
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Plano City Council met Feb. 14

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City of Plano City Council met Feb. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the Plano City Council was called to order by the Mayor in the Council Room at City Hall. The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll Call:

Steve DeBolt Present John Fawver Absent

Ben Eaton Absent Jamal Williams Absent

Tommy Johns Present Barb Nadeau Present

Scott Mulliner Present Mark Swoboda Present

There was a quorum.


A motion was made by Alderman Johns, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on January 24, 2022. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Alderman Swoboda, seconded by Alderman Nadeau, to approve the agenda for the regular meeting of February 14, 2022. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Alderman Swoboda, seconded by Alderman DeBolt to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated January 28, 2022 in the amount of $ 118,411.38.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Williams, Fawver

Motion passed.

A motion was made by Alderman Swoboda, seconded by Alderman DeBolt to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated February 14, 2022 in the amount of $ 318,497.67.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Williams, Fawver

Motion passed.



Guests and members of the press were welcomed by Mayor Rennels.


MAYOR’S REPORT: Michael Rennels

The Mayor announced an Ice Fishing event to be held at Foli Park, weather permitting, on February 19, 2022 from 9 am until 4 pm.

CITY ATTORNEY: William Thomas

Ordinance 2022-2 Increase Class E

A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman Mulliner, to approve an ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 2, section 3-2-7 of the code of ordinances of the City of Plano for the number of Class E Liquor licenses.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Williams, Fawver

Motion passed

Ordinance 2022-3 Decrease Class G-1

A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Johns, to approve an ordinance amending title 3, Chapter 2, section 3-2-7 of the code of ordinances of the City of Plano for the number of Class G-1 Liquor licenses.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Fawver, Williams

Motion passed.

Resolution R2022-3 Agreement between the City of Plano and Invent Environmental A motion was made by Alderman Mulliner, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve a resolution approving and authorizing the execution of an agreement by and between the City of Plano and Invent Environmental Technologies, Inc. for the purchase of HyperClassic mixing system for a cost not to exceed $ 106,600.00.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Williams, Fawver

Motion passed.

Resolution R2022-4 Closed session minutes

A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to approve a resolution for review of closed session minutes.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Williams, Fawver

Motion passed.

CITY CLERK: Kathleen Miller

Sales and related taxes for November 2021; $181,398.00; up $12,683.47 from the same time last year. Sales and related taxes for December 2021; $158,715.45; down $ 17.31 from the same time last year. MFT for December 2021 current unobligated balance $ 1,001,564.49.

MFT for January, 2022; current unobligated balance $ 1,022,052.76


A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Johns, to approve the insurance renewals for the 2022-2023 year. Medical premiums increased 2.98% and Dental premiums increased 3%.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Williams, Fawver

Motion passed.

A schedule for the original budget meetings for FY ’23 and budget worksheets were distributed in the meeting packets.


On February 10, 2022 the Plano PD hosted a question and answer with the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board about the house safety bill.

Officer Christenson and Officer Hart have started and are in field training at this time. The Chief read a letter from Mr. Richard Anderson regarding the great work that Officers Hernandez and Miller performed during a tragic incident at his home.

DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER: D. Boyer, J. Beyer, K. Tisberger – Josh absent A motion was made by Alderman Johns, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve hiring John Crafton for the Street Department Maintenance III position at a salary of $ 18.87 per hour with a start date of February 22, 2022.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Nadeau, Johns, Mulliner, Swoboda, DeBolt

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Eaton, Williams, Fawver

Motion passed.


Jeff gave an update on 2 permitted projects that will be beginning soon in the City. One is the renovation at Walmart and the other one is the addition of Scooters Coffee.



Alderman Mulliner had a meeting on February 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM and discussed the covid testing sites, food trucks and IT for the City. A meeting was called for February 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM. To discuss the EOP and transient business/food trucks.


Alderman DeBolt called a meeting for February 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM to discuss permit fees, setbacks and the budget.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Alderman Fawver – Absent – Nothing to report

FINANCE: Alderman Swoboda

Alderman Swoboda called a meeting for February 28, 2022 at 5:15 PM.

PARKS: Alderman Johns

Alderman Johns called a meeting for March 2, 2022 at 5:30 PM to discuss the budget, mowing and spraying and report on the dog park. Alderman Johns also mentioned the Foli Park Ice Fishing event on February 19, 2022.

PERSONNEL & INSURANCE: Alderman Williams – Absent – Nothing to report

SPECIAL EVENTS: Alderman Nadeau

A meeting will be held on February 16, 2022 at 5:30 PM to discuss the budget, the City Center lot and Juneteenth.

STREETS & UTILITIES: Alderman Eaton – Absent – Alderman Johns reported

Alderman Eaton had a meeting on February 9, 2022 at 7:00 pm. The rate study, parking during snowfall and signs around the schools was discussed. A meeting will also be held on February 23, 2022 at 6:00 PM.


Keith Riddle informed the Council of a meet the candidates event on March 3, 2022.



A motion was made by Alderman Swoboda, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to adjourn. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.
