City of Yorkville Administration Committee met March 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Note: This meeting was held in accordance with Public Act 101-0640 and Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation issued by Governor Pritzker pursuant to the powers vested in the Governor under the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act. This allows remote attendance for this meeting to encourage social distancing due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Committee Members In Attendance:
Chairman Chris Funkhouser/in-person
Alderman Jason Peterson/remote
Alderman Dan Transier/remote
Alderman Joe Plocher/remote
Other City Officials In Attendance:
City Administrator Bart Olson/in-person
Assistant City Administrator Erin Willrett/remote
Finance Director Rob Fredrickson/in-person
Alderman Ken Koch/in-person
Others in Attendance: None
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Chris Funkhouser. He reviewed the meeting protocol since the pandemic is still ongoing and he announced who was present in-person and electronically.
Citizen Comments: None
Minutes for Correction/Approval: February 17, 2021
The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business:
1. ADM 2021-12 Budget Report for February 2021
Mr. Olson said the Christmas sales figures will be reflected in next month's report and they are up about 15% over last year. The income tax and use tax will also be on the next report and are up about 20%. Strong state revenues are also being reported.
2. ADM 2021-13 Treasurer's Report for February 2021
Finance Director Fredrickson reported the following:
Beginning Fund Balance: $12,703,923
YTD Revenue: $28,917,537
YTD Expenses $27,167,598
Projected Ending Fund Balance: $14,453,862
This report moves to the consent agenda.
3. ADM 2021-14 Cash Statement for July 2020
Mr. Fredrickson said this is info. Though the reports are still slightly lagging due to an employee resignation, staff is working on bringing the reports up-to-date.
4. ADM 2021-15 Website Report for February 2021
Assistant Administrator Erin Willrett reported the website activity is trending similar to last year at this time and she said spring recreation programs drive traffic to the site. Social media was down slightly and time spent on the website is about 2 minutes.
5. ADM 2021-16 Insurance Renewals for FY 2022
Mr. Fredrickson said the insurance broker was able to reduce the costs by 4.66% for a savings of $62,000 overall for the city. He said dental insurance will be switched to Blue Cross Blue Shield and a discount of $7,500 will be applied since the city will purchase both dental and health insurance. The vision insurance will stay with Dearborn National. Chairman Funkhouser thanked Mr. Fredrickson and the insurance broker for overseeing the renewals and saving money for the city. This item moves to the City Council under the Administration Committee.
6. ADM 2021-17 Water, Sewer and Road Infrastructure Fee Renewal Mr. Fredrickson discussed the sunset clause on the road, sewer and water infrastructure fees. Chairman Funkhouser asked if it's possible to reduce the road and water fees. Mr. Olson recommended maintaining an inflationary rate or leave as is. He said debt service will soon end and the city can then build the Fund Balance. The committee was OK with asking staff to look at a reduction for now or in the next 2 years. This should be done prior to the April 30th sunset clause. Mr. Olson will do an analysis and this matter will be discussed at the next City Council meeting.
Old Business:
1. ADM 2021-10 City Council Email Policy
Administrator Olson referred to a memo from City Attorney Kathleen Orr regarding the impact of Aldermen switching from private email to city email. If the switch is made to city email, the city will pay for it, emails will be archived and FOIA requests can be made for the email.
Alderman Peterson considered the liability aspect, impact of possible data breach, archiving rules and also inquired about forwarded email. Alderman Transier asked what happens to private accounts if the July 1st switch is made. Private email is not archived nor is it able to have a FOIA request, said Mr. Olson. Alderman Plocher commented that he prefers the present system. Chairman Funkhouser asked if there might be a transparency issue, but said he simply wants to insure the city is compliant with the state law. After this discussion, the committee decided to continue with the private email, but they can switch if so desired.
2. ADM 2021-11 City Meetings Streaming Policy
Mr. Olson said the schools contacted him regarding a consortium or possible partnership for videotaping city meetings. He hopes to have a discussion with them soon, so this will be brought back to committee for further discussion.
New Business cont. item out of sequence
7. ADM 2021-18 Budget Discussion FY 22 and FY 21 Surplus (out of sequence) Mr. Olson said he was generally OK with the Public Works component, but had a question on the sealcoater. He also recommended moving forward with the the vehicle purchases as it is part of a cooperative. The committee talked about the big Public Works truck, some of which are being rehabbed. He also received feedback from Tim Evans for a vehicle purchase which he will review prior to the Tuesday meeting. Parks and Recreation vehicles are needed, but Mr. Evans was OK with the Council making that decision. It is not known if these purchases will be rolled into the budget or done through a budget amendment.
Chairman Funkhouser said most of these purchases can come from the $2.2 million surplus budget with the biggest needs being the large trucks and police squads. Alderman Koch asked about the impact of delaying the purchase until the next budget and if there had ever been a surplus before. Mr. Fredrickson said if the funds are rolled over into 2022, they would carry over into the Fund Balance.
Mr. Olson noted that $780,000 that had been received from the federal and state governments were used to offset police costs.
The committee decided to move this discussion to the City Council along with the budget amendment and proposal.
Additional Business: None
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:42pm