
Kendall County Times

Sunday, March 9, 2025

City of Yorkville City Council met Jan. 28

Webp 19

Daniel V. Transier, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

Daniel V. Transier, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Yorkville, IL Website

City of Yorkville City Council met Jan. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Purcell called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.


City Clerk Behland called the roll.

Ward I Koch Present

Transier Present

Ward 11 Plocher Present

Soling Present

Ward III Funkhouser Present

Marek Present

Ward IV Tarulis Present

Corneils Present (electronic attendance)

Staff in attendance at City Hall: City Administrator Olson, City Clerk Behland, Chief of Police Jensen, Attorney Castaldo, Public Works Director Dhuse, Community Development Director Barksdale- Noble, Finance Director Fredrickson, Parks and Recreation Director Evans, Assistant City Administrator Willrett, EEI Engineer Sanderson, Senior Planner David Hansen, and Assistant Public Works Director John Sleezer.

Members ofthe public were able to attend this meeting in person as well as being able to access the meeting remotely via Zoom which allowed for video, audio, and telephonic participation.

A meeting notice was posted on the City' s website on the agenda, minutes, and packets webpage with instructions regarding remote meeting access and a link was included for the public to participate in the meeting remotely: https:// us02web. zoom. us/ i/ 87213676781? pwd= bU81asiJ4Hagv28kOGOzMbnxxVcEwE. 1. The Zoom meeting ID was 872 1367 6781.


A quorum was established.




Introduction of New Community Development

Employee— David Hansen, Senior Planner

Community Development Director Barksdale- Noble introduced David Hansen as the new Senior Planner.

Introduction of Public Work Employee— John Sleezer,

Assistant Director of Public Works

Public Works Director Dhuse thanked the Council for approving the creation of the new Assistant Director of Public Works position. He then congratulated John Sleezer on his new role and thanked him for 30 years of service with the City.




Mike Krempski, a Yorkville resident, reported that Kendall Township voted against Ament Solar Farm. Then, the County' s regional planning commission also voted against this. People within Kendall Township are not enthusiastic about seeing this come in.

John Vose, a resident of Heartland Circle in Yorkville, commented on the Costco Development. He shared that their only access to 34 is on McHugh. Anything that affects 34 and McHugh is going to affect his family. He is also concerned about the walking path in the area and additional traffic coming in. He wants to ensure adequate safety concerns are resolved about the crossings now. He would like to see mitigation before someone gets hurt, not after. He also mentioned that 70 gas pumps are overkill.


l. Bill Payments for Approval

$ 3, 099, 206. 07 ( vendors)

$     435, 615. 01 ( payroll period ending 01/ 17/ 25)

$ 3, 534, 821. 08 ( total)

2. Water Reports for August 2024— December 2024 (PW 2025- 02)

3. Resolution 2025- 13 Approving a Change Order Relating to the 2024 Local Road Program— authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute (PW 2025- 05)

4. Resolution 2025- 14 Approving the Release of a Performance Guarantee Bond Related to Grande Reserve Unit 20— authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute ( PW 2025- 06)

5. Ordinance 2025- 11 Amending the Traffic Schedule and Index( Matlock Drive and Berrywood Lane)— authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute( PW 2025- 08)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda. So moved by Alderman Tarulis; seconded by Alderman Plocher.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye



Fireworks Display Contract

(CC 2025- 05)

Resolution 2025- 15 a. Authorizing a Contract with Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions for the Purchase of Fireworks for a City- Sponsored Fireworks Display

Ordinance 2025- 12 b. Authorizing the Fourth Amendment to the Annual Budget of the United City of Yorkville, for the Fiscal Year Commencing on May 1, 2024 and Ending on April 30, 2025

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions for the Purchase of Fireworks for a City- Sponsored Fireworks Display and an Ordinance Authorizing the Fourth Amendment to the Annual Budget of the United City of Yorkville, for the Fiscal Year Commencing on May 1, 2024 and Ending on April 30, 2025 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Marek; seconded by Alderman Transier.

Alderman Funkhouser asked if the City plans to go out for bid next year for fireworks. Mayor Purcell said probably not, as next year is the 250th Fourth of July celebration, and they are already getting many requests. Mayor Purcell said that we would possibly go out to bid the following year. Alderman Funkhouser asked if we are doing one show this year, and Mayor Purcell said they might be able to do a second one but wanted to lock in for the Fourth of July.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye

Appointment to the Planning and

Zoning Commission— Chad Green

(CC 2025- 06)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve the Mayor' s appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term ending May 2026. So moved by Alderman Koch; seconded by Alderman Plocher.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier-aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye

Resolution Approving a Sales Tax Revenue Sharing Agreement (Costco Wholesale Corporation)

(CC 2025- 07)

City Administrator Olson shared that the incentive agreement wasn' t ready at packet creation. They hope to have it ready to vote at the February 11"' City Council meeting. The incentive agreement will generally be a sales tax- sharing agreement generated from Costco' s own sales. For the first six years ofthe agreement, they anticipate sharing . 75% of the City' s regular sales tax of l%. Then, in the next fourteen years, they would share . 5% out of the City' s regular sales tax of 1%. That incentive goes away and is caped out at$ 10 million of total incentive for the life of the agreement. If the$ 10 million is not met within those 20 years, the agreement will be extended for an additional 10 years. The City' s staff estimate, based on publicly available sales data from Costco, they believe the total incentive will be reached within 10 to 20 years. Costco does not warrant this estimate and did not participate in that estimate. City Administrator Olson then reviewed past incentive agreements the City approved for reference. Alderman Funkhouser asked ifthere were any projections on what the City could see on the sales tax numbers, which City Administrator Olson stated that based on available data if Costco hit the average of its annual sales, the City would see around $ 700, 000. Mayor Purcell said the goal is to vote on this in two weeks.


