
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole met Oct. 21

Webp 6

Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

Rick Whitecotton - Ward 4 Alderman | City of Sandwich | Facebook

City of Sandwich Committee of the Whole Oct. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order: Mayor Latham called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alderman Littlebrant

3. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Latham, City Clerk Ii, Aldermen Arnett, Erickson, Fritsch, Johnson, Kreinbrink, Littlebrant, Robinson & Whitecotton

Also present: City Administration Penman, Police Chief Senne & EMA Director Eberle Attorney Gottschalk arrived at 7:08 PM

Quorum established

4. Mayor’s Report read a statement (attached) offering solace in a time of misinformation and twisting of words encouraging council members and staff on the positivity of the work accomplished.

5. Attorney’s Report:

A. Update on Pending Litigation: Passed over and not re-addressed

B. Solar Field Termination Agreement Update: Passed over and not re-addressed

6. City Clerk Ii reported that on Wednesday, October 23rd, she is hosting the monthly meeting for the local chapter of MCI (Municipal Clerks of Illinois). She has reached out to the Opera House and Economic Director Alesky for assistance, and thanked them for going far beyond the call of duty. Most of the clerks will be coming from the Rockford area. With the assistance of the Opera House, and noting the time of year, a program has been planned called the “Hauntings of the Opera House” with a local paranormal investigator as narrator. She added that no tax dollars will be used toward the hosting and program.

Secondly, last week, Clerk Ii attended the annual MCI Institute and Academy in Bloomington. In attendance were 150 clerks for the training session with a record 45 new municipal clerks enrolled. Concluding this Academy, Clerk Ii announced she has met all the requirements for the Master Municipal Clerk certification and that she will be submitting her application.

7. Treasurer’s Report: Vacancy

8. City Administrator Penman’s report consisted of concerns with the mail service and tardy delivery of billings, an update on the wastewater plant regarding the digester switchover that is budgeted, Latham Street ditch issues, Dayton Street re-pavement issues, downtown street lighting project and hopes of receiving a grant to offset costs, and the Main Street project.

9. City Department’s Reports:

A. EMA Report – Tony Eberle reported that EMA participated in the YMCA Truck ‘n Treat, on October 25th, the organization will be attending the Chamber of Commerce Halloween event, on October 27th, they will be assisting Sycamore for their annual pumpkin festival, and on October 31st, will be assisting the police department in handing out candy for trick or treat.

B. Police Chief Senne shared highlights of the police department since the last council meeting:

• Events attended: Senator Sue Rezin presentation, high school football game, Lunch and Learn, Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting, Movie in the Park, and YMCA Truck ‘n Treat

• New laptops have been installed in all squads except one

• Thank you to Sergeants Eisenberg and Fasnacht for the implementation of the software and installation coordination with the new laptops

• Applications for officers deadline is November 1, 2024 at 5 PM

• Chief Senne will be visiting Officer Lundsteen at the Academy on Tuesday

• New squad car is in service

• Police Department Halloween Bash will be held on October 23rd from 5-7 PM

• Have begun extra traffic enforcement this month because of the received Traffic Grant. Under the grant, a DUI enforcement was conducted resulting in an arrest

• Shared the monthly report on calls, citations, and arrests

10. Council Reports:

Alderman Arnett reported the brush pickup has ended for the season, and leaf collection will start on Monday, October 28th.

Alderman Fritsch reported on the water softener for the Opera House saying his contact with Water Wagon was they do not handle commercial repairs. Rick Morphey, former building official, will inspect on Wednesday for a quote. He also said he was unable to locate an ordinance in the Municipal Code stating the mayor must work a 40-hour work week. Attorney Gottschalk believed this requirement was removed in the recodification of the Municipal Code. The ordinance in question was form 2004, but is not in the current Code.

Alderwoman Johnson will represent the City on Saturday for the Chamber of Commerce Halloween Walk and will be handing out candy.

Alderman Robinson questioned the timing of the street lights on Route 34 (Church Street) noting that traffic is moving east and west, but delayed running north and south. City Administrator Penman stated the timing is such that moving east and west traffic is a priority. He will try to get more information from IDOT to share with the Council.

Alderman Whitecotton asked the Council to consider rescinding the 20% late charge for a more affordable flat rate. City Administrator Penman referred the conversation to Clerk Ii who cited September numbers based on that billing: 950 invoices were mailed resulting in 100 late notices. Of the 144 late notices, 122 24-hour shutoff notices were delivered for non-payment. She currently has 22 payment plans in place, and have placed liens on two properties for defaulting on their payment plan. Mayor Latham said this was not information he was seeking, but rather what the late fees were prior to the 20% increase, what are the current late fees, what the average was then when compared to what the average bill is now, and that the City should look at what was collected in late fees on an annual basis before and after the implementation of the 20% fee. Alderwoman Johnson said the Council should also consider all the manhours on staff allowing for complaints, creating and collecting on payment plans, distributing shutoff notices, and all the steps involved in trying to collect on delinquent accounts. It was noted there are the habitual delinquent accounts, and would the administrative costs change whether it is a 20% late charge or a flat rate. Discussed previously was the concept of going to a monthly billing rather than quarterly that might ease the budgeting burden for homeowners, but might require upgrading of the office accounting software. City Administrator asked that the City Collector be allowed some latitude in waiving a late charge. Currently, Clerk Ii said it is a hard rule that no late charges are waived, and protests are referred to the respective aldermen or the mayor. Attorney Gottschalk offered to look at other municipalities for additional insight how their water bill delinquencies are handled.

11. Old Business

A. Latham Street Project: HLR (Hampton, Lanzini & Renwick) is seeking additional compensation for work completed on the Latham Street project. Attorney Gottschalk has reviewed the original agreement, and noted that a new exhibit was not attached to the recent billing showing a breakdown for the new compensation request. Use of IDOT (IL Department of Transportation) funds requires certain monetary formulas to be followed. She stated that without the revised exhibit, she cannot recommend the HLR request be paid. The cost was initially a lump sum bid amount that required a IDOT Resolution passed by the City authorizing cost on the project. Consensus was the City should not have to pay for additional hours on work that was done incorrectly and required additional attention.

12. New Business: None

13. Announcements: None

14. Audience Comments:

Colton Otto, local resident and mayoral candidate, spoke on different topics as time allowed. Under the solar farm array, he questioned if the contract purchased by a new company is legally binding. He said under Illinois law, lost costs are recoverable once proven by a breach of contract. He said a message needs to be made that Sandwich does not negotiate in bad faith.

Addressing the HLR contract requesting additional funding, Mr. Otto stated the apparent showmanship of poor planning and lack of financial oversight. He felt by payment of the over runs, creates a precedence the City is a scapegoat when a project goes awry. HLR has several upcoming projects, and by saying they will not work with the city unless the $62,525.00 is paid, is extortion. Mr. Colton stressed the need to work with companies that endorse transparency, display integrity, and project management.

Mr. Otto spoke on the lack of defined roles. The absence of clearly defined job descriptions is not just a bureaucratic issue, but one that debilitates the City’s efficiency and accountability. How can the City conduct performance reviews when staff does not know their role nor expectations?

Lastly, Mr. Otto spoke on aldermen notifications stressing the apparent lack of communication when the Council discover a job vacancy at the last minute. (note: audience comments timed out).

15. Adjournment: Alderwoman Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 PM. Alderwoman Johnson seconded. Motion carried unanimously via voice vote.
