
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Oswego Public Library District Board of Trustees met May 24

Oswego Public Library District Board of Trustees met May 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order 5:30 p.m.

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

3.A. Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

4. Our Mission: The Oswego Public Library District exists to provide quality library service which will effectively meet the informational, educational, recreational needs of district residents of all ages, with a special emphasis on supplying popular materials, providing reference services and assisting students of all ages in meeting their educational needs.

5. Open Session:

The Board will now receive public comment concerning items on this agenda as well as communications and reports from citizens or representatives from other agencies. Such comments should not include discussion of personnel matters, which should be brought directly to the attention of the Director.

This board meeting is a meeting held in the public. It is not a meeting of the public. It is the prerogative of the President of the Board to recognize members of the audience. If you are recognized to address the Board, you are asked to stand, identify yourself, and to address the whole Board. Your comments are limited to five minutes.

6. Approval of Minutes

6.A. Motion Requested: Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting April 26, 2023, Closed Meeting April 26, Finance Committee April 26, and Decennial Committee April 26.

7. Correspondence

8. Financials

8.A. Motion Requested: Approval of Fund Balance and Revenue and Expense Reports

9. Monthly A/P

9.A. Motion Requested: Approval of the May 2023 Bills in the Amount of $330,227

10. Director's Report

10.A. Motion Requested: Approval of the Director's Report

11. Committee Reports

11.A. Finance

11.B. Personnel

11.C. Technology

11.D. Building and Grounds

11.E. Planning and Development

12. Unfinished Business

12.A. Materials Selection Policy updates- 2nd Reading

12.A.1. Motion Requested: Motion to Approve the Materials Selection Policy with Updates

12.B. Materials Donation Policy updates- 2nd Reading

12.B.1. Motion Requested: Motion to Approve the Material Donation Policy with Updates

12.C. Materials- Local or Self-Published Policy- 2nd Reading

12.C.1. Motion Requested: Motion to Approve the Materials Local or Self-Published Policy

13. New Business

13.A. Installation of Trustees

13.A.1. Motion Requested: Motion to Install Trustees Christine Diehl, Emily Ramirez, and Terry Friedman (Motion, Second, Roll Call by Secretary)

13.A.2. Oath of Office for Newly Elected Trustees is administered by the Secretary-Oath of Office is written out in Board Packet with Trustee stating their name to fill in the blank of the Oath. Oath Administered to:

Christine Diehl - 4 year term

Emily Ramirez - 4 year term

Terry Friedman - 4 year term

13.B. Resolution Honoring Retiring Trustee Dana Young

13.B.1. Motion Requested: Motion to Approve Resolution Honoring Retiring Trustee (Motion, Second, Roll Call by Secretary)

13.C. Adjournment Sine Die which means an Adjournment without day, a final adjournment that has the effect of dissolving the outgoing Library Board

13.C.1. Motion Requested: Motion to Adjourn Sine Die (Motion, Second, Roll Call by Secretary)

13.D. Seating of the New Board

13.D.1. Motion Requested (President Tamblyn): Move that Trustee Young be appointed President Pro Tem and Trustee Connon be appointed Secretary Pro Tem (Motion, Second, Roll Call by Secretary)

13.E. Call to Order

13.E.1. President Young "Call to Order"

13.F. President Young asks for "Roll Call by Trustee Connon", Secretary Pro tem

13.G. Election of Board Officers

13.G.1. Election for President: President Young "asks for nominations from the Floor"

13.G.1.a. Action Requested: I move that Trustee ____ be appointed President (Motion, Second, Roll Call)

13.G.1.b. President Takes Over Election of Officers

13.G.2. Election for Vice President

13.G.2.a. Action Requested: I move that Trustee ____ be appointed Vice President (Motion, Second, Roll Call)

13.G.3. Election for Treasurer

13.G.3.a. Action Requested: I move that Trustee ____ be appointed Treasurer (Motion, Second, Roll Call)

13.G.4. Election for Secretary

13.G.4.a. Action Requested: I move that Trustee ____ be appointed Secretary (Motion, Second, Roll Call)

13.H. Meeting Date Ordinance

13.H.1. Motion Requested: Approval of Ordinance 23-6 Meeting Date Ordinance

13.I. Ordinance 23-7 Approving Plans for Property Purchase and the Funding Source for property commonly known as 109 and 111 North River Street, Montgomery, IL at a cost of $330,000.

13.I.1. Motion: I move that we pass Ordinance 23-7 Approving Plans for Property Purchase and the Funds to be taken from the Special Reserve Fund for the purchase of property commonly known as 109 and 111 North River Street, Montgomery, IL at a cost of $330,000.

13.J. Contract with Best Quality Cleaning July 1, 2023, for Oswego Campus at $3,880.00 per month and Montgomery Campus at $3,620 per month

13.J.1. Motion Requested: Motion to Approve hiring Best Quality Cleaning for the Oswego Campus at $3,880 and Montgomery Campus at $3,620.00 per month.

14. Closed Session - 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(5) Purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body.

15. Upcoming Scheduled Meetings

15.A. Regular Meeting June 28, 2023, at 5:30 at the Oswgo Campus, 32 W. Jefferson, Oswego, IL 60543

16. Adjourn