
Kendall County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Plano City Council met Nov. 25

Webp 14

Plano City Mayor Mike Rennels | Mike Rennels Website

Plano City Mayor Mike Rennels | Mike Rennels Website

City of Plano City Council met Nov. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the Plano City Council was called to order on Monday, November 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., by Mayor Michael Rennels in the Council Room at City Hall. Mayor Rennels led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call:

Steve DeBolt Present John Fawver Present

Kathy Wickens Present Jamal Williams Absent

Tommy Johns Present Barb Nadeau Present

Scott Mulliner Present Mark Swoboda Present

There was a quorum.


A motion was made by Alderman Nadeau, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on November 12, 2024. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Alderman Fawver, seconded by Alderman Nadeau, to approve the agenda for the regular meeting of November 25, 2024. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed.


A motion was made by Alderman Wickens, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated November 14, 2024 in the amount of $173.00.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Wickens, Fawver, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau, Swoboda

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Williams

Motion passed.

A motion was made by Alderman Wickens, seconded by Alderman Fawver, to accept the report of the Finance Committee and that orders are drawn on the Treasury to pay per warrant list dated November 25, 2024 in the amount of $132,376.54.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Wickens, Fawver, DeBolt, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau, Swoboda

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Williams

Motion passed.



Guests and members of the press were welcomed by Mayor Rennels.


MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Rennels

Mayor Rennels stated there will be one Council and COW meeting in December. He said Rockin’ Christmas is December 6th, at the Depot and throughout town.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: Martin Shanahan Jr.-absent

PLANO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Tiffany Forristall-absent

Alderman Nadeau said the Chamber is having a bowling night on January 25, 2025.


Ordinance #2024-36- An ordinance for a special use for B-3 above first floor residential; 4 W. Main St. A motion was made by Alderman Mulliner, seconded by Alderman DeBolt, to approve an ordinance granting a special use for B-3 above first floor residential; IK Main Property LLC, Owner; Iwona and Krzysztof Wyszynski, applicants; property address: 4 W. Main Street, Plano, Illinois, 60545.

Alderman Johns asked if these would be one- or two-bedroom apartments. There will be one of each. Alderman Nadeau asked if historically, there were apartments there, then used as office space, and now turning it back into apartments. Jeff Sobotka said yes, the apartment structure remained when the spaces were turned into offices.

Alderman Johns asked if this is in sync with the comprehensive plan, and Jeff said yes. Alderman Wickens asked if this is a three-story building. Jeff said it is a two-story one. Alderman Johns asked if parking will be an issue. Jeff stated they are being asked to vote only on the above first-floor residential special use. Parking will be discussed at tonight’s COW meeting. Mayor Rennels said this is like the old hotel issue that was recently approved.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: Mulliner, DeBolt, Fawver, Johns, Nadeau, Swoboda, Wickens

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Williams

Motion passed.

Resolution #2024-34 A resolution for an agreement with Kendall County for demand-response transportation

A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to approve a resolution authorizing execution of a service agreement between Kendall County and City of Plano for the provision of demand-response transportation.

Attorney Thomas said this was discussed at the last COW meeting. Currently, there is an informal agreement, and this would formalize the agreement. Plano would make bi-annual payments totaling $24,250.00.

Alderman Nadeau said she remembers being a WSPY reporter with the first annual agreement of $10,000.00. She was an employee of the Voluntary Action Center for 5.5 years, retired from there in February, and she has no financial interest in KAT but feels it is valuable.

Alderman Mulliner asked if this would be a three-year agreement at this cost. Mayor Rennels said yes.

Roll Call:

Voting “Aye”: DeBolt, Swoboda, Fawver, Johns, Mulliner, Nadeau, Wickens

Voting “Nay”:

Absent: Williams

Motion passed.

CITY CLERK’S REPORT: Carin Martin, Deputy Clerk

Sales and related taxes for September 2024 are in the amount of $235,558.44.

The current unobligated MFT balance for September 2024 is in the amount of $1,668,334.50.

The one Council and COW meeting for December is on December 9, 2024.


Zoila wished all a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving.


Chief Allison echoed Zoila’s sentiment. He said Officer Quill will be released to solo patrol on December 1st. He stated that donors have raised $200.00, so four families will receive $50.00 gift cards. Shop with a Cop will be on December 16, 2024. $2,000.00 has been raised to put towards these families.

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: D. Boyer-absent, J. Beyer-absent, K. Tisberger

Karl said the holiday lights will all be up next week. The last leaf pick-up will be next week. This is Del Noss’ last week as it is close to his retirement date. Mayor Rennels said Del has been a locator and has a wealth of knowledge.


Jeff said there was a special Plan Commission meeting on November 18, 2024. It was the first update meeting with Teska regarding the comprehensive plan.


ADMINISTRATIVE/HEALTH & SAFETY: Alderman Mulliner-nothing

BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND ZONING: Alderman Williams-absent

Alderman Fawver called a meeting for December 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to review the solar ordinance.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Alderman Fawver-nothing

FINANCE: Alderman Wickens

Alderman Wickens called a meeting for December 9, 2024 at 5:15 p.m.

PARKS: Alderman Johns

Alderman Johns said there will be a spring ribbon cutting for Ray Niles Park. All water fountains and dog park spigots have been turned off. Eagle Scout candidate Aiden Joshko meet with Aldermen Johns and Nadeau regarding his Eagle Scout project of two gaga ball pits to hopefully be done in early spring. Alderman Johns will talk to Kelly from Arts on Fire and Karl Tisberger regarding the decorated benches that are fading and chipped. He hopes to do work from the parks survey in the spring before budget time. He would like to promote the Memorial Park brick applications.

PERSONNEL & INSURANCE: Alderman Swoboda-nothing

SPECIAL EVENTS: Alderman Nadeau

Alderman Nadeau said Rockin’ Christmas is December 6, 2024. Anyone wanting to be in the parade should be at Plano High School at 6:00 p.m. for the line-up. Starting at 6:30 p.m., at the Depot, there will be music, a lighting ceremony, cookies and cocoa, awards, and more. All of these activities are a labor of love to help those in need.

STREETS & UTILITIES: Alderman DeBolt-nothing


Barb Petry spoke of the commitment of public servantsto God, roots grow from seedslike spiritual roots grow from the founding fathers seeds, and our nation belongs to the great farmer God. CLOSED SESSION: none


A motion was made by Alderman DeBolt, seconded by Alderman Swoboda, to adjourn. A unanimous “Aye” voice vote was heard. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
