Yorkville Public Library Board met May 8.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Russ Walter and a quorum was established.
Roll Call:
Darren Crawford-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Carol LaChance-yes, Susan Chacon-yes, Wamecca Rodriguezyes
Absent: Jason Hedman, Kate Elder, Krista Danis, Theron Garcia
Others Present:
Michelle Pfister, Library Director
Rob Fredrickson, Finance Director
Tom Lindblom, Consultant for Painting of Library
Sue Smithmeyer, President, Friends of the Library
Shelley Augustine, Director of Adult Services
Dixie DeBord, Director of Technical Services
Recognition of Visitors: President Walter recognized the guests.
Amendments to the Agenda:
Mr. Walter asked to move forward the Painting Bid after Staff Comment.
Minutes: April 10, 2017
Ms. LaChance moved and Mr. Crawford seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented.
Unanimous voice vote approval.
Public Comment: (out of sequence)
Ms. Smithmeyer presented invitiations for Ms. Pfister's retirement open house.
Ms. Pfister said a letter was received from the Secretary of State notifying the library of the per capita
grant award in the amount of $13,138.14. Last year the money was not received until June.
Staff Comment: None
Unfinished Business: (out of sequence)
Painting Bid for Building
Mr. Lindblom said five bids were received and were opened on April 18. BP&T Co. of Mt. Prospect
was the low bidder at $25,800. He asked the winning bidder for references and evaluated the
responses. He suggested a pre-construction meeting be scheduled in the coming week to discuss
bonding, insurance, work hours, storage of equipment, prevailing wage, etc. Mr. Walter made a motion
to approve the lowest qualified painting bid of $25,800 submitted by BP&T. Ms. Rodriguez seconded
the motion.
Roll call: Walter-yes, LaChance-yes, Chacon-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Crawford-yes. Passed 5-0.
Report of the Treasurer:
President Walter presented the highlights.
Check Register
A recent water test was a state requirement, fire extinguishers were tested, there were 2 payroll periods,
a large Trico bill for $2,915 will come next month.
Budget Report
Property taxes have all been received now, discussion of 9% corporate tax which comes from Illinois
corporations, State grant came in June of last year.
Cash Statement
Memorials and Gifts funds were used to pay for “Constant Contact” which provides the e-mail
newsletter. Mr. Walter noted there is ample money to pay for the painting and the bills.
Payment of Bills
Trustee LaChance moved to pay the bills as follows and Trustee Chacon seconded the motion:
$20,287.09 Accounts Payable
$35,644.48 Payroll
$55,931.57 Total
Roll call: LaChance-yes, Chacon-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Crawford-yes, Walter-yes. Carried 5-0.
Report of the Library Director:
1. Ms. Pfister presented the library statistics including 83 new patrons, 381 new items
2. Parks & Rec catalog has list of events for library
3. Ms. Pfister listed current programs offered, one teacher brought class to study at library
4. Personnel conducted schools tours and explained summer programs
5. Lego workshop held
6. Memorials for Kay Livingston and Jeaness Medin were received
7. Custodian fell, first time workman's comp is being used
City Council Liaison No report
Standing Committees: No report
New Business:
Director's Retirement
Appoint an Interim Director
President Walter said the Friends of the Library are having an open house on May 19 to honor Ms.
Pfister and City Council will honor retiring Board members on May 23. Ms. DeBord and Ms
Augustine will act as Co-Interim Directors until a permanent replacement is found. Mr. Walter made a
motion to formally appoint them and Ms. Chacon seconded the motion. Unanimous voice vote
approval. The Board will discuss compensation for the two co-directors at the next meeting.
The Board briefly discussed sample library director job descriptions. Ms. Willrett, Interim Assistant
City Administrator, also compiled a salary survey of directors in the area. The job will be posted in
several areas, including the RAILS website. Mr. Walter said former Board member Judy Somerlot is
willing to assist since she has extensive library experience and new Board member Krista Danis has her
Master's of Library Science. Ms. Rodriguez said the personnel committee should draft a job
description to present to the Board and the Board will decide the salary. President Walter encouraged
all trustees to participate in the selection process. It was also noted that someone serving on the Board
cannot also be the librarian.
State Report
A copy of the report was given to the City and one was retained for the library. It contains statistics for
the year. Ms. Pfister noted that former Board members Barb Johnson and Sandy Lindblom are named
on the report since they were still on the Board at the time.
5K Race Time Fee $750
President Walter said the committee has met and there is information in the packet. Race Time will
provide registration this year due to complaints about the registration process last year. They will
charge $450 for timing, clocks and setup and they will also handle credit card transaction charges. A
list of possible sponsors has been compiled, website has been created and information will be placed on
the library website. There will be three levels of sponsorship and three age groups. The race date is
September 2. Tim Evans of the Parks Department has offered his assistance and Ms. Rodriguez said
the YMS cross country will volunteer that day.
A motion was made by Ms. LaChance to approve a budget for race preparation not to exceed $750.
Ms. Chacon seconded and a roll call vote was taken: Chacon-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Crawford-yes,
Walter-yes, LaChance-yes. Passed 5-0.
The library will print advertising fliers and will include a QR code and link. The sponsorship deadline
is July 31st and Mr. Walter will be the point person.
Additional Business:
Mr. Walter said selection of Board officers must be made next month.
Executive Session: None
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:01pm on a motion by Ms.