
Kendall County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Newark Community Consolidated School District 66 Board of Education met May 20

Webp 10

Mindi Chase, Principal - MJH | Newark CCSD 66

Mindi Chase, Principal - MJH | Newark CCSD 66

Newark Community Consolidated School District 66 Board of Education met May 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

i. Call to Order/Moment of Silence/Pledge

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:38 PM on May 20, 2024 by President Fordyce at Newark Grade School.

II. Roll Call

For those members who attend remotely an indication will made in the roll call.

Callier present, Davis present, Fordyce present, Hopkins present, Underhill present, Walker present, Winner present.

III. Audience Participation .

A. Public Comment

Scott Engstrom from GRP Wegman was present to answer questions about the lighting contract. The cost has been reduced to $57,810.00 due to rebates.

B. Recognitions

PTO for their efforts for teacher appreciation week, track team, and Ms. Chase for 2 years service.

IV. Action Items

A. Consent Agenda

1. Regular Meeting Minutes, April 15, 2024

Winner moved to approve all items on the consent agenda as presented.

Walker seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

B. Approval of Financials for May.

Walker moved to approve the financials for the month of May. Hopkins seconded. There was no discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

C. Personnel

1. Hire Jolie Wood, Summer Custodian, May28 - August 16

2. Hire Jennifer Prachter, Jr High Math Teacher

3. Hire Coaches for 2024 – 2025, List is in Packet

4. Bookkeeper Intent to Retire

Underhill moved to approve the personnel recommendations as presented. Callier seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

D. Approve Lighting Contract

This was tabled last month. GRP Wegman was present to answer questions to the Board's satisfaction. Winner moved to approve the lighting contract with GRP Wegman for $57,810.00. Walker seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

E. Approve Amended Budget

Walker moved to approve the 2023 - 2024 amended budget as presented. Winner seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

F. Approve Press Policies 114

Winner moved to approve the second read of the Press Policies 114 with the option for teacher training for medical emergencies. Walker seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

G. Approve Math Curriculum Contract

Hopkins moved to approve the Reveal Math curriculum from McGraw-Hill for 3 years at a cost of $24,675.68. Callier seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

H. Approve Kendall County HMP

Winner moved to approve the Kendall County Hazard Mitigation Plan resolution. Underhill seconded. There was discussion. Kendall County has asked all units of local government to adopt this. If we adopt this then we would be eligible for disaster relief funding should a disaster occur. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

I. Approve NHS Lunch Agreement

Walker moved to approve the lunch services agreement with Newark High for the 24-25 school year. Hopkins seconded. There was discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

J. Approve NHS Band Agreement

Winner moved to approve the shared band services agreement with Newark High School. Hopkins seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

K. Approve Student Handbook

Walker moved to approve the new student/parent handbook for the 24-25 school year. Winner seconded. There was discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

L. Approve Wellness Policy

Underhill moved to approve the Wellness Policy for 2024 - 2027. Winner seconded. There was discussion. Mrs. Sapsford, Ms. Chase, Mrs. Hergenhahn, Mrs. Worek, Mr. Hoffman, and Mr. Anderson all helped with this. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

M. Approve Board Meeting Dates

Winner moved to approve the 24-25 Board meeting dates. Callier seconded. There was discussion. They are same as this year except that the February meeting will be held at MJH. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.

N. Approve Transportation Salary Increases

Walker moved to approve a 4% hike in bus driver salaries. Underhill seconded. There was discussion. NHS has already approved this increase. Motion carried on roll call vote.

Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.

Nays: none.

Administrator/Committee Reports

A. Principal's Report

Ms. Chase gave the principal's report.

B. Superintendent's Report

Mrs. Turman gave the superintendent's report.

C. Committee Updates

1. Policy Committee - None

2. Building and Grounds Committee

They met, but there is no report.

3. Transportation Committee

Met on May 2. Drivers of the white bus do not need a CDL. NHS would like to purchase another white bus.

D. Miscellaneous - None

VI. Discussion Items

A. Cyber Insurance

Mrs. Turman presented a Cyber Attack insurance policy which she suggests we purchase.

B. Software Updates

A list of all our software licenses was presented.

C. IASB Joint Annual Conference

Registration is open. Who wants to go?

D. Property Survey

Mrs. Turman had both school properties surveyed and staked. There is much encroachment onto the grade school property. She discussed this with the attorney. The encroachment does not impose additional liability on the District. He is suggesting an easement agreement with the encroachers.

E. 2024-2025 Budget

The proposed 2024 - 2025 budget was presented.

F. Resolution to Expend Funds.

A resolution to allow the expenditure of funds from the new budget was presented. We will vote next month.

VII. Old Business/Agenda Recommendations - None

VIII. Executive Session - None

IX. Action as a Result of Executive Session - None

X. Board Member Comments - None

XI. Adjournment

Walker moved to adjourn. Winner seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried. Meeting is adjourned at 8:32 PM.
