principal, Mr. Haymond

10.8 Approval of District Administrator Contract

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mrs. Heather Moyer, to approve the District Administrator contract as presented

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

10.9 Approval of Personnel Report

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Mr. Matt Bauman, to approve the Personnel Report

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Brad Banks, Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

11. Adjournment

11.1 Adjourn

A motion was made by Mr. Jared Ploger, second by Ms. Toni Morgan, to adjourn.

All were in favor unanimously to adjourn.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried 6-0

Aye: Mr. Matt Bauman, Mrs. Lauri Doyle, Mr. Brent Lightfoot, Ms. Toni Morgan, Mrs. Heather Moyer, Mr. Jared Ploger

Meeting Adjourned at 10:09 p.m.



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