Newark Community Consolidated School District 66 Board of Education met Aug. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order/Moment of Silence/Pledge
The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:35 PM on August 14, 2023 by President Fordyce at Newark Grade School.
II. Roll Call
For those members who attend remotely an indication will made in the roll call.
Callier present, Davis present, Fordyce present, Hopkins present, Underhill present, Walker present, Winner present.
III. Audience Participation
A. Public Comment - None
B. Recognitions
Jake Van Pelt, Joey Matrin, Dean Britt, Kelli Snyder, and Wyatt Urton for the great job they did on the summer cleanups of the buildings, Mary Compton for filling for Dean when he was out, Lisa Snyder for the flowers and landscaping, and President Fordyce added Mrs. Turman and Ms. Chase for their oversight of the summer maintenance.
IV. Action Items
A Consent Agenda maquiav
1. Regular Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2023
Walker moved to approve all items on the consent agenda as presented. Underhill seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.
B. Approval of Bills Payable for July 2023.
Winner moved to approve the bills payable for July 2023. Hopkins seconded. There was no discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.
Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.
Nays: none.
C. Approval of Financials for August.
Underhill moved to approve the financials for the month of August. Walker seconded. There was no discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.
Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.
Nays: none.
D. Personnel
1. Hire Tricia Marvin – NGS Lunch Aide
2. Hire Chris Kath - Soccer Coach
Winner moved to approve the personnel recommendations as presented. Callier seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.
Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.
Nays: none.
E. Approve 2nd Reading Policy Updates
Walker moved to approve the second reading of the Policy Updates 112. Winner seconded. There was discussion. These were mostly 5 year reviews and reference updates. Nothing of any real significance. On the Mapquestion there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.
F, Approve 2nd Reading of 2023 – 2024 Budget with
Walker moved to approve the second reading of the 2023-2024 budget. Winner seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.
Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.
Nays: none.
G. Approve Bus Driver Pay Increases
Winner moved to approve a $5 increase in the MJH athletic drop off bus driver pay. Underhill seconded. There was discussion. The high school already approved a 4% increase for drivers. This increase is a request for a $5 increase for the MJH athletic bus drop off only. Motion carried on roll call vote.
Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.
Nays: none.
V. Administrator/Committee Reports
A. Principal's Report
Ms. Chase gave the principal's report.
B. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Turman gave the superintendent's report.
C. Committee Updates
1. Policy Committee
President Fordyce has appointed Davis, Hopkins, and Winner to the policy committee. The committee met just prior the regular board meeting to discuss Policy Updates 112.
2. Building and Grounds Committee
President Fordyce has appointed Callier and Walker to the B & G Committee. They will meet at 6:00PM just prior to the September board meeting.
3. Transportation Committee
President Fordyce appointed Underhill to the Transportation Committee. The committee had no report.
D. Miscellaneous - None
VI. Discussion Items
A. Triple I Conference
We are staying at the Sheridan.
B. Project Updates
Final walkthrough for the vestibule projects was Aug 9th
C. Nurse Retirement/Replacement
Mrs. Sapsford is retiring in January. Lindsay Ammenhauser, substitute nurse for the last 1 1⁄2 years, was offered the job but did not accept. Mrs. Turman will post the position and hire a replacement.
D. Agenda Protocols
Fordyce presented and discussed Board protocols for conducting meetings, setting the agenda, and being in the building.
E. Admin Goals
Ms. Chase and Mrs. Turman will present their goals to the Board next month.
VII. Old Business/Agenda Recommendations - None
VIII. Executive Session
Underhill moved to go into executive session to discuss confidential personnel matters. Winner seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried at 7:24PM. The Chair ordered a short recess before going into executive session.
IX. Action as a Result of Executive Session
A. Hire Pamela Rowe
Underhill moved to hire Pamela Rowe as part time music teacher for K-4. Winner seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.
Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker, Winner.
Nays: none.
B. Hire Jamie Winner
Hopkins moved to hire Jamie Winner as part time art teacher for K-4. Callier seconded. There was discussion. Motion carried on roll call vote.
Ayes: Callier, Davis, Fordyce, Hopkins, Underhill, Walker.
Nays: none.
Abstain: Winner
X. Board Member Comments - None
XI. Adjournment
Winner moved to adjourn. Walker seconded. There was no discussion. On the question there were 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried. Meeting is adjourned at 8:05 PM.