
Kendall County Times

Sunday, November 24, 2024

City of Yorkville Library Board met March 12.


City of Yorkville Library Board met April 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by President Russ Walter, roll was called and a quorum was established.

Roll Call: Susan Chacon-present, Darren Crawford-present, Krista Danis-present, Theron Garcia-present, Jason Hedman-present, Carol LaChance-present, Wamecca Rodriquez-present, Russ Walter-present

Others Present:

Library Director Elisa Topper, Director of Adult Services Shelley Augustine, Circulation Manager Sharyl Iwanski, Youth Director Marianne Eberhardt, Alderman Chris Funkhouser

Recognition of Visitors: President Walter recognized the library staff and guest.

Amendments to the Agenda:

President Walter said the 5K race would be removed from the agenda since it will not be held this year.

Minutes: February 12, 2018

Ms. LaChance moved and Ms. Garcia seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented.

Approved unanimously by voice vote.


Board members received Statement of Economic Interest letters from the County and Mr. Walter reminded all to complete and turn them in by May.

Ms. Topper said she received an email from a patron commending Customer Service in Circulation.

Public Comment: None

Staff Comment:

Ms. Augustine reported a patron wished to donate Catholic Worker magazine. Ms. Augustine told her the library budget does not allow for purchase of other religious magazines to represent all religions fairly. The patron responded with a positive letter.

Ms. Topper said that new “religious fiction” labels have been placed on the appropriate books.

Report of the Treasurer:

Ms. Chacon presented the report. She said the budget is where it is expected to be at this time and noted that Repairs and Maintenance continues to be over-budget. The library received 207.5% of development fees. A $200 reduction was given on the recently replaced fire panel, said Ms. Topper.

Mr. Hedman reminded the Board that the fire panel expense should be reclassed to development fees and Ms. Topper will notify the city to make this change.

Payment of Bills

A motion was made and seconded by Trustees Hedman and LaChance, respectively, to pay the bills as follows:

$23,077 Accounts Payable

$36,022 Payroll

$59,099 TOTAL

Roll call: Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes. Motion carried 8-0

Report of the Library Director: 1. Ms. Augustine made a You Tube video of the mini golf event.

2. Ms. Topper attended a quarterly meeting of library facility managers, which will share a network of people who can share information on vendors.

3. New fire panel installed at cost of $4,000, also did inspection.

4. Elevator inspection to be set up for next month.

5. Ongoing hot water issue in new part of building, water is brown and has odor. A patron/engineer suggested a solution of raising the water heater temperature and some improvement has been noticed. Disassembly and bleaching may also be needed.

6. Repair was made to sink.

7. Library was recently short-staffed so Ms. Topper filled in, she will also be on the April Sunday rotation.

City Council Liaison No report

Standing Committees:

To be discussed under New Business.

Unfinished Business:

Update on the Inter-governmental Agreement

Ms. Topper said the Administration Committee will meet next week to discuss the agreement and she will contact Mr. Olson for an update. Mr. Walter reported that he advised Tim Evans the 5K run would not be held. A co-op fundraiser was suggested by Mr. Evans for a future city event with possible dates of Fourth of July or Hometown Days. Mr. Evans will contact library staff regarding space needs.

Update on Parking Lot Lights/Plumbing Issues

The city has repaired the light, but parts are on order for a remaining flickering issue. Ms. Topper sent

Mr. Olson an email to ask if the city will charge for this repair so it can be budgeted.

New Library Cards

The new library cards were presented; white cards for residents and blue for non-residents. The Library will be marketing the cards to the Bristol area. Ms. Topper thanked staff members and Sharyl for help with the new design. New scanners will be needed to read the cards. Ms. Iwanski noted that there are smaller cards for key chains for convenience. The cost for cards was $800.

New Business:

Approve ALA Conference-June 2018

Ms. Topper requested approval to attend the ALA conference in New Orleans. She said free books are given out, there is a technology exhibit and she was asked to be a panel participant. She reported on the airfare and other costs and said she would keep costs as low as possible. She spoke with Rob Fredrickson about bridging the expenses over 2 years. Additional money was requested for this line item so that other staff members can attend conferences as well. Mr. Hedman said it's important for staff to learn and grow and made a motion to approve Ms. Topper 's attendance at the annual 2018 conference. He also asked for a summary of the conference and said registration should be done now to save money. Mr. Crawford seconded the motion and roll was called.

Crawford-yes, Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes,

Chacon-yes. Motion carried 8-0.

Approve Budget for 2018/2019

The Board reviewed the changes made to the budget. Increases in the budget were made for Training & Conferences, Publishing and Advertising, library card revenue, employee recognition, legal services and Repairs/Maintenance were split. Ms. Chacon said this year's budget will come in under the projected deficit amount. President Walter reminded the Board that development fees and the Friend's Group have greatly helped with expenses. A revised budget will be brought to the April Board meeting for approval. There was also discussion regarding the ALA conference expenses and spreading the cost over two budgets.

Executive Session:

At approximately 7:48pm, Ms. Garcia made a motion to move into Executive Session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body, or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Ms. Chacon seconded the motion. Roll call: Danis-yes, Garcia-yes, Hedman-yes, LaChance-yes, Rodriguez-yes, Walter-yes, Chaconyes, Crawford-yes. Motion carried 8-0

The Session concluded at 8:04pm on a motion by Ms. Chacon and second by Ms. Rodriguez.

New Business cont.

Following the Executive Session, the Board scheduled a strategic planning meeting on Tuesday, April 10th from 6-8pm.

Additional Business: None


There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 8:06pm on a motion by Ms. Garcia and second by Ms. Rodriguez.
