
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Kendall County Juvenile Justice Council met April 25

Kendall County Juvenile Justice Council met April 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

I. Call to order

II. Roll call

III. Approval of Agenda

IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting, January 31, 2023

V. New business

A. Committee Reports

1. Membership/Committee assignments – Brenda Karales

a. Open meeting Act

b. Subcommittee assignments

2. Juvenile Justice Planning – Alice Elliott

3. Resource/Development/Funding/Grants- Brenda Karales

4. Legislative – Scott Gengler

5. School Safety Plan- Chris Mehochko

6. Interagency Assessment - Michelle Hawley

a. Sex trafficking training

7. Program/Resource Guide - Ryan Phelps

8. Fundraising Committee – Brenda Karales

a. 2023 SKY 5K

9. Scholarship Committee – Ryan Phelps

a. 2023 Scholarships

VI. Citizens to be heard

VII. Next Meeting, August 29, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. in Jury Assembly Room

VIII. Adjournment