Resolution 2025- 16 Authorizing the Purchase of 500 Replacement Water Meters in an Amount Not to Exceed$ 130, 000

(PW 2025- 07)

Alderman Koch made a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of 500 Replacement Water Meters in an Amount Not to Exceed $ 130, 000 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Soling.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye

Resolution 2025- 17 Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (Route 47 Utility Relocation— Carpenter St. to Waterpark Way)

(PW 2025- 09)

Alderman Koch made a motion to approve a Resolution Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. ( Route 47 Utility Relocation— Carpenter St. to Waterpark Way) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Tarulis.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye

Resolution 2025- 18 Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (Whispering Meadows Storm

Sewer— Design Engineering Agreement)

(PW 2025- 10)

Alderman Koch made a motion to approve a Resolution Approving an Engineering Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. ( Whispering Meadows Storm Sewer— Design Engineering Agreement) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Alderman Marek.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye


No report.


No report.


No report.


Mini Golf FUN Raiser

Parks and Recreation Director Evans announced that the Mini Golf FUN Raiser will be held at the library on Sunday, February 2, 2025, from 10: 00 a. m. to 4: 00 p. m. The cost is$ 5.00 per golfer.


Kendall County Petition 24- 30— 1. 5 Mile Review

South of 9949 and 10021 Ament Road)

(PZC 2024- 30 & EDC 2024- 07)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to table until the February 11, 2025 City Council meeting. So moved by Alderman Koch; seconded by Alderman Soling.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye


(PZC 2024- 33 & EDC 2025- 10)

Ordinance 2025- 13 a. Approving an Amendment to a Planned Unit Development for Yorkville Crossing

(Costco Wholesale Corporation)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to a Planned Unit Development for Yorkville Crossing( Costco Wholesale Corporation) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Koch; seconded by Alderman Marek.

Stephen Cross, Costco' s Real Estate and Development Director, stated that Larry Dziurdzik, a Real Estate Representative; Dan Free, a Civil Engineer; Peter Reinhofer, a Traffic Consultant; Risa Yuki, an MG2 Architect; and Amanda McAbee, a Project Landscape Architect, will be present tonight for any questions. Larry Dziurdzik gave a brief presentation to the City Council ( see attached).

Alderman Koch asked about the trail system that is currently in place and asked if it will stay in place, to which Mr. Dziurdzik said yes, they are providing a connection from the front of the building through their parking lot to that trail system. Alderman Funkhouser asked about the traffic mitigation and traffic study. Peter Reinhofer stated they did the traffic study, and there were a couple of impacts. They have proposals for the light timing to mitigate those impacts. There are also multiple proposals for turning lanes in the area, which they are working on with 1DOT. Alderman Funkhouser acknowledged and thanked them for the changes they made based on his feedback. He would still like more masonry on top of the added increase.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Corneils- aye, Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye

Ordinance 2025- 14 b. Approving a Special Use Permit Allowing the Operation of a Gasoline Service Station on Certain Territory Located at the Southeast Corner of East Countryside Parkway and McHugh Road, Yorkville, Illinois (Costco Wholesale Corporation)

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit Allowing the Operation of a Gasoline Service Station on Certain Territory Located at the Southeast Corner of East Countryside Parkway and McHugh Road, Yorkville, Illinois( Costco Wholesale Corporation) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Plocher; seconded by Alderman Transier.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Koch- aye, Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye

Ordinance 2025- 15 

c. Approving the Final Plat of Subdivisions for Costco Wholesale

Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to approve an Ordinance Approving the Final Plat of Subdivisions for Costco Wholesale and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. So moved by Alderman Tarulis; seconded by Alderman Koch.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 8 Nays- 0

Plocher- aye, Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- aye, Koch- aye,


No report.


No report.


No report.


No report.

MAYOR' S REPORT( cont' d)

Public Works and Parks Department

Facility Update

(CC 2025- 08)

No update.

Lake Michigan Water

Project Update

(2025- 09)

City Administrator Olson reported that the federal government released a memo freezing some discretionary loans and grants last evening. According to the executive order, the WIFIA and IEPA loans are federally backed and could be in jeopardy. There is a possibility of a temporary freeze on these funds, but they believe it won' t impact the City' s timeline as closing isn' t planned until September. Staff will keep monitoring and updating as needed.




Mike Krempski, a Yorkville resident, asked the Council to consider Consume Cannabis' s newly proposed location next to Jewel. Mr. Krempski said he does not believe it is an appropriate location. He asked the Council to look at it from the view of the residents who live nearby and the entire community.


Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to go into executive session for litigation, when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.

So moved by Alderman Marek; seconded by Alderman Soling.

Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes- 6 Nays- 1 Abstain- I

Funkhouser- aye, Tarulis- aye, Transier- aye, Soling- aye, Marek- aye, Corneils- abstain, Koch- aye, Plocher- nay


Mayor Purcell entertained a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting. So moved by Alderman Funkhouser; seconded by Alderman Koch.

Motion unanimously approved by a viva voce vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8: 16 p. m.




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